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MordorIV 01-05-2006 07:51 PM

Leinart and his comments.
like to think what you think about Leinart's comments last night quote he said " I still think we are still the better team..." what??? well the better team won did it not??

He also said " but they did the better plays in the end, and we did not"?! well is that not what football is all about?/

I'll let you decide.

JR Out

AllSaints 01-05-2006 07:56 PM

RE: Leinart and his comments.
Nothing is wrong with wat he said STOP BLOWING IT OUT OF PROPORTION !! !! !

MordorIV 01-05-2006 07:56 PM

RE: Leinart and his comments.
Well that is what he said is it not? And he said them.

MordorIV 01-05-2006 07:59 PM

RE: Leinart and his comments.
All he had to say was good game Texas you won and my offense and me did not make that 4th and 2 and texas you stopped us oh and vince...... you should know that one.

saintswhodi 01-05-2006 08:08 PM

Nit picking at what he said is just a way for anyone who doesn't want him to find fault. It's petty. Who gives a damn? The classy Vince Young was striking the Heisman pose, mocking Reggie Bush's selection. Why is noone upset over that? What more can the dude do? He went into the Longhorn locker room and congratulated them. What a jerk.

MordorIV 01-05-2006 08:12 PM

i did not understand that was it Reggie that went in to the LH Locker Room?

saintswhodi 01-05-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by MordorIV
i did not understand that was it Reggie that went in to the LH Locker Room?

Reggie and Matt went over and congratulated them. Why haven't I heard one USC or UT player say anything about being upset over Leinart's comments? Cause he didn't say anything that is bad as it is being made out.

MordorIV 01-05-2006 08:25 PM

Its not bad but its the class, thats what matters if you bagger and team that BEAT you you give them props for beating you and if you win like texas did you tip your hats WHICH THEY DID and the coach did that for them at the end which made the crowd cheer thats class.

Leinart is just dissapointed like anyone would be in his place he had a VERY good run in college and he will have an even better run in the NFL i think but he still should not have said that and we all no it.

Tobias-Reiper 01-05-2006 09:45 PM

The guy is 22 years old. He just lost the biggest game of his life. Putting a microphone in front of him right after the game only seems to be a good idea to sleazoid reporters who love to get sound bites to create controversy and cast a bad light on whoever says it, and to the people who love to hear them.. one thing would be if Leinart was shooting his mouth throughout his career, but one time after losing the biggest game of his college career (and probably ever)?

Besides, he's right. USC is the better TEAM.
You take either Leinart, Bush, White out of USC, USC still can win.
You take Vince Young out of Texas, they'd have a very hard time winning.

Back to your scheduled flame war :)

MordorIV 01-05-2006 09:46 PM

Thanks for the Info agree with you, Reporters just out for the story

GoldenTomb 01-05-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
The guy is 22 years old. He just lost the biggest game of his life. Putting a microphone in front of him right after the game only seems to be a good idea to sleazoid reporters who love to get sound bites to create controversy and cast a bad light on whoever says it, and to the people who love to hear them.. one thing would be if Leinart was shooting his mouth throughout his career, but one time after losing the biggest game of his college career (and probably ever)?

Besides, he's right. USC is the better TEAM.
You take either Leinart, Bush, White out of USC, USC still can win.
You take Vince Young out of Texas, they'd have a very hard time winning.

Back to your scheduled flame war :)

Well if he thinks USC is the better team, he can go right ahead and think that. The trophy is in Austin, not L.A., so what's it worth holding on to that? My only real problem is when he said the defense couldn't stop Vince Young. Other than overstating the obvious, a QB should stay in his lane, team captain or not.

MordorIV 01-05-2006 11:27 PM

Thats true too good post.

Tobias-Reiper 01-06-2006 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by GoldenTomb

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
The guy is 22 years old. He just lost the biggest game of his life. Putting a microphone in front of him right after the game only seems to be a good idea to sleazoid reporters who love to get sound bites to create controversy and cast a bad light on whoever says it, and to the people who love to hear them.. one thing would be if Leinart was shooting his mouth throughout his career, but one time after losing the biggest game of his college career (and probably ever)?

Besides, he's right. USC is the better TEAM.
You take either Leinart, Bush, White out of USC, USC still can win.
You take Vince Young out of Texas, they'd have a very hard time winning.

Back to your scheduled flame war :)

Well if he thinks USC is the better team, he can go right ahead and think that. The trophy is in Austin, not L.A., so what's it worth holding on to that? My only real problem is when he said the defense couldn't stop Vince Young. Other than overstating the obvious, a QB should stay in his lane, team captain or not. I said, the guy is 22 years old. He just lost the biggest game of his life. Putting a microphone in front of him right after the game only seems to be a good idea to sleazoid reporters who love to get sound bites...
How many times have you been pissed off and said something out of line? There are many daily situations (people cutting in line at the grocery, cutting you off on the highway ) where you curse people up and down in your mind, but no one puts a microphone in front of you at that very moment AND expects a response...

If the next day or days you hear the same comments, ok, he's a Brooks... but considering the circumstances and how Leinart has carried himself so far, I don't think that's too big of a deal.

Euphoria 01-06-2006 10:00 AM

Thats right... Vince Young is the guy we should go after if he comes out this year, because he wins and wins big games.

saintswhodi 01-06-2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria
Thats right... Vince Young is the guy we should go after if he comes out this year, because he wins and wins big games.

So your argument is that Leinart hasn't won a big game? Oh, but you also said he lost the game and Bush didn't. And that he couldn't stop Vince Young. Sensing a pattern here.............

Crusader 01-06-2006 10:21 AM

I couldn't care less about what Leinart said. I have lost the swedish championship 2 years i a row and I understand exactly how he felt. He was pissed because they lost and I don't think its wrong of him to voice that opinion. And the comment about the D, so what he's right. The USC defence or rather the lack of it cost them the game, why should that be a taboo to say?

AllSaints 01-06-2006 10:29 AM

Unbelievable....... You cant not base 1 game on a guys career!!!!!

MordorIV 01-06-2006 10:32 AM

Agree with you alittle bit he's just mad.

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