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BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 05:57 PM

The reason
Someone as someone pointed out I haven't been here is because nothing else needed to be said. The Liar was shown the exit, no more excuses about the offense are Brooks. The defense was on Primetime in full effect showing the world...

What more needs to be said? How many more Lies can the King of twists and Lies come-up with? Funny how LSU'S Offense went from averaging 30 points a game to now, the word is 25... Try 18 points.

The Saints defense is horrible, not NFL calibre, the offense is bad as is every section of the Team non worse than the Staff and the front office...My point was driven home where even the MOD that had sided with the click went to the right side.

lynwood 12-02-2005 06:05 PM

RE: The reason
Whoopie!! Brooks picked apart a 2-8 defense. apples and oranges LSU and Saints. Nice try though. Looks like something still needed to be said from you no matter how monontonous it is. too bad the remaining teams aren't 2-8 as well, then you'd get to celebrate your hero from here on out. Good luck.

BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 06:07 PM

RE: The reason

Whoopie!! Brooks picked apart a 2-8 defense.

Again click member...

Tell me, this 2-8 team that was playing with their 5th string QB, and a street freeagent OL, backups throughout the roster, when did our defense finally stop them?

BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 06:10 PM

RE: The reason

apples and oranges LSU and Saints. Nice try though.

Let's see, LSU erractic offense. Offense leads SEC in turnovers, offense struggles hard time scoring, stringing long drives together.

But maybe you're right apples and oranges would go for the fact LSU has a defense and the Saints don't.

lynwood 12-02-2005 06:20 PM

RE: The reason
How many ranked teams did LSU play this year? Guess those games against Miss. st., vanderbuilt,north texas,appalachian st.,mississipi and arkansas were supposed to be close huh? Tough teams would you say? apples and oranges. you'll get a clue one day.

BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 06:22 PM

RE: The reason

How many ranked teams did LSU play this year? Guess those games against Miss. st., vanderbuilt,north texas,appalachian st.,mississipi and arkansas were supposed to be close huh

How many defensive scores by LSU? How many special teams scores? apples and oranges cause the Saints team don't do that, now do they?

lynwood 12-02-2005 06:29 PM

RE: The reason
are you saying that the defense has to score for our offense cause our offense can't score?

BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 06:33 PM

RE: The reason

are you saying that the defense has to score for our offense cause our offense can't score?

I'm saying all good teams defenses score, "Little bus rider"....Can you u n d e r s t a n d , if I say it s l o w e r?

lynwood 12-02-2005 06:39 PM

RE: The reason
good defenses create turnovers. So i disagree with you on having to score to be a good defense. You rely on a defense to score that means you don't have a good offense. If a defense get a turnover deep in enemy territory our offense should get some points from it. It's a win for the defense. That's called Points off turnovers. Now tell me again how many points our offense has made from turnovers this season compared to how many turnovers they've given up? Why don't you learn about football before you try to talk about it? And your name calling says everything about you.

BlackonBlack 12-02-2005 06:49 PM

RE: The reason

good defenses create turnovers. So i disagree with you on having to score to be a good defense.

The good teams, winning teams defenses score, and usually lead the College or Pro leagues. So you disagree with these teams?

Do you care to call Les Miles and tell him to stop his defense from scoring? do you want to call Texas and tell Mack Brown, since that's what I hear from all the Texas fans is the improvement of this Texas team.

How about we call Indy and tell Dungy he is wrong fro letting his defense score, like when the offense didn't score for the first 4 weeks, i'll say it again like the Colts offense didn't score for the first 4 weeks but their defense did...

lynwood 12-02-2005 06:55 PM

RE: The reason
Who's a Heisman candidate? Isn't the QB for Texas? Wonder why? The defense doesn't have to score for Texas. It's a nice luxery to have.

And from what i hear indy's startegy was for the offense to manage the game not score like bandits. But anyway you have 4 games where the defense did something the offense didn't have to. Compare them to us Heck yeah I'd love the defense to score for us since we don't have Indy's offense. But it shouldn't be required.

ScottyRo 12-02-2005 10:15 PM

RE: The reason
Can't we just agree that the Saints suck equally on both sides of the ball? The offense is carp and the D is no better than it's been in the recent past.

xan 12-03-2005 09:50 AM

RE: The reason
I'm still trying to figure out what a "click member" is. Gotta be some sort of prosthetic super penis.

saintz08 12-03-2005 10:36 AM

Re: RE: The reason

Originally Posted by xan
I'm still trying to figure out what a "click member" is. Gotta be some sort of prosthetic super penis.

Click Member is defined as :

A member who habitually writes posts that need to be locked down .......

Henceforth the click ........

JKool 12-03-2005 12:50 PM

RE: Re: RE: The reason
There is a big difference between being wrong and being a liar.

Tobias-Reiper 12-03-2005 03:12 PM

Re: RE: The reason

Originally Posted by xan
I'm still trying to figure out what a "click member" is. Gotta be some sort of prosthetic super penis.

What he means is "clique", he just didn't know how to spell it.. when he was corrected by yours truly :) , he first came up with "I spell it how I want to", then with "I misspelled it on purpose because everything is wrong about them"...

freestyle 12-03-2005 03:20 PM

RE: Re: RE: The reason

What he means is "clique", he just didn't know how to spell it.. when he was corrected by yours truly , he first came up with "I spell it how I want to", then with "I misspelled it on purpose because everything is wrong about them"...

What does spelling have to do with football? Gee, did I spell that right?

Tobias-Reiper 12-03-2005 03:40 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: The reason

Originally Posted by freestyle

What he means is "clique", he just didn't know how to spell it.. when he was corrected by yours truly , he first came up with "I spell it how I want to", then with "I misspelled it on purpose because everything is wrong about them"...

What does spelling have to do with football? Gee, did I spell that right?

Seeing that "someone" created an account just to post this question, I'd be glad to respond...

It has more to do with communication...
If you haven't noticed, this medium utilizes the written word... as such, a person needs a modicum of writing skills to convey his point to the reader. While "click" is a homonym of "clique" and viseversa, when you write the words down the meaning of each word will completely change the meaning of the sentence, therefore rendering the writer's prose effectiveless at conveying the writer's point.

Now, let us not confuse misspelling with typos.... but that will be the subject of our next lesson...

freestyle 12-03-2005 06:14 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The reason

Now, let us not confuse misspelling with typos.... but that will be the subject of our next lesson...

Let's not confuse, a football forum with a Secretaries Convention. If we need a spelling lesson, that's what spell-check was created for. don't have something intelligent to add about football, then go press your skirt for work on monday...

Tobias-Reiper 12-03-2005 06:45 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The reason

Originally Posted by freestyle

Now, let us not confuse misspelling with typos.... but that will be the subject of our next lesson...

Let's not confuse, a football forum with a Secretaries Convention. If we need a spelling lesson, that's what spell-check was created for. don't have something intelligent to add about football, then go press your skirt for work on monday... know, BlackonBlack, if you weren't so obvious, it wouldn't be as funny as it is...

.. Bob Villa loves ya!!!

xan 12-03-2005 08:38 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: The reason
So there IS a prosthetic super penis. I didn't know those could type, too. Must have his own language, which explains a lot.

gandhi1007 12-04-2005 05:11 PM

Re: The reason

Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
the click

First of all, the word is spelled "clique" not click. Secondly, I don't believe it's a click. From all the forums I've read, the people you are referring to as "the click" are the real Saints fans (not Aaron Brooks fans). They simply see what every other real Saints fan sees: Aaron Brooks is killing this team. Yes, the defense has not played well in some games, but Brooks has played horrible in every game but one (against the 2-8 Jets). When your QB consistently turns the ball over & makes poor decisions, it demoralizes the whole team. This includes the defense, who has to go right back on the field after Brooks' turnover (which is usually on our side of the field). By the way, did you watch his performance against the Bucs today? You can't blame the defense on that game.

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