01-05-2006, 10:45 PM
500th Post
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 591
Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
The guy is 22 years old. He just lost the biggest game of his life. Putting a microphone in front of him right after the game only seems to be a good idea to sleazoid reporters who love to get sound bites to create controversy and cast a bad light on whoever says it, and to the people who love to hear them.. one thing would be if Leinart was shooting his mouth throughout his career, but one time after losing the biggest game of his college career (and probably ever)?
Besides, he's right. USC is the better TEAM.
You take either Leinart, Bush, White out of USC, USC still can win.
You take Vince Young out of Texas, they'd have a very hard time winning.
Back to your scheduled flame war 
Well if he thinks USC is the better team, he can go right ahead and think that. The trophy is in Austin, not L.A., so what's it worth holding on to that? My only real problem is when he said the defense couldn't stop Vince Young. Other than overstating the obvious, a QB should stay in his lane, team captain or not.