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spkb25 03-05-2006 04:07 PM

according to mort
possible extension again till wednesday for negotiations to continue. not guarenteed.

jrmllb 03-05-2006 04:09 PM

RE: according to mort
i wish they would get this overwith...there is nothing to talk about until they get this overwith so we can move on

GoldRush26 03-05-2006 04:14 PM

RE: according to mort
Yeah but this is extremely important to the livelyhood of the game. If they need to extend i say by all means do so. Or do we want a lockout a couple of years from now?

spkb25 03-05-2006 04:22 PM

RE: according to mort
i just like the added interest towards the nfl in the time between the end of the season and the draft. there is a lot to talk about in the mean time. i like it but lets get it done this year. they say the players association has all the cards. i don't see it. there are players that will go a whole year without playing. especially if teams are thinking they will need to gear up for the year without a cap. although there are teams that will pay whatever as afr as their total pay roll there are teams that will pay less then they are now since they won't be forced to have a certain amount spent. i just don't find how the players have all the power. some players may but there are a lot that may never get another pay day because of it. i think upshaw is screwing the same people he represents. i wonder how much he gets out of a no deal? i am not sure either way but listening to some of the players it seems to be in HIS best interest to have no deal. let me know if i am wrong. i am trying to understand this better

papz 03-05-2006 04:24 PM

RE: according to mort
A lockout would be disastrous... I agree they should take their time with this. As long as they get this wrapped up before the draft, I'm fine with it. Look how long it took for baseball to recover after the strike years ago... they lost many fans because of it. And as far as hockey, I don't think it will ever be the same. I'm not much of a hockey fan but I was actually getting into before that lockout which in turn killed any interest I had in it ever since.

spkb25 03-05-2006 04:33 PM

RE: according to mort
hey papz they changed some rules and it is a lot more exciting because of it. talking about hockey by the way. give it another try. but your point is 100% valid. the nfl has become the top sport but it will be hurt huge if it can't come to an agreement.

CheramieIII 03-05-2006 04:44 PM

RE: according to mort
I wish I could go to my boss and tell him I want 60% of the revenue. The players don't own the teams they don't pay the bills, what in the hell is up with this shiiiiitt. Maybe we need a year off like hockey and let the players stop smoking the shiiiiit and get their heads on straight.

spkb25 03-05-2006 04:52 PM

RE: according to mort
i am with you cherm. i did here just now that they are in the 50's. but it would obviously be the high 50's. either way it is crazy. but i think everything you have been hearing about the players association having this hard spot and not budging is what was agreed to be said in order for the last agreement on an extension to go through. because if it really were true that the owners and management were running scared we wouldn't be in the 50's. remember that upshaw said they have to get in the 60's to have a shot at a deal. that being in the 50's was reported by mort on espn news. that is where i have been getting all this info. might want to tune to it guys. they are staying on tiop of it

papz 03-05-2006 05:17 PM

RE: according to mort
A year off from football... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

spkb25 03-05-2006 05:18 PM

RE: according to mort
me either papz

wheelman 03-05-2006 05:23 PM

RE: according to mort
Two words: replacement players.

CheramieIII 03-05-2006 06:24 PM

Re: RE: according to mort

Originally Posted by wheelman
Two words: replacement players.

Players that want to play, what a concept. The movie wasn't that bad either. Hey Papz, you can believe what you're hearing or you wouldn't have mentioned it. Don't you think it's about time that the players were put in their place.

I know we always talk about the owners but when you really think about it is their money. I don't see the players taking a chance on a 50 million dollar contract. I don't see the players actually putting anything out for the money they make, with few exceptions.

papz 03-05-2006 07:29 PM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
You know what Cher back when baseball went on strike, I suggested the same thing you did. Let the players learn their lesson... I was saying they're all greedy bastards etc etc. But you know what, we all lost because they went on strike. I just wouldn't want that to happen here... that's why I didn't mention or suggest such an idea again.

CheramieIII 03-05-2006 07:33 PM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
Hey Papz don't worry just because you're thinking it or would suggest it doesn't mean their going to do it. I know it would be awful and I guess baseball didn't learn from what happen but I still think that the NFLPA needs to back off that over 60% demand. Why should the players get 60% and the owner get 40% doesn't seem fair to me at all.

Halo 03-05-2006 09:00 PM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
I just wanted to jump in and say, I think all this stinks too and greed on both sides is getting out of hand.

But I want to also say that I don't believe anything the Mort says. I think he's a compulsive liar and makes up whatever he wants to say and calls it out like it comes from "sources."

Well that's all I wanted to say about that. Back to the discussion. :D

CheramieIII 03-05-2006 09:03 PM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
Hey Halo, most people think Mort lies about everything. I bet his wife is bald, pulling here hair out and all.

wheelman 03-05-2006 09:07 PM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
What little truth he does report is usually lifted from the internet anyway.

hagan714 03-06-2006 07:43 AM

RE: Re: RE: according to mort
Rich owners suc. The owners are fighting among themselves about the structure of the cap. You have a max cap but no min. Owners like the one in Arz. are the biggest abusers of the no min lope hole. Make them spend would solve alot. Then you got a great book cookers like Benson here in NO. The Rich milking the super rich.
Then the players gezzz.
I want to know why the NFL is still sticken it to the local fans with us paying tax money for them to stay. Not that i mind but they sure as hell never listen to us. Let stike the both of them. See what they do then. :lol:

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