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lynwood 12-17-2005 03:48 PM

Christmas Gift list survey
Just wanted to know what was at the top of their christmas list and do they think they wil get it?

Mine is A radar detector and some DVDs. Will get DVDs. Radar is too expensive.(over 300 bucks).

and I have been mostly good this year.

BoudinSandwich 12-17-2005 03:53 PM

RE: Christmas Gift list survey
A new girlfriend.

papz 12-17-2005 04:22 PM

I'll take two of what Oldies wants and the winning powerball numbers. :wink:

CheramieIII 12-17-2005 04:28 PM

World Peace..........I mean a large...........I mean a lesbian friend for my wife..............All I want is for the Saints to stay in New Orleans. That's really it.

saintz08 12-17-2005 06:54 PM

Diva on a short leash immediately comes to mind ......:08:

BrooksMustGo 12-17-2005 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by saintz08
Diva on a short leash immediately comes to mind ......:08:

Or at least dinner at commander's with whoever is posing for her avatar....

Oh, and Tom Benson's head on a pike.

Wouldn't mind a really nice digital camera though and a ruger single six.

saintswhodi 12-17-2005 08:03 PM

Xbox 360, which I still haven't gotten due to shipment delays. Also heard of some problems with the initial ones so I am kinda glad I have to wait. But that's it.

zachsaints52 12-17-2005 09:44 PM

A LeCharles Bentley jersey.... I hope he stays...

stylee10 12-17-2005 10:00 PM

Adriana Lima, please.
And an NAFL championship for the Baton Rouge Eagles next year.

dulplay 12-18-2005 12:04 AM

I'd like to see some A-Mac before the season is over... maybe even tomorrow. I'm very glad the game is on here in Atlanta. I'll be watching, and waiting to catch a glimpse. I'm really curious how Bowel Movement will do as the starter.

xan 12-18-2005 12:48 AM

I want to be on the new Saints' ownership team.

BoudinSandwich 12-18-2005 01:08 AM

Oh my god! He just called our quarterback Bowel Movement! Ahahaha! That's Hilarious!

I'm sorry, guys. I'm easily (and stupidly) amused.

Crusader 12-18-2005 05:57 AM

A bottle of JD and the phone number to a halfway decent girl :D

Nah, LeCharles Jersey and a new HDD for my computer.

NFLDiva 12-18-2005 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by saintz08
Diva on a short leash immediately comes to mind ......:08:

Did I tell you that you could take that shoe out of your mouth Little Daddy?? I think not......The only reason you speak up is because you want that bull whip across your ass again huh?? OK, 08!!! You know I like to keep my slaves happy....So go ahead, get back on your knees........

BMG...Are you doubting my hotness?? LOL

Oh yes, and for Christmas......I want Tom Bensons head on a stick.

lynwood 12-18-2005 08:56 AM

Spoke to Santa the other day and gave him the list. For the ones wanting a girl, he said there wasn't enough magic at the north pole to make that happen so forget it. For the rest of you he'll do what he can.

If you haven't posted your list it's not too late. Santa works pretty much round the clock this time of the year.

JOESAM2002 12-18-2005 10:12 AM

What do I want for Christmas? Let's see......A Diva(new or old), a new or old girlfriend,lots of cold beer,warm weather, and Tom Benson stretched out naked on an ant hill so I can pour honey on him and let the ants have some fun(it's an old indian thing) and last but certainly not least a Saints Super Bowl Championship.

P.S. A room at any inn in B.R. last night would have been nice. Sorry Halo, I wanted to be there.

saintz08 12-18-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva

Originally Posted by saintz08
Diva on a short leash immediately comes to mind ......:08:

Did I tell you that you could take that shoe out of your mouth Little Daddy?? I think not......The only reason you speak up is because you want that bull whip across your ass again huh?? OK, 08!!! You know I like to keep my slaves happy....So go ahead, get back on your knees........

BMG...Are you doubting my hotness?? LOL

Oh yes, and for Christmas......I want Tom Bensons head on a stick.

Someone is just begging for a little :

NFLDiva 12-18-2005 05:31 PM

And that is supposed to?? What?? Make me run away....LOL

C'mon now 08.............You know better than that!!!

papz 12-18-2005 07:49 PM

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Xmas!

There's someone's Christmas present. Enjoy!

saintz08 12-18-2005 08:02 PM

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Xmas!

BoudinSandwich 12-18-2005 08:33 PM


saintz08 12-18-2005 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva
And that is supposed to?? What?? Make me run away....LOL

C'mon now 08.............You know better than that!!!

I understand now ..... :wink:

So it's gonna be " 08 put me over your knee , I have been a naughty little Diva "......

So I will be going from Little Daddy to Lap Daddy ......

stylee10 12-18-2005 11:48 PM

Wow, I asked for Adriana and got her! Thanks Sainta!

NFLDiva 12-19-2005 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by saintz08

Originally Posted by NFLDiva
And that is supposed to?? What?? Make me run away....LOL

C'mon now 08.............You know better than that!!!

I understand now ..... :wink:

So it's gonna be " 08 put me over your knee , I have been a naughty little Diva "......

So I will be going from Little Daddy to Lap Daddy ......


Is that what your letter to Santa says 08???

I know how you dream of me saying that to you.....LOL

I am really curious how you are getting out of the closet to type that bull**** while I am gone......Guess I need some thicker rope for you :D

saintz08 12-19-2005 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva

Originally Posted by saintz08

Originally Posted by NFLDiva
And that is supposed to?? What?? Make me run away....LOL

C'mon now 08.............You know better than that!!!

I understand now ..... :wink:

So it's gonna be " 08 put me over your knee , I have been a naughty little Diva "......

So I will be going from Little Daddy to Lap Daddy ......


Is that what your letter to Santa says 08???

I know how you dream of me saying that to you.....LOL

I am really curious how you are getting out of the closet to type that bull**** while I am gone......Guess I need some thicker rope for you :D

Are you getting any Christmas shopping done with the time I have let you out of the dungeon ????

NFLDiva 12-19-2005 12:36 PM

Yes dear, of course......Even had time to get you a new leash!!!

pakowitz 12-20-2005 03:56 AM

popeyes fried chicken... and biscuits...

NFLDiva 12-20-2005 07:46 AM

08, I see I have made your sig list....ROFL...And just like a typical man you only saw what you wanted to out of that sentence......You will pay for that soon..... :twisted:

saintz08 12-20-2005 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva
08, I see I have made your sig list....ROFL...And just like a typical man you only saw what you wanted to out of that sentence......You will pay for that soon..... :twisted:

A red flag has been thrown ....

I will have to go under the hood and review the call with the refs ..... :D

Upon further review :

A period generally notes the end of a sentenance .

NFL Diva miscalculated her period ..... :wink:

NFLDiva 12-20-2005 12:29 PM

Unsportsmanlike Conduct 08!!!!

Thats 15 yards back for you "sweety".............

Just admit to everyone you are weak and tortured with the thoughts of being chained up in my room and get it over with darlin :twisted:

BrooksMustGo 12-20-2005 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by saintz08

Originally Posted by NFLDiva
And that is supposed to?? What?? Make me run away....LOL

C'mon now 08.............You know better than that!!!

I understand now ..... :wink:

So it's gonna be " 08 put me over your knee , I have been a naughty little Diva "......

So I will be going from Little Daddy to Lap Daddy ......

Maybe we all need to get together and have a little intervention with 08?
I'd like to add a new draft boss for the Saints front office to my list.

saintz08 12-20-2005 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva
Unsportsmanlike Conduct 08!!!!

Thats 15 yards back for you "sweety".............

Just admit to everyone you are weak and tortured with the thoughts of being chained up in my room and get it over with darlin :twisted:

Unsportmanlike conduct ???

How do you figure ????

NFLDiva 12-20-2005 07:25 PM

You really can't take a joke unless you are the one giving it huh??

CheramieIII 12-20-2005 07:46 PM

Nice pic Diva, is that really you? Don't tell me I don't want to know!!!

NFLDiva 12-20-2005 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by CheramieIII
Nice pic Diva, is that really you? Don't tell me I don't want to know!!!

I can't say....My identity is a closely guarded secret....But I am sure if you ask around, someone knows..... :D

saintz08 12-20-2005 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva
You really can't take a joke unless you are the one giving it huh??

Just checkin to make sure you are not the self crusification type . Saintfan was great at that , guy would crawl up all by himself and it would take us a week to get him down .....

Come to think of it , he might still be up there .... I better check .....

NFLDiva 12-20-2005 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by saintz08

Originally Posted by NFLDiva
You really can't take a joke unless you are the one giving it huh??

Just checkin to make sure you are not the self crusification type . Saintfan was great at that , guy would crawl up all by himself and it would take us a week to get him down .....

Come to think of it , he might still be up there .... I better check .....

OK my darlin.....Just making sure you hadn't gone over the edge :wink:

BrooksMustGo 12-20-2005 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by NFLDiva
BMG...Are you doubting my hotness?? LOL

Oh yes, and for Christmas......I want Tom Bensons head on a stick.

Just a healthy skepticism...

Good to see we're agreed on the fate of Benson.

saintz08 12-21-2005 12:11 AM

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