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D_it_up 04-14-2003 01:13 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
WOW! Is this the SAME WHODAT that just two weeks ago was the most negative Saint fan on Earth? I\'m not believing my eyes! :P I like this side of you. HAHA! BRING ON THE POSITIVE!!! Anyways, I like the deal. We still have our first rounders that we can use for bait to move up, IF they decide to. I feel this is pretty deep draft, and we can find a sleeper in the 2nd rd. Hey..maybe we can trade one of our first rounders and Norman Hand to move up to the one spot to get Newman. Wishful thinking? I know. I should be shot for that comment. LOL. But seriously, I believe that TJ will be a HUGE plus to our defense alongside Mel Mitchell. Now we know we have a guy that is capable of backing them up in Jay Bellamy (which he should\'ve been a back-up all along). If Conwell is signed, then we can focus on the main three positions we need it....defensive tackle, linebacker, and corner. I KNEW that the Saints had a gameplan, it just took them a while to get around to it. If it works, they\'ll look like geniuses.

patman 04-14-2003 02:20 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
The Saints have a free safety with all the physical skills that you can ask for the position.
If he plays just half the special teams PR and KR will go along way to having him be worth it to you. Is he worth a 3,4 & 7 yes without a doubt, is he worth a #2 yes. The saints I think paid more money for him than he deserved and that is why he did not sign with the Pats. But that is how free agency works you only need one team to set the market for your guy.

As far as bringing in other guys the pats knew you were bluffing because you just bought in scrubs. nobody that was an upgrade to Knight. But offering that amount of money stopped a lot of teams from negotiating with the pats. The amunt of money offered by the saints trumped other bidders. Tbucky would not have approved a trade to somewhre else unlees the money was the same.

BlackandBlue 04-14-2003 02:43 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
Lassiter was the only one that came close to Knight, and that would have been even...two or more years ago. Flowers couldn\'t hold Knight\'s jock. Yeah, all we did was bring in scrubs, but that\'s because the Saints weren\'t going to pay a 2nd rounder for TJ...hell, we couldn\'t completely ignore the position, because nothing is a sure thing until the contract is signed. We had to look at other opportunities and accept the possiblity that we would not have TJ and find a starter elsewhere.
I find it hard to believe that you say he\'s worth a #2, even though no other team stepped up and offered one. If they were willing to shell out a #2 pick for the guy, they would have damn sure given him a bloated contract as well. As far as I\'m concerned, he\'s worth a 3, 4, & 7, because that was the top price.

iceshack149 04-14-2003 02:53 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
Beautiful. The tight end is secured. The safety is secured.
As far as the draft goes, keep #17 and #18. With so many DT\'s available in the draft we should be fine there. E.J. or Boss should be there so take one of them. If Mathis is available in the second, nab him. I just hope Carter gets back to pro bowl form this year.

rodjmaw 04-14-2003 07:18 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
I really realy want the saints to get Rasheen Mathis in the 1st rd. cuz the guy want be around in the second. If they\'re capable of moving up in the draft without losing anymore picks(trade a 1st rd. and Norman Hand) to get Trufant that would be great, but I don\'t think it will happen.

The saints have to get either Dennis Weathersby or Rasheen Mathis cuz they want be around in the 2nd. for us. The saint possibly are thinking of getting Drayton Florence in the 3rd but I think Weathersby is a better corner than people think.

patman 04-14-2003 07:34 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
Black and Blue, If the Saints had only offered 4years at 2.5 each year another team might have became interested. It was not like the Pats had him under contract, we could not trade him to a team that would pay him less than another team. He would refuse the trade by not signing with the other team. Minn might have been intersted so would have Arizona or Pitt. But the Saints by paying him more than the pats expected stopped all bidding.
I hope I am explainig myself.

rodjmaw 04-14-2003 07:45 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
Do anyone know our cap #\'s since our 2 new signee? I hope we are able to lure a good DT. If we go 3 - 4 defense, Boss Bailey & Bradie James will be nice picks and no need for a DT.

WhoDat 04-14-2003 08:21 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
I\'m guessing that a 3-4 is as likely as the Saints drafting Charles Rogers.

iceshack149 04-14-2003 10:03 PM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!
Not sure where we stand with the cap. I just want Horn to get the money he deserves. Talent is good to have but happy talent is great. Horn\'s a great receiver so pay him what he\'s worth.
If we thought that Turley had a big mouth, see what happens when Horn isn\'t happy.

BlackandBlue 04-15-2003 08:19 AM

S Tebucky Jones finally a Saint!!!

If the Saints had only offered 4years at 2.5 each year another team might have became interested.
Now you are just speculating. Bill said he wanted a 2nd rounder initially. He\'s the only person in the NFL that has mentioned a 2nd rounder and TJ in the same sentence. I haven\'t heard any quotes from any GM\'s that made any type of comment such as, \"We\'d give a 2nd rounder for TeBuckey, but we can\'t match what the Saints are offering as far as a contract is concerned.\"
Look at it like this, when you lay down to go to sleep at night, you move around until you are in a comfortable position. That\'s what the Saints and the Patriots did. The Saints went up on their offer, and the Patriots went down. The Patriots were not comfortable paying $10 million to their safeties, and the Saints needed a starter at safety. They agreed on a 3rd, 4th, and 7th. I don\'t understand your continued pursuit at trying to convince everyone that he was worth a 2nd. I hope I am explaining myself.

EDIT: I haven\'t had much of a chance to see the Patriots play since the Super Bowl 2 years ago, was curious about this defense scheme they run. Is it a 4-2-5 or a 5-1-5?

[Edited on 15/4/2003 by BlackandBlue]

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