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fact-o-bake 12-12-2005 07:25 PM

ESPN Saints rumors
On the Monday Night ESPN pre-game it was said "That earlier this week, the normally quiet Darren Howard became such a distraction that the team considered letting him go." They also said that Haslett got so frustrated with Brooks' mistakes during practice that he tore into him. Does anyone know anymore on these topics, or have any links to this info?

CheramieIII 12-12-2005 07:39 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
On the Mort report on ESPN just now he said that it is very unlikely that AB will be back and close Haslett friends say that they would be surprised if Haslett came back. Also he stated that the Saints were a possibility for Pete Carroll in the near future. Also he said that Tags is going to fight Benson with the San Antonio thing because the NFL thinks they should play and practice as much as possible in Louisiana and Benson wants it all in San Antonio.

saintswhodi 12-12-2005 07:45 PM

What both of you said.

spkb25 12-12-2005 07:49 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
no offense but they should be playing all their games next year in san antonio. they can always go back to new orleans the next year. but they can't be all over the place next year or that hurts our free agent choices. we need one place to play games only. you have to forget all of the people crying for you to play in new orleans and do what is best for the team first

CheramieIII 12-12-2005 07:51 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
Hey 25, they were also talking about way to attract more free agents to New Orleans because of the present situation. We don't know what those enticements might be yet?

spkb25 12-12-2005 08:02 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
yeah i know but it will still be hard even if you can offer more money. just in all honesty they need to play in one place only next year. that is just how i see things. you can't be all over the place again

jbutts 12-12-2005 10:01 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
hey 25, how can you think playing in san antionio next year is a good thing. the facilities in metarie are unblemished, many of the communites that current saints players live in are back in the old swing of things.
why in the world would they play in san antonio?
arizona and chicago both played in college stadiums for at least on full season. why not us also? why would we further alienate our fanbase and community when we could play in friggin high school stadium next year. as far as im concerned we can play on a pee wee leauge field and ill be ok, but san antonio can end this wet dream of getting our team.

xan 12-13-2005 12:04 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
According to Brooks' interview (see other post), 8 or 9 players' home were damaged by the storm. Out of 62. The facilities are pristine and the City is gaining speed. Jefferson Parish is motoring along as is the North Shore. The Jets travel 40 miles through the worst traffic imaginable to play in the Meadowlands.

25, What is your argument that SA is better than NO? Can't be better practice facilities. Can't be a bigger stadium or that it is too far away (3 games max at LSU, 5 in the DOME). Can't be undamaged homes. Can't be that there's no support/infrastructure in Greater New Orleans. Enlighten me, please.

TheDeuce 12-13-2005 12:06 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
More people will go to a game in San Antonio than in New Orleans at this point in time. S.A. just passed Dallas for the second largest city in Texas. They'll do whatever it takes to get their greasy, slimy, no-good hands on our Saints (even if it means kicking Louisiana while it's down).

jrmllb 12-13-2005 08:33 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
I am not sure why they cant be based in Louisiana and play one or two games at LSU and and some in say shreveport at Independance stadium, it has some new sky boxes, we know Benson likes those, or even somewhere that may be starving for some NDL action like Memphis or Little Rock, both cities have some decent facilities for play, I know its not Louisiana, but they are all potential sellouts, who would like to see Deuce run wild in Oxford or Jackson MS?

xan 12-13-2005 09:21 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
Dallas and Houston dwarf San Antonio. Don't get into the "city limits" game. That's what's hurting New Orleans. Metairie alone is almost 400K and all of Jefferson is a good bit larger than the City of New Orleans.

xan 12-13-2005 09:22 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors

Sorry, the link didn't attach

Euphoria 12-13-2005 10:27 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
Correct me if I am wrong but how many Saint players live in the 9th Ward? They can go there live and be viable

CheramieIII 12-13-2005 06:52 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
The reason the NFL does not want to move an NFL team to San Antonio is because the metro area is not much larger than the New Orleans metro area, because they are including surrounding areas in those totals and in the case of New Orleans the include Jefferson, Plaquemine and I think St Bernard. If the practice facilities are in great shape, Jefferson Parish is back on its feet and we can play in the Superdome as of November 1st, I say schedule the first 3 home games for Tiger stadium, the last five for the Superdome and let them practice in Fat City Baby. Where is the issue here? If the Saint's play in November of next year in the Superdome, I guarantee it would be full, I guarantee!!!!!!!!

CheramieIII 12-13-2005 08:51 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors

BlackandBlue 12-13-2005 11:56 PM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
Mort also reported on the Dan Patrick show that Haslett feels he can't go through what he went through this year again next year.

Put aside football, the game, the rules, and think about this- he knows his job longevity is dependent on his team's performance, so he's already in a stressful position. Couple that with the fact that people that work as hard as Haslett does (do not take into account performance, please, this is not the point) are under added stress, plus, what he's had to go through on both a personal level... I heard that he's going to go six months without being around his kids on a daily basis, and that he's had to take on added responsibilities of having to move a team from one city to another??? I hope he leaves, not only because I think the franchise needs a facelift, but I think he needs out...for his health, which is more important than football.

I've seen the coaching wishlists, but honestly, who's going to want it?

APSaintsfan 12-14-2005 06:46 AM

RE: ESPN Saints rumors
I heard through a rumor that Haslett would love to get into a Def Coord or LB Coach position?? Just a rumor.

Tobias-Reiper 12-14-2005 07:56 AM

Re: RE: ESPN Saints rumors

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
Mort also reported on the Dan Patrick show that Haslett feels he can't go through what he went through this year again next year.

Put aside football, the game, the rules, and think about this- he knows his job longevity is dependent on his team's performance, so he's already in a stressful position. Couple that with the fact that people that work as hard as Haslett does (do not take into account performance, please, this is not the point) are under added stress, plus, what he's had to go through on both a personal level... I heard that he's going to go six months without being around his kids on a daily basis, and that he's had to take on added responsibilities of having to move a team from one city to another??? I hope he leaves, not only because I think the franchise needs a facelift, but I think he needs out...for his health, which is more important than football.

I've seen the coaching wishlists, but honestly, who's going to want it?

I'm not as sympatethic as you are.

I know many people who "work as hard", if not harder, than Jim Haslett, who are on prescribed medications because of stress, and don't make 5% of the salary Haslett is making - and I put that in quotes, because I don't know exactly what is it that Jim Haslett does all those hours he says he spends "working"... by his own admission, he doesn't motivate players, he lets the OC run the offense and the DC run the defense, so I don't know what he does... paperwork maybe? -

..and this about taking the added responsibility to move the team to another city: what exactly do you think he did? Hired moving trucks? negociated leases, practice facilities, etc...? Betcha money that was the administrative staff who did that...

So he has to work on another city for a few months.. you know there are 3 national hotel chains that specialized in extended stays? I know because I've use them, and stayed months away from my family. Heck, when I was working as a Unix admin, like many people, most weeks, the only time I saw my kids were the weekends because I left the house too early and came home too late, and no one was paying me $2,000,000 Dlls a year....

Anyone's job longevity is based ob his/her performance... only in professional sports or high-level executive positions are you allowed to fail/screw up multiple times and keep your job, or jump to another equally lucrative position somewhere else...

You know? We have people in Iraq who we ask to leave their families for a whole year, and who are going to die far away from home and never are going to see them again, and, should they live through it, would never make $2,000,000 Dlls in a life time, much less one year...

The freaking U.S. President makes only $500,000 a year, for crying out loud!!!

For $2,000,000 a year, he better be able to handle the stress.. if he can't handle the stress, I'm pretty sure he can find a less stressful job...

..and as far as who would want the job, hey, since winning isn't really a priority with this organization, I'm sure you'll find someone who''ll take the $2,000,000 a year to coach and give you the same s***y results..

saintswhodi 12-14-2005 08:32 AM

I'm with you TR. I have no sympathy for Haslett. He hasn't been "doing his job" since he got here. I also have to question what he is doing all these "long hours." I had to spend 4 months in a tent in Kuwait along the Iraqi boarder, please Jim don't whine about hardship. I didn't get to see my son and wife AT ALL, let alone very seldon. What a crock. Quit you loser.

BlackandBlue 12-14-2005 01:34 PM

Damn cutthroats :P

All I can say is I've seen what stress can do to you, firsthand. I've nearly wrecked my car before, because I lost control of almost all of my body. So, maybe I take it a bit more serious than you.

I asked that his performance not be taken into account, because it has no relevance to what I was trying to relay. But, I guess that's like asking the IRS to put me into a lower tax bracket...not going to happen.

Tobias-Reiper 12-14-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
Damn cutthroats :P

All I can say is I've seen what stress can do to you, firsthand. I've nearly wrecked my car before, because I lost control of almost all of my body. So, maybe I take it a bit more serious than you.

I asked that his performance not be taken into account, because it has no relevance to what I was trying to relay. But, I guess that's like asking the IRS to put me into a lower tax bracket...not going to happen.'s not that, BnB... I too know firsthand what stress does to a body... I just got off medication myself for stress.. as good as the money was, I had to resign...actually what happened to you sounds familiar.. I had tremendous muscular pain in my traps and shoulders, and my fingers would go numb... there was no depression, no mood swings, etc... just excruciating physical pain, and I wasn't making anything close to 2,000,000 :) had I been making that kind of cash, I'd still be in pain :)

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