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SAINTSFAN834 01-16-2006 04:35 PM

1280 says Payton offered the job.

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 04:36 PM

RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
Good news if this is true. I'll wait to hear it on ESPN before i get excited.

mjf150 01-16-2006 04:46 PM

RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
What credentials does he have, other than turning Quincy Carter and Drew Henson into steller Pro-Bowl QB's? Same old Saints. Doesn't matter which coach is the best, it's which coach is the cheapest.

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 04:54 PM

RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
LOL some people will never be happy. Can't hire Martz because he used to coach the Rams. Can't hire Sherman because he drove GB into the ground. Can't hire Henderson because Jets' D sucks.

Payton has 9 years in the league and is highly regarded on his team and around the league. I don't think you should pay anything in the world to a Sherman or a Martz just because they've previously had coaching jobs. I'd rather take my chances on a younger guy with no health issues who is regarded as one of the most creative offensive minds in the game. My first pick would have been Kubiak, but he probably didnt want to come here after being shafted by us in '00.

What makes you think that Carter and Henson were pro-bowl talents in the first place? Can't make chicken salad out of chicken ^?%$.

spkb25 01-16-2006 04:58 PM

RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
actually sherm or hendy would be much much better. i was thinking the same thing on the cheapest thing. unreal. the only guy i really didn't want besides martz and that is who we take. ahhh should be a nice nother 6 years of losing

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 05:10 PM

Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.

Originally Posted by spkb25
actually sherm or hendy would be much much better. i was thinking the same thing on the cheapest thing. unreal. the only guy i really didn't want besides martz and that is who we take. ahhh should be a nice nother 6 years of losing

Well other people will say that Sherman turned a great GB team into crap, and Henderson ran a Jets D into the ground.

Sooner or later you have to stop turning to the retreads and go with a younger coach who is hungry. What's the beef with Payton?? He would have been hired by the Raiders a couple of years ago if they hadn't shafted him and turned to Norv Turner. And you see how well that turned out.

SAINTSFAN834 01-16-2006 05:24 PM

Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.

Originally Posted by GoldenTomb

Originally Posted by spkb25
actually sherm or hendy would be much much better. i was thinking the same thing on the cheapest thing. unreal. the only guy i really didn't want besides martz and that is who we take. ahhh should be a nice nother 6 years of losing

Well other people will say that Sherman turned a great GB team into crap, and Henderson ran a Jets D into the ground.

Sooner or later you have to stop turning to the retreads and go with a younger coach who is hungry. What's the beef with Payton?? He would have been hired by the Raiders a couple of years ago if they hadn't shafted him and turned to Norv Turner. And you see how well that turned out.

How in the world could you say Shernan turned GB into crap? he took an 8-8 team that Rhodes was destroying and went 9-7, 12-4, 12-4, 10-6, 10-6 and this year 4-12. Granted, this year sucked, but look at the injuries.

I was shocked that he was not given a pass on this year after his track record. Payton was stripped of play calling duties in NY and is "passing game coordinator" in Dallas. Other than riding Parcells' coat tails, I am not sure what he has done to deserve a HC position. Hopefully, he will be a diamond in the rough.

spkb25 01-16-2006 05:30 PM

RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
jesus saint that is all we can hope. man i don't like this and to be honest it really feels like benson just screwed us. i don't like the pick up and there were much more qualified guys. we will see if sherm or hendy end up some where and their team starts to take off. just feel like we were given the cheapest option again

spkb25 01-16-2006 05:37 PM

RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
did they not say that it would be a coach with head coaching experience. i thought anyway that was what they said.

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 05:47 PM

RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
OK...well i well just put it like this.

I'm generally opposed to taking previous HCs that were fired from their previous jobs....retreads if u you will. Why??? Because they were FIRED!!! You can say what you want about how it was the injuries and what not, but I'm sure that's not the only reason he was fired. That's like saying the only reason Haz was fired was because they went 3-13 this year. There are issues that you don't know of.

The retread experiments generally don't work. What second time head coach that was fired in his previous job do you know of that does as well or better in his second job. Outside of Marty Schottenheimer, Bill Belichek and Tony Dungy, i would say NONE! Look at the teams left in the playoffs. 3 of those teams....Denver, Carolina, and Pittsburg, have head coaches that are in their first stints as head coaches. The forth, Seattle, has Holmgren, who wasn't fired from his job, and who has a Super Bowl to his credit. The good ones don't get fired. All of the head coaches in the league were new at some point, guys. Remember this too guys....Sherman and Martz both had Super Bowl caliber teams handed to them.

LongTimeFan 01-16-2006 05:48 PM

RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
I like Payton, Sherman was my first choice and Payton was my second, if true we'll have a really good coach, he's fairly young, he will come in fresh with new ideas and some of Parcell's knowledge, one thing is for sure, we all have something to look forward to this coming draft and new season...

spkb25 01-16-2006 05:52 PM

RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.
sherman did not bro. he was handed the frigan job from ray rhodes and the team was sucking ballz. who the hell has said they want martz. not me. i don't know the qwhole thing about firings. that would mean i need to think fora while and don't feel like it but you are probably right. all i said was that i don't think payton deserved the opportunity. if we are in fact hiring him then i hope that i am 150% wrong and he proves it

johnnyhomey 01-16-2006 05:57 PM

I was in the Carthon camp, but I have no problem with Payton if this report is true.

Parcells has a good track record of having his assistants becoming good NFL coaches.

Ray Handley is the lone exception.

CheramieIII 01-16-2006 06:18 PM

Saints | Sherman the leading candidate?
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:38:15 -0800's Len Pasquarelli reports there was talk in the press box of this weekend's playoff games that New Orleans Saints officials were very impressed with Mike Sherman last week and the former Green Bay Packers head coach has quietly emerged as the leading candidate to fill the Saints' opening at head coach.

I will believe that Payton was offered the job when I see him standing next to Benson at the press conference acknowledging that fact. I will believe Len until then.

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by johnnyhomey
I was in the Carthon camp, but I have no problem with Payton if this report is true.

Parcells has a good track record of having his assistants becoming good NFL coaches.

Ray Handley is the lone exception.

Not only that....Payton was the offensive coordinator for the Giants in their Super Bowl year. Had they won that Super Bowl, he would have been hired a couple of weeks later by someone as their head coach.

spkb25 01-16-2006 06:22 PM

cherm i appreciate that my man

TheDeuce 01-16-2006 07:57 PM


who is regarded as one of the most creative offensive minds in the game
This guy's offense is one of the most boring offenses I have ever watched. For being so "creative" I would expect his offense to be something like the Rams. Instead it's just plain boring. His teams always finish in the middle of the pack in the offensive statistics. Also, this guy hasn't proven anything. I say take Sherman, the guy who knows how to coach, has 5 winning seasons out of the last 6, with the only losing season because he lost his starting RB, backup RB, ProBowl WR, ProBowl TE, two ProBowl OL, and maybe even another RB somewhere in there. Sherman is a proven winner. His teams have been disciplined, and always seem to be in the playoffs.

LongTimeFan 01-16-2006 08:27 PM

TheDeuce knows what he's talking about, hope they do the right thing in making the right choice, Sherman has my vote

GoldenTomb 01-16-2006 10:43 PM

LOL what do u mean knows what he's talking about? I could have said what he said. I think everyone here is aware of who Mike Sherman is and what team he's coached. Let's not forget he was FIRED. It's amazing to me how people don't think that's a big deal. He's not good enough for the Packers but he's good enough for us?? Furthermore no one is giving Payton the time of day at all, regardless of the fact that he was the offensive coordinator of a Super Bowl team. I don't see why people are dogging him so much. I'm NOT the one that gives Payton his accolades. His peers do. Go ahead and Google him and you'll see for yourself. If he wasn't qualified to be a head coach I don't think he would be getting job interviews. If he was as bad as you guys are saying I would be interviewing for the freakin job. Give the Saints a little credit. They DO know more about football than any of us do, as much as u would like to think otherwise.

CheramieIII 01-16-2006 10:50 PM


Give the Saints a little credit. They DO know more about football than any of us do, as much as u would like to think otherwise.
I probably think like most of us do, we will give credit when credit is due. The Saints would have been alot better off the last 38 years having one of us as the coach. Ok maybe not GT, but it could be argued very aggressively.

mjf150 01-17-2006 07:26 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.

Originally Posted by GoldenTomb

The retread experiments generally don't work. What second time head coach that was fired in his previous job do you know of that does as well or better in his second job. Outside of Marty Schottenheimer, Bill Belichek and Tony Dungy, i would say NONE! Look at the teams left in the playoffs.

You convienently left out the other team in the playoffs, the Broncos. Mike Shanahan was fired from his previous job as head coach of the Raiders and yet he went on to lead the Bronco to, not one, but two Super Bowls. Between he and Belichek, these "retreads" have 5 Super Bowls total. I'll take a "retread" over Peyton any day.

DblBogey 01-17-2006 07:31 AM


when I see him standing next to Benson at the press conference acknowledging that fact.
I can only hope that Payton is his own man, because the day he stands next to Benson his life will take on a whole new dimension unlike he has ever experienced before. I keep praying relentlessly that Bradshaw can put together a deal that Benson can't refuse.

mjf150 01-17-2006 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
Furthermore no one is giving Payton the time of day at all, regardless of the fact that he was the offensive coordinator of a Super Bowl team.

Using your "He was FIRED" logic, so he must not be any good, then because no one wants to give Peyton the "time of day" he must not be any good. There is a reason no one wants him.
Maybe you should wonder, "Why no one is giving Peyton the time of day?"

GoldenTomb 01-17-2006 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
Furthermore no one is giving Payton the time of day at all, regardless of the fact that he was the offensive coordinator of a Super Bowl team.

Using your "He was FIRED" logic, so he must not be any good, then because no one wants to give Peyton the "time of day" he must not be any good. There is a reason no one wants him.
Maybe you should wonder, "Why no one is giving Peyton the time of day?"

That's pretty simple. It's because no one knows who he is. The guy is getting job interviews yet so many people on here are saying he's not qualified. Apparently he must be if he's gettingb the interviews. Furthermore, people know who Sherman is so naturally they want the coach that they know rather than the coordinator who is unproven. That's hardly a reason to critcize him though. And you're twisting it...I never said that Sherman was no good. I just said the he was fired and that shouldn't be overlooked.

And you're right Shanahan is a retread. I forgot his two year stint with the Raiders, although working for Al Davis should give him a pass. However for every Shanahan, there's a Mariucci, Palmer, Capers, and a Ditka. It takes the right owner, the right team and the right coach for a retread to succeed. Like I said we should be fine with either of them. I just can't see why people automatically say we are doomed if we get Payton. They are basing off of nothing.

mjf150 01-17-2006 09:47 AM

What is you response to my other post?

SAINTSFAN834 01-17-2006 09:52 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.

Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
OK...well i well just put it like this.

I'm generally opposed to taking previous HCs that were fired from their previous jobs....retreads if u you will. Why??? Because they were FIRED!!! You can say what you want about how it was the injuries and what not, but I'm sure that's not the only reason he was fired. That's like saying the only reason Haz was fired was because they went 3-13 this year. There are issues that you don't know of.

The retread experiments generally don't work. What second time head coach that was fired in his previous job do you know of that does as well or better in his second job. Outside of Marty Schottenheimer, Bill Belichek and Tony Dungy, i would say NONE! Look at the teams left in the playoffs. 3 of those teams....Denver, Carolina, and Pittsburg, have head coaches that are in their first stints as head coaches. The forth, Seattle, has Holmgren, who wasn't fired from his job, and who has a Super Bowl to his credit. The good ones don't get fired. All of the head coaches in the league were new at some point, guys. Remember this too guys....Sherman and Martz both had Super Bowl caliber teams handed to them.

I am sure there are many more that did not become successful on their first stint. As a matter of fact, the comment is usually that they are better prepared the second time around. Under your scenario, NE is crazy for ever hiring that Bellichek bum since he got fired once.

And to compare Haslett's situation here to Sherman is laughable. Had the 3-13 year come on the heels of the types of seasons Sherman produced, I am sure Haslett would still be here. The ONLY reason Sherman was fired is that Thompson felt threatened by him. Heck, look who he hired - McCarthy!

mattsprawls 01-17-2006 10:01 AM

Guys....Guys...Guys...settle down.

Let me put some perspective on this. All everyone in the city and the football world is enthralled with a Parcells protege. Payton has been that man for 9 years...While I strongly agree that we all can give a big F-U to Martz. I like Patyon or Henderson. Heres why:

Payton= Parcells no nonsense approach and if you read reports out of reporters covering Dallas Payton has the nuts to stand up to Parcells and argue his points and Parcells listens to the man so that must mean something... Payton will also bring us almost assuradly a new top flight Defensive Coordinator seeing that is on the offensive side of football and that = good defense see Ron Zook rehire here?

Henderson= No nosense style disciplinarian which is what we need here, see 2005 penalty and turnover stats. Also if any one says Henderson rode the JETS d into the ground look at their stats over the last 2 years...not bad. And lastly if you read all reports on the man it is the players would run themselves into a brick wall at full speed if the man asked them to. That is a good thing because everyone knows that on this level players just resemble the system they are asked to play in...see Saints of 2000 Defense...specificly #59 Kieth Mitchell....come on he was a product of Ron Zooks system...dont tell me he was a top flight OLB...dont think so...but the system made him part of a stellar Defense... I could go on and on with the 2000 saints d...Fred Weary CB...Kevin Mathis...Darren Smith playing out of position in the MLB spot.

Bottom Line is so far we have pretty much had Defensive minded Head Coaches in the past.. Lets try an Offensive mind for once.

GoldenTomb 01-17-2006 10:05 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: 1280 says Payton offered the job.

I am sure there are many more that did not become successful on their first stint. As a matter of fact, the comment is usually that they are better prepared the second time around. Under your scenario, NE is crazy for ever hiring that Bellichek bum since he got fired once.

And to compare Haslett's situation here to Sherman is laughable. Had the 3-13 year come on the heels of the types of seasons Sherman produced, I am sure Haslett would still be here. The ONLY reason Sherman was fired is that Thompson felt threatened by him. Heck, look who he hired - McCarthy!
Well if u read my post i mentioned Belichek as one of the exceptions. And lets assume that the reason that Sherman got fired in GB is true. You think he would fare better down here with TOM BENSON and MICKEY LOOMIS?! LOL...right.

I'm not opposed to Sherman. If we get him i will still support the team. I just wonder why everyone expects so much from Sherman and so little from Payton.

mjf150 01-17-2006 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
However for every Shanahan, there's a Mariucci, Palmer, Capers, and a Ditka. It takes the right owner, the right team and the right coach for a retread to succeed. They are basing off of nothing.

First, for every Mariucci, Palmer, Capers, and Ditka, there is a Dave Campo, Chan Gailey, Jim Haslett, Butch Davis, Chris Palmer, Dave McGinnis, Vince Tobin, Marty Mornhinweg, etc. In other words, like SAINTSFAN said, there are far more examples of first term failures than second term bust. By the way, several of those names have come from the Cowboys organization.

Second, it takes the "right owner, the right team, and right coach" in any situation. Especially, when it comes to a first-time head coach.

Third, as far as basing the criticism off of nothing, you are basing his prospects of success on nothing. The guy has never proved himself, and the reason he has never had the chance to is because, obviously, he has never done anything to prove that he deserves a chance.

Forth, based on this organizations track record, there can be only two reasons for bringing in someone who is unproven: One, he will sign for cheap. And, two, Benson can control him, and continue to make the football decisions. And you know that to be true, based on Bensons history and ego.

GoldenTomb 01-17-2006 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
However for every Shanahan, there's a Mariucci, Palmer, Capers, and a Ditka. It takes the right owner, the right team and the right coach for a retread to succeed. They are basing off of nothing.

First, for every Mariucci, Palmer, Capers, and Ditka, there is a Dave Campo, Chan Gailey, Jim Haslett, Butch Davis, Chris Palmer, Dave McGinnis, Vince Tobin, Marty Mornhinweg, etc. In other words, like SAINTSFAN said, there are far more examples of first term failures than second term bust. By the way, several of those names have come from the Cowboys organization.

Second, it takes the "right owner, the right team, and right coach" in any situation. Especially, when it comes to a first-time head coach.

Third, as far as basing the criticism off of nothing, you are basing his prospects of success on nothing. The guy has never proved himself, and the reason he has never had the chance to is because, obviously, he has never done anything to prove that he deserves a chance.

Forth, based on this organizations track record, there can be only two reasons for bringing in someone who is unproven: One, he will sign for cheap. And, two, Benson can control him, and continue to make the football decisions. And you know that to be true, based on Bensons history and ego.

I never claimed Payton will be successful or unsuccessful. I'm reacting to other's comments who are saying we are doomed for the next 5 years if we get him. That's unfair and ignorant to make that statement. It's true that he may sign for cheap, but who are you or anyone else outside of the NFL to say if he is deserving or not. Two NFL teams apparently think he is deserving. And why would he be getting job offers if he was undeserving??? He's just as deserving as Brad Childress or Eric Mangini. All three coaches have been to Super Bowls. Furthermore, he would already BE coach of the Raiders if he hadn't TURNED THE JOB DOWN IN '04.

mjf150 01-17-2006 12:15 PM

By the shear numbers, the fact remains that the failure rate for first time coaches is higher than coaches who are in their second terms.

GoldenTomb 01-17-2006 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
By the shear numbers, the fact remains that the failure rate for first time coaches is higher than coaches who are in their second terms.

So I should bash Payton for no reason? So we should just concede the next six or so years and expect doom if Payton is hired instead of Sherman?? Gotcha.

mjf150 01-17-2006 01:11 PM

I'm not saying that Payton is a bad choice, nor have I bashed him. I'm just saying that the team could do a great deal better by going with someone like Sherman, who has a proven track-record of winning, other than this year when the team was decimated with injuries. Payton may prove to be another Jon Gruden, then again he could be another Morty Morningweig. I understand that Sherman's "past performance does not guarantee future returns", but I do believe that there is far less uncertainty with him than with Payton.

Euphoria 01-17-2006 03:49 PM

I don't buy proven... sustaining a team that Holmgreen built? I know I know he did this and that... but he has no record of turning a team around in the position the Saints are in, if he is so proven and the Packers had faith in him to pull the team around he'd still be there in Green Bay. I like Payton, Carthon, and then maybe Sherman.

Winwin 01-17-2006 03:59 PM

my opinion, sherman wasn't given the chance he deserved. the gm in greenbay, that was the gm at seattle he kept seattle down and now seems destined to do the same to greenbay. not saying i want sherman as coach but to give a different point of view about sherman.

mjf150 01-17-2006 04:07 PM

I wouldn't exactly call it "sustaing a team that Holmgren built", when in fact there was a coach in between he and Holmgren, Ray Rhodes, who went just 8-8. If it was that easy to "sustain a team that Holmgren built", then Rhodes could have done it. Sherman took over the team after Rhodes, not Holmgren, and led the team to back to winning. Sherman went 57-39 and won three division titles in six seasons. That record is including the 4-12 that they posted this season when many of their starters, including Walker, Green, and Davenport, were placed on IR. In addition he had posted a winning record in all five previous seasons, and made four straight playoff appearances. How is Payton's record of turning a team around? Or sustaining a team, for that matter?

The facts are that Sherman took over a team that was mediocre ( 8-8 ) from Rhodes, which is what the Saints have been since 2001 and would have been this year had it not been for the hurricane, and brought them back to the playoffs and respectability. And that is exactly what this team needs.

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