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mjf150 02-01-2006 07:19 AM

Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
Pay particular attention to the sentences in bold italics. The NFL, even as wealthy as it is, is not going to drop that kind of money into the Dome for the Saints to hang around for just a year or two.

NFL, at Saints' urging, kicks in $20 million for dome repairs

January 31, 2006

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The NFL will contribute up to $20 million to the effort to repair the Hurricane-battered Superdome in time for Saints games next season.

The decision was made last week at a league meeting in Orlando after a request by team owner Tom Benson and talks between Superdome officials, the NFL and the team.

"This would be a positive step in the overall rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said.

The donation followed several weeks of talks, said Superdome spokesman Bill Curl. The effort has also helped identify long-term solutions to keep the Saints in New Orleans, he said.

The Superdome was used as a shelter for between 25,000 and 30,000 people following Hurricane Katrina. Repair costs are estimated at about $140 million and most of that is expected to be covered by the state's insurance and FEMA.

On Monday, FEMA announced it was providing $6.3 million to the Superdome to be used for the removal of standing water and water-related damaged items.

The Superdome's structural frame was not affected by the hurricane. The building lost 70 percent of its roof, however, which resulted in major damage as rain poured into the building.

All of the carpet -- about 53,000 square yards -- must be replaced, as well as 30 percent of the drywall and 15 percent of the ceiling tiles.

Much of the upholstered furniture was damaged by water and mold, including all the furnishings in the box suites. About 35 percent of the seats in the arena had water damage.

Eleven of the Superdome's 38 escalators and six of the 15 elevators will be replaced, along with the building's telephone system and its four main scoreboards.

Officials have said that the facility can be repaired and ready to reopen for games by Nov. 1.

Updated on Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 6:13 pm EST

mjf150 02-01-2006 09:01 AM

RE: Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
I believe that everyone might be overlooking the underlying importance of what the NFL is doing here, and what it means in terms of the Saints future in New Orleans.

TheDeuce 02-01-2006 09:16 AM

RE: Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
True. Maybe the NFL officials and owners aren't just money-hungry thieves, and actually care about a franchise in need.... I don't know, just a thought

mjf150 02-01-2006 09:27 AM

RE: Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
My take on it is that in order for the NFL to drop $20 Million into the Dome, they had to come to some verbal agreement with Benson during that private meeting, that would keep the Saints in the Dome for longer than just the next season or two.

FatiusJeebs 02-01-2006 10:41 AM

RE: Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
Hey......the NFL knows that this team has had years of futility and it has a fan base that loves them. As bad as the Saints have always been... it is located in a city that absolutely loves them. You guys think...maybe....just maybe...the NFL feels that it would have a hard time keeping the Saints a successful franchise anywhere else?

BJSim 02-01-2006 01:08 PM

RE: Long-Term Solution: NFL Kicks In $20M For Dome Repairs
The NFL hasn't given LA a new team because the City doesn't really care to fill a stadium. LA lost two teams because it couldn't fill seats, AND it had two chances to gain a team in the last decade and both times failed. I think Tags is smarter than people give him credit for (he does manage to keep 32 billionaire owners in line generally), and knows that a packed Superdome is better than a half-full stadium in LA.

Tobias-Reiper 02-01-2006 02:03 PM

..well, I'm not an accountant or tax attorney, I just play one on the internet, but the Dome belongs to the State, and the NFL is donating this money to the State, which means tax deduction to me.

$20,000,000 dlls sure sounds like a lot, and it is a lot to you and me, but is nothing for the NFL, especially when a) it's tax deductible and b) buys you great publicity.

As for L.A. losing 2 teams, there are a cpuple of points that need to be considered:
1.- Georgia Frontiere.
2.- Al Davis.

This time around, there is the rare opportunity to put a team in L.A. lead by a local hero (for USC fans) and a local pariah (for UCLA fans), Matt Leinart. You add Pete Carroll, and USC fans will watch to see Matt conquer while the UCLA fans will watch to see Matt fail.

..and again, it's all about TV money. You add 10 million possible TV viewers, the TV contract comes up expotentially.

xan 02-01-2006 02:45 PM

There is precedent for directed donations to governmental organizations. If the State doesn't use the monies for Dome repair/improvements, then they can sue (and win) for the money back.

I just don't know how much is really going to Dome expenses and how much will line the politicians and their cronies pockets.

FatiusJeebs 02-01-2006 02:53 PM

Now hold on...wouldn't Tags get like REEEAALLL upset if he were to see that the money donated to the state for Dome repairs was not used for Dome repairs?? Thats like a total slap in the face. I know numbers can be played with and rearranged but 20 mil? Wow....thats a lot of dilly-dallying if you are gonna mess with that much money.

BJSim 02-01-2006 05:12 PM

Here's the deal with LA... They still need a stadium deal. Both of the prior expansion bids fell through because their stadium deals with the city fell through. LA doesn't have the money (nor does the state) to just start making improvements on thier stadiums luxury boxes (an expansion/moving team must). Until I start hearing about a bond resolution to fund a stadium deal I'm not going to start worrying. It's going to take a lot longer than a year to get the improvements needed on any of the stadiums in LA to meet NFL standards for expansion/moved teams.

LongTimeFan 02-01-2006 06:11 PM

I think this is good news for Saints fans, that news makes my day a little better.

BoudinSandwich 02-01-2006 07:38 PM

I'm thrilled! I feel way more at ease about our Saints now.

saintswhodi 02-01-2006 09:00 PM

First, we had to beg for this donation:


The donation followed several weeks of talks, said Superdome spokesman Bill Curl.
They didn't volunteer it. Second, this is like Oprah giving 20 dollars to charity. Do you think she would miss it? The NFL is worth billions upon billions upon billions of dollars, in TV contracts ALONE. Forget merchandising, and everything else. The league donated it's sofa change after we begged for it. Sad part is, all the renovations were already covered by insurance money and FEMA. Also, the NFL has said it will donate $500-$600 million dollars for LA to get a stadium. Think they need it more than us? They are also giving the Cardinals 85 mil for their stadium. Look:


The apparent front-runner in the stadium derby is the Coliseum. The focus of the negotiations with the Coliseum Commission is how much rent the league should pay. The league has said it will pay the $500 million-$600 million required to completely rebuild the stadium.

$85 million from the Cardinals and National Football League
These are snippets taking from articles about the NFL helping other teams. Ask 08 where he got them. But this shows how flimsy this gesture is. The league is patronizing us. If they had said they would donate the money to build us a new stadium, like they are doing for LA, Benson would sign a long term deal RIGHT NOW, cause that was his main reason for wanting to go. Yet they spit at us, and people get happy. This is hard for me to believe. 20 mil is nothing but money Tagliabue finds in his pocket at the end of the day. Come on man.

GoldenTomb 02-01-2006 11:56 PM

I don't think we should draw conclusions one way or another about any of this until next season is over. I think we could have a promising season ahead of us. Why gloom ourselves with cynicism and relocation conspiracy theories?

CheramieIII 02-02-2006 12:00 AM

LA will get the Chargers. San Diego won't pay for a new stadium, LA will someday and that's all I have to say about that.

Another team in LA will not last to 2020, so don't worry San Diego you can still get your team back in about 10 years.

cardboardboxer 02-06-2006 09:20 PM

Its all good if you ignore their hidden agenda:

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