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Euphoria 11-21-2005 10:22 AM

Aaron Brooks in the 2006 Super Bowl...
...commercial. I just learned and seen a few photos of the commercial that was shot and Aaron Brooks and another athlete along with the National Spelling Bee Champion from San Deigo, CA. is in the commercial.

yasoon 11-21-2005 02:12 PM

Well, that's the closest he'll get to the big game.

saintswhodi 11-21-2005 04:48 PM

Unless he's somebody's third string QB yas. He could get to a Superbowl that way.

CheramieIII 11-21-2005 09:58 PM

Damn dude, your obsession with Jake and Brooks has kind of got "stalker" written all over it. I think we should probably warn the authorities. Did you run out of Xanax?

yasoon 11-22-2005 09:26 AM


Unless he gets lucky like Jake, and get with a team that carries him. Like the Panthers carried Jake's sorry carcus.
You know Jake has certainly not lit it up this year and I am no Jake apologist. But....saying this about a guy who had the best passing 4th qtr in Superbowl history against one of the best D schemes ever shows how freaking silly you truly are. Go play with your lincoln logs.

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