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TheDeuce 11-20-2005 06:55 PM

RE: And the bad play continues
Shut up

CheramieIII 11-20-2005 07:11 PM

RE: And the bad play continues
You know BOB it should be a very good indication that you have worn out your welcome, especially when you post something and all you get is "shut up".

Now do like the man says and SHUT UP.

TheGambler 11-20-2005 08:04 PM

I said a long time ago that I was sick of all the Jake crotch-riding.................however, the fact is, they are 7-3 and we are 2-8. Nitpicking on Jakes 3rd loss this season is not particularly wise whenever they still lead the division, and quite frankly, are an odds-on favorite to at least be in the NFC championship game...

LordOfEntropy 11-20-2005 08:40 PM

Good point.

papz 11-20-2005 08:47 PM

I cannot believe I'm saying this but I absolutely agree with TheGambler. Please give it a rest already.

TheGambler 11-20-2005 08:53 PM

Also I didn't notice this the first time............but directly calling out SaintsWhodi is equal as immature, if not moreso, than anything he's ever hurled at you.

And again....we're talking about a QB of a 7-3 team here......geez...

papz 11-20-2005 08:56 PM

Let's stop while you're ahead. 8)

saintswhodi 11-21-2005 05:21 PM


A convo last week:


A QB, that throws a pick to give the other team the win, that has not gotten any better in decision making, that his team takes the ball out of his hands and he regularly has under 200 yard games which may account for his stellar rating because his team won't let him throw the ball.

And what does passing for less than 200 yards have to do with anything? I bet Kyle Orton passes for under two hundred yards every week, and the Bears still win. So what? that's no point at all. The mighty Aaron Brooks has passed for under 200 yards 6 times this season. SIX OUTOF NINE GAMES!! Delhomme has only done it twice. On 40 less attempts he has more yards and TDs than Aaron Brooks.
After BOB posts stats from 2 out of 9 games for his regularly under 200 yards point, me:

What's your point again? you said this(about the under 200 yards regularly explaing Jake's rating), and now can't back it up. What is regularly, 2 out of nine games? I think for soem reasonwhen you watch the Saints play, you see Delhomme instead of Brooks.
BOB's response:

Slightly over embarassment. 11/18 for 216 yards and a TD.

Two out of 9 games under 200 yards, as opposed to 6 out of 9 games under 200 yards. I killed you with your own BS stat. You are too funny.
BOB, posting another game over 200 yards, killing his own words:

More embarassment.

15/25 for 236yards and 2TD'S/3INTS.

Wait, that is NOT UNDER 200 YARDS, like you said happened REGULARLY. Do you realize the more you post stats over 200 yards, the dumber you look? Nope, I don't think you realize, whichmakes it even funnier. By all means, continue. LMAO!!!
BOB again killing his own words:

18/29 for 243yards 2TD'S/1INT.

Wait, so I am about to kill this stupidity once and for all: If those stats are embarrassing for Jake, and he has twice as many TDs and LESS INTs than AB, who is really getting embarrassed by you posting that? You're done.

IN OTHER WORDS this explains the high passer rating, his team refuses to let him throw it much.

But before it was:

he regularly has under 200 yard games which may account for his stellar rating because his team won't let him throw the ball
LMAO!! It is nice you called Jake's rating stellar though.


So you can't back that up(the 200 yard thing), and you try another tact. Okay. If his team refuses to let him throw much, why does he have more yards and TD s than AB on a team that is 11 spots worse rushing the ball? Care to explain? LMAO!!!

defense...nuff said

The Panthers DEFENSE allows Jake to throw more TDs and less INTs on less attempts? With more yards? Their defense???????? Are you really this dumb?

After that, run for a week and pray AB has a better game than Jake, playing against the 31st ranked pass D as opposed to one of the top defenses in the league. And this was after hardly posting for three weeks cause Jake was playing great, as opposed to AB's normal crap.


TheGambler 11-21-2005 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
The QB of a 7-3 team, right that's the point. This guy plays horrible weekend and week-out and his team still wins. Now you want to acknowledge the 7-3 as if he contributed to each victory, as if he gave the franchise those.

When in fact those 7 wins were achieved despite him, and the point i've always made is if that team can win despite what their QB does why can't ours? Like every other normal NFL Team does, win even when their QB stinks up the joint...

So the finger point of the Cajun God was made because of what a certain individual did this entire offseason on this forum day in day out 24/7...The fluke, was shown as a fluke a long time ago, and is being proven with every passing sunday, no more talk did the Saints make the right call anymore...

You're actually reinforcing a point that I made in an another thread. Put Aaron Brooks in the right situation, and he will flourish just as much as Delhomme did in 2003, and just as much as Jake Plummer is doing this year in Denver. When they aren't in the right situation, well, we've seen what Plummer can do, we've seen Brooks throw a pass backwards, and we've seen Delhomme start overcompensating and committing turnovers also.

Delhomme has played quite well in several games this year, but he has also struggled in others. The beauty of it for the Panthers, however, is that the team is solid enough to overcome his "off-days". Unfortunately, if Brooks is playing shaky, there's hardly ever any complete confidence that the defense can force a turnover or keep the team from scoring (yesterday was an exception to this.....the D actually responded in the 4th qtr and helped us stay in the game till the end). That leaves Brooks more wide-open to criticism, beacuse if he throws 0 TDs and 2 Interceptions, and the Saints win 24-3, then people aren't gonna say much. However, if Brooks throws 3 TDs and 2 interceptions, and the Saints lose 30-21, then all of a sudden Brooks "turns the ball over too much" and "doesn't possess the skillls to take us to the next step".

lynwood 11-21-2005 06:58 PM

Sorry, bout getting here a little late. Now SHUT UP.

Tobias-Reiper 11-21-2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
The QB of a 7-3 team, right that's the point. This guy plays horrible weekend and week-out and his team still wins. Now you want to acknowledge the 7-3 as if he contributed to each victory, as if he gave the franchise those.

When in fact those 7 wins were achieved despite him, and the point i've always made is if that team can win despite what their QB does why can't ours? Like every other normal NFL Team does, win even when their QB stinks up the joint...

So the finger point of the Cajun God was made because of what a certain individual did this entire offseason on this forum day in day out 24/7...The fluke, was shown as a fluke a long time ago, and is being proven with every passing sunday, no more talk did the Saints make the right call anymore...

You're actually reinforcing a point that I made in an another thread. Put Aaron Brooks in the right situation, and he will flourish just as much as Delhomme did in 2003, and just as much as Jake Plummer is doing this year in Denver. When they aren't in the right situation, well, we've seen what Plummer can do, we've seen Brooks throw a pass backwards, and we've seen Delhomme start overcompensating and committing turnovers also.

Delhomme has played quite well in several games this year, but he has also struggled in others. The beauty of it for the Panthers, however, is that the team is solid enough to overcome his "off-days". Unfortunately, if Brooks is playing shaky, there's hardly ever any complete confidence that the defense can force a turnover or keep the team from scoring (yesterday was an exception to this.....the D actually responded in the 4th qtr and helped us stay in the game till the end). That leaves Brooks more wide-open to criticism, beacuse if he throws 0 TDs and 2 Interceptions, and the Saints win 24-3, then people aren't gonna say much. However, if Brooks throws 3 TDs and 2 interceptions, and the Saints lose 30-21, then all of a sudden Brooks "turns the ball over too much" and "doesn't possess the skillls to take us to the next step".

..actually, Gambler, what leaves Brooks open to criticism, is Brooks himself...

..when someone proclaims himself great, you call him out... simple as that...

BTW, the defense actually has been playing well...

SaintsAvenger 11-21-2005 10:34 PM

Well all I can say is this a team is a reflection of the coach and you practice like you perform. The team has given up on the season because Haslett did. Let's be brutally honest Benson sucks and the team knows it this is just like the first major League let's suck bad enough to move and then we will get good again. We all hope and pray that Tagliabue forces him to sell to either Jim Bob Moffett or to Bradshaws group and maybe they are more intrested about the field than the wallet. Because untill then this whole AB/JD argument is nothing more than spinning our wheels. The difference between the two is three-fold coaching, front office and most of all an orginazation that prides itself on winning and nothing else. So untill then this debate is mute. I could go on and on but what is the f*cking point.

TheDeuce 11-21-2005 11:42 PM


Actually it's a indication that myself and a few others were right. And there is no smart arse comeback, only shut-up? Hahhahahahaha.
Who said that I ever disagreed with you? I don't necessarily think that Jake Delhomme is that good of a quarterback (or even better than Brooks for that matter), but the "shut up" came from my (and plenty of other competent posters) sentiment that all you do is trash the intelligent and stimulating conversation/debating that goes on at this site. No matter how many times Whodi refutes what you say with sound arguments and compelling statistical evidence, you continue to plug away convinced that "you're right and everybody else is wrong." That is what many experts consider "social ineptitude." You have the social competence of a four-year-old who will continue to whine and cry and annoy all over this board until you think people are convinced. So trust me, it's annoying and nobody's impressed, or even listening anymore. So give it up.

FrenzyFan 11-22-2005 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by TheDeuce

Actually it's a indication that myself and a few others were right. And there is no smart arse comeback, only shut-up? Hahhahahahaha.
Who said that I ever disagreed with you? I don't necessarily think that Jake Delhomme is that good of a quarterback (or even better than Brooks for that matter), but the "shut up" came from my (and plenty of other competent posters) sentiment that all you do is trash the intelligent and stimulating conversation/debating that goes on at this site. No matter how many times Whodi refutes what you say with sound arguments and compelling statistical evidence, you continue to plug away convinced that "you're right and everybody else is wrong." That is what many experts consider "social ineptitude." You have the social competence of a four-year-old who will continue to whine and cry and annoy all over this board until you think people are convinced. So trust me, it's annoying and nobody's impressed, or even listening anymore. So give it up.

On behalf of all of us who are subjected to the constant deluge of ignorant babble, drivel, and factless, baseless, unmitigated garbage from "Jake Delhomme's Stalker", THANK YOU, THE DEUCE!

TallySaint 11-22-2005 09:18 AM

Hey BnB and Whodi....

Please give it a rest. Thank you.


TheGambler 11-22-2005 09:54 AM


Good point, but it's not going to stop either one of them.

TheGambler 11-22-2005 09:59 AM

I did enjoy a couple of quotes from their debate, however:


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
So the finger point of the Cajun God


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
run for a week and pray AB has a better game than Jake

Good times.

saintswhodi 11-22-2005 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by TallySaint
Hey BnB and Whodi....

Please give it a rest. Thank you.


I made one reply in this post that called me out, and ducked out. No long one sided debate, and I need to give it a rest? Please refrain from using me in your attempts at humor. I purposely only made one response, and no response in other instances. But you're not a moderator, so why don't you give it a rest? It's obvious one person is being a nuisance, and far be it from me to ever respond to someone who is willing to completely fabricate information, make up other info without any thought, and lash out at anyone who disagrees with him. Yeah, I should give it a rest. :roll:

Halo 11-22-2005 11:52 PM

Ok I think everyone is tired of this one. Get a room if you guys get any closer.

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