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saintswhodi 12-16-2005 09:06 AM

Jason Whitlock:NFL Truths
9. Speaking of black quarterbacks, New Orleans' Aaron Brooks has followed the lead of Joe Horn and is determined to use the Hurricane Katrina disaster as an excuse for his poor play.

The Saints are about three years too late in benching Brooks. The guy put up some decent numbers but never won an important game. It's a lot easier for the Saints to do radio and TV interviews complaining about Katrina and commissioner Paul Tagliabue's reaction to Katrina than it is for the players to admit that they stunk in 2005 just like they did in '04, '03, '02 and every other year.

yasoon 12-16-2005 09:20 AM


The guy put up some decent numbers but never won an important game.
You know how I feel about AB, but I really get tired of how often national guys talk out of their a$$es. You could say 10 bad things about Brooks that would be true....but to say that he never won an important game when the guy QB'ed the biggest win in franchise history is just bad reporting. Just a little bit of homework before writing your column, Mr Whitlock.

I mean, say his inconsistent play is maddening, say he throws to the check down guy every other play, say he has no 3rd read, say every time he fixes anything something else breaks, say he is the worst interview in the NFL, say that he rarely plays 2 good games in a row, say he's a coach killer. But, this guy chose the one thing that wasn't true. I gotta get me one of them there TV jobs :)

saintswhodi 12-16-2005 09:59 AM

I think he is taking a what have you done for me lately slant. Also, I believe he is one of the guys who feels Brooks just piggy-backed what Blake had started. I mean, for me, the shine has long worn off that one playoff win. Almost 6 years ago now. I would give that one playoff win back if I knew that it would have the positive effects of not allowing Brooks and Haz to stay here long past their welcomes. The following medicority has been torterous, and IMO not really worth it.

yasoon 12-16-2005 10:08 AM

Hmmmm....I don't think I would give the win back. That was a joyous day, and me and my boys had a blast.

I see what you're saying, but there is no guarantee that we would have otherwise achieved at a higher level had all things changed that day. Also...on the list of laughable franchises, which we are always on, they can't say "never had a playoff win". That's worth a little something to me.

And I'm not saying that I give AB a pass because of 1 win (I think you know where i stand on that). Just saying that never means never.....and it's not so much AB losing big games that has been the issue. Hell, he's as likely to play well against good teams as he is terrible teams. Look at our defining meltdown a couple of years ago...the pick in the endzone against the Bengals and the loss against the Browns were some of ABs worst moments. We won all the big games that year and lost against all the bad teams.

I was just saying that Whitlock had alot of options to go with in 1 sentence torching AB. He went with something that was not altogether accurate

saintswhodi 12-16-2005 10:17 AM

I don't disagree with you. And I am not criticizing the win itself, which was a very, VERY happy day, although I was still in AIT in the Army when it happened and not able to celebrate it with other Saints fans. I am criticizing the years that one win has cost us afterward. That takes all the shine off of it for me, and like I said, the only way I would give it back is if I knew for sure Haz and Brooks would not be given free passes for years afterwards. If I had to give that back and it meant we didn't cut Blake, didn't cut Delhomme, or didn't cut Bulger, i'll take it. If it meant we didn't draft Sullivan, i'd take it. If it meant we would have been proactive about our linebackers in FA or in the draft, i'll take it. That one win has cost us so much for so long, it's just not the same for me. But I see what you are saying. Like I said though, I would have to KNOW changes would have been made much earlier to wanna give it back. Who knows, we could have had two more by now if not for that one. 8)

yasoon 12-16-2005 10:53 AM

If we could just fire up that "hypothetical reality" machine and watch those seasons...kinda like a choose your own adventure book...that would kick ass.

Playoff win or not....I agree with the recent statements that AB should have sat at the end of '02 and given Jake a shot. Haz acted like that would have been the end of the world. Sit the hurt guy...let your backup play and get to the postseason. You can reevaluate both of them in camp.

But we fixed that with signing pressure AB, just chill.

How ironic is it that he finally gets benched so that the worst backup we've had recently gets a shot. It's quite maddening :)

saintswhodi 12-16-2005 11:01 AM

LMAO!!! Choose your own adventure book? They still make those? I haven't seen one of those since I was doing Operation Upgrade over the summer at Jesuit when I was in elementary school. lol

But it is the hypothetical of all hypoetheticals. The ill fated "what if...."

D_it_up 12-16-2005 11:27 AM

Playoff, Shmayoff.....Who cares about that game anymore? Yes, it was great THEN...I agree with Whodi that the writer is taking a "what have you done for me lately" stance. I'm not saying this writer is know-all, tell-all, but I happen to agree with him. A playoff win that seemed like eons ago is not even longer etched in my mind. For all the time the Saints have been in the NFL and have won only ONE playoff game? It makes me want to shoot myself in the foot between them and the Cubs....I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

ScottyRo 12-16-2005 11:48 AM

My problem with AB hasn't really been the BIG games it's the little ones. Sure he's lost plenty of big games, but he sleepwalks so badly throught the "less" important ones and then has to wake up in the final minutes to try and win that it's frustrating.

mjf150 12-16-2005 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by yasoon
....but to say that he never won an important game when the guy QB'ed the biggest win in franchise history is just bad reporting.

Of coarse, you are referring to our lone playoff win. Yes, maybe in Saints' history that is a "big game", but in the NFL grand scheme of things, winning a playoff game is something that is supposed to happen every 5-10 years. Not once in a 39 year span.

yasoon 12-16-2005 02:14 PM


My problem with AB hasn't really been the BIG games it's the little ones. Sure he's lost plenty of big games, but he sleepwalks so badly throught the "less" important ones and then has to wake up in the final minutes to try and win that it's frustrating.
This is my point exactly....the reason I even got on this thread. Not that AB's playoff win is amazing and the life force of our franchise....just that this whitlock guy said AB has never really won a big game. You say that about guys who have been to big games and lost them. As the Saints go, the playoff win is/was the biggest game in our history (as pathetic as that is).

If you look at our biggest games, AB has shown up in some of them. But sucked ass in games against terrible teams. I mean look at the year where we won 7 games against playoff teams and lost our season against crappy teams.

I've just never heard the "AB can't win the big game" thing. AB can't get to the big game because he can't play good in 2 straight "little" games. AB has often acted like he's too good to be in some of the smaller games...and we end up losing. You make big game references about Peyton Manning because he has done everything else....Elway, pre superbowl....Bobby Cox aside from one world series....Tony Dungy.....Bill Cowher....guys who have been to true big games before. AB has not played in big games largely because AB keeps the Saints just a sniff away from a shot at the big games.

CheramieIII 12-16-2005 04:23 PM

Now that AB is virtually gone for good, let's find someone new to beat up on!

CheramieIII 12-16-2005 04:23 PM

I did not mean you 08, your girlfriend should handle that with the heels I presume?

D_it_up 12-16-2005 04:40 PM

[/quote]I did not mean you 08, your girlfriend should handle that with the heels I presume?


CheramieIII 12-16-2005 04:52 PM

Hey D, but I really think 08 loves that kinda stuff.

D_it_up 12-16-2005 05:06 PM

Well, if she really does have legs like are on her avatar, I'd love it, too......But since he's the dark overlord, she could really beat the "Sith" out of him...and that's just not talkin "sith"

pakowitz 12-16-2005 08:05 PM

whoa whoa whoa... let me chime in on this... i totally agree with everything whitlock said... brooks hasnt done anything since that first magical year... each year he has gotten consistantly inconsistant and his attitude has been a burden on the whole team...if haz would have had any pair of gonads he would have benched brooks a looooooooooooooooong time ago

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