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CheramieIII 12-11-2005 12:26 PM

Everyone has the same opinion......
AB should have been gone long ago:

28. New Orleans Saints (3-9) – Jim Haslett's loyalty to Aaron Brooks during the last few years has been puzzling. And ultimately, it will be that choice that costs him his job.;_yl...yhoo&type=lgns

Don't forget Haslett!

JCarney 12-11-2005 04:14 PM

RE: Everyone has the same opinion......
Isn't it very amazing how you continue to miss those write-ups that are found far more often, that explains how this is just a bad team? You forever are always singleing out the QB because of your feelings. Haslett hung his career here on a piss-poor defense, a inept Staff, poor decision making in the off season as well during the season, a owner that has no clue other than where his pocket is.

Guess you forgot all that in your summation.

lynwood 12-11-2005 04:50 PM

Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

Originally Posted by JCarney
Isn't it very amazing how you continue to miss those write-ups that are found far more often, that explains how this is just a bad team? You forever are always singleing out the QB because of your feelings. Haslett hung his career here on a piss-poor defense, a inept Staff, poor decision making in the off season as well during the season, a owner that has no clue other than where his pocket is.

Guess you forgot all that in your summation.

What is this....Bait? Was wondering when you were gonna stop the Carney is great posts and get to the defense of Brooks. Welcome back Billy,BlackonBlack.

FrenzyFan 12-11-2005 04:55 PM

Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

Originally Posted by lynwood

Originally Posted by JCarney
Isn't it very amazing how you continue to miss those write-ups that are found far more often, that explains how this is just a bad team? You forever are always singleing out the QB because of your feelings. Haslett hung his career here on a piss-poor defense, a inept Staff, poor decision making in the off season as well during the season, a owner that has no clue other than where his pocket is.

Guess you forgot all that in your summation.

What is this....Bait? Was wondering when you were gonna stop the Carney is great posts and get to the defense of Brooks. Welcome back Billy,BlackonBlack.

Hammer, meet nail.

Course, I do differ on the "welcome back" part. Makes me wish we had an /ignore function on the board.

saintz08 12-11-2005 05:41 PM

Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

Originally Posted by FrenzyFan

Originally Posted by lynwood

Originally Posted by JCarney
Isn't it very amazing how you continue to miss those write-ups that are found far more often, that explains how this is just a bad team? You forever are always singleing out the QB because of your feelings. Haslett hung his career here on a piss-poor defense, a inept Staff, poor decision making in the off season as well during the season, a owner that has no clue other than where his pocket is.

Guess you forgot all that in your summation.

What is this....Bait? Was wondering when you were gonna stop the Carney is great posts and get to the defense of Brooks. Welcome back Billy,BlackonBlack.

Hammer, meet nail.

Course, I do differ on the "welcome back" part. Makes me wish we had an /ignore function on the board.

That request could go on the Administration board .

You could include an updated smiley request , I am beginning to look like a smurf doing it .... :nutkick:

AllSaints 12-11-2005 05:56 PM

RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......
John Carney sucks.... he is a old sucky kicker that will be gone next year.....

JCarney 12-11-2005 06:57 PM

RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

What is this....Bait? Was wondering when you were gonna stop the Carney is great posts and get to the defense of Brooks. Welcome back Billy,BlackonBlack.

Where do you ever see a defense of Brooks in my posts? I'm forever asking this question without a reply. Saying Brooks is not the blame is, "aka defending Brooks".

"The team sucks"!! When you stick your head into a barrel of rotten apples how many smell good?

Brooks is not the head of this team, and to change a team you cut-off the head and start over there.

Tobias-Reiper 12-11-2005 08:46 PM

RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......
... a JCarney-504 debate would be amusing... well, nah... not really... come to think of it... oh nevermind :)

saintswhodi 12-11-2005 10:28 PM

I thought blackonblack was banned..............................

yasoon 12-12-2005 08:36 AM

That's cute Carney...very cute. :clap:

Halo 12-12-2005 10:36 AM

He's gone again until he comes back to re-register with another name just to come and annoy everyone. He's a child who doesn't understand the word no. Just ignore him.

gandhi1007 12-12-2005 10:48 AM

Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

Originally Posted by JCarney
Isn't it very amazing how you continue to miss those write-ups that are found far more often, that explains how this is just a bad team? You forever are always singleing out the QB because of your feelings. Haslett hung his career here on a piss-poor defense, a inept Staff, poor decision making in the off season as well during the season, a owner that has no clue other than where his pocket is.

Guess you forgot all that in your summation.

In case you haven't noticed, the defense has gotten better & better in every game since the emergence of the Smith boys-Will & Dwight-as leaders on the team. I wish I could say the same about the offense. It's a shame. I wish Haslett would have started Will Smith on every play the last 2 years. The guy is a beast! It goes to show you (along with all the poor draft picks since Mueller left) that Haslett, supposedly a defensive minded coach, has no clue about talent!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

spkb25 12-12-2005 05:33 PM

RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......
gahndi i like ur name and was going to say that i too thought the d has got better. at the same time i think arron is a stinker and so is the coaching staff. i for one will not post on here next year (i am sure this makes many many happy) if haz is not let go. outside of the guys on this board people really don't think this is his fault. i had to explain to my brother in jersey yesterday that this is the same crap we have had under haz with or without the hurricane. i think of one game that at the time didn't clue me in to haz but now is so obvious, it is the tampa game from i think his second season. we are 7-5 and if memory serves me correct so were they and we are headed into as big a game as possible for our p-layoff hopes and we turn in a complete dud of a game. the ones we have become very accustom to under haz. like the green bay game this year or the minny game or the giants, this year alone. also see the minny game in the playoffs haz's first year. an important game and we lay an egg. that is a coaching issue and if we don't get rid of haz we all know we are in for the same bs next year.

gandhi1007 12-12-2005 10:34 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......

Originally Posted by spkb25
gahndi i like ur name and was going to say that i too thought the d has got better. at the same time i think arron is a stinker and so is the coaching staff. i for one will not post on here next year (i am sure this makes many many happy) if haz is not let go. outside of the guys on this board people really don't think this is his fault. i had to explain to my brother in jersey yesterday that this is the same crap we have had under haz with or without the hurricane. i think of one game that at the time didn't clue me in to haz but now is so obvious, it is the tampa game from i think his second season. we are 7-5 and if memory serves me correct so were they and we are headed into as big a game as possible for our p-layoff hopes and we turn in a complete dud of a game. the ones we have become very accustom to under haz. like the green bay game this year or the minny game or the giants, this year alone. also see the minny game in the playoffs haz's first year. an important game and we lay an egg. that is a coaching issue and if we don't get rid of haz we all know we are in for the same bs next year.

Hopefully all the rumors are true. Haslett will hit the road. Pete Carroll will be named the new head coach. We draft Matt Leinhart. He comes in under a system he already knows from 4 years at USC w/ Carroll. We trade Brooks to Houston for Domanick Davis (a solid running back from Louisiana) since they now have Reggie Bush. We trade Darren Howard & Jonathon Sullivan to NY Jets for Jonathon Vilma & the Saints will once again be considered a contender! Life is great & then bang-They up & move the team to L.A. where they go on to win 3 Super Bowls in 5 years. Damn those Californians!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:

Euphoria 12-13-2005 10:37 AM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Everyone has the same opinion......
Talent on the D I will give you but... coaching on the D makes them SUCK. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE, embarrasing D. They give up to many big plays so what you stop the run 4-5 times in a row to give up an 60 yard dash to a TD.

FrenzyFan 12-13-2005 11:42 AM

The D makes plenty of stops to keep us in games. They are average, perhaps a bit below but not much. It's the offense (and specifically our lack of leadership and effeciency at QB) that is killing this team. The defensive strategy adopted by our enemies all year has been the same: "Make Brooks beat us" and that has led us to our present record.

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