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BrooksMustGo 05-03-2006 04:19 PM

Peter King gets a Pass from me.


Well, my wife and I were in a car last Wednesday that toured the hardest-hit area of New Orleans, the Lower Ninth Ward. We worked a day at a nearby Habitat for Humanity site on Thursday, and we toured the Biloxi/Gulfport/Long Beach/Pass Christian gulf shore area last Friday. And let me just say this: I can absolutely guarantee you that if you'd been in the car with us, no matter how much you'd been hit over the head with the effects of this disaster, you would not have Katrina fatigue.

What I saw was a national disgrace. An inexcusable, irresponsible, borderline criminal national disgrace. I am ashamed of this country for the inaction I saw everywhere.

How can we let an area like the Lower Ninth Ward sit there, on the eve of another hurricane season, with nothing being done to either bulldoze the place and start over, or rebuild? How can Congress sit on billions of looming aid and not release it for this area?

I can't help but think that if this were Los Angeles or New York, that 500 percent more money -- and concern -- would have flooded into this place. And I can't help but think that if the idiots who let the levees down here go to seed had simply been doing their jobs, we'd never have been in this mess in the first place -- in New Orleans, at least. Other than former FEMA director Michael Brown, are you telling me that no others are paying for this with their jobs? Whatever happened to responsibility?

Am I ticked off? Damn right I'm ticked off. If you're breathing, you should be morally outraged. Katrina fatigue? Hah! More Katrina news! Give me more! Give it to me every day on the front page! Every day until Washington realizes there's a disaster here every bit as urgent as anything happening in this world today -- fighting terrorism, combating the nuclear threat in Iran. I'm not in any way a political animal, but all you have to be is an occasionally thinking American to be sickened by the conditions I saw.
Thanks Peter. On the doorstep of hurrican season and people are sitting on their hands....

VikingSaint 05-03-2006 05:25 PM

RE: Peter King gets a Pass from me.
Considering the conditions haven't improved further than they have since August of last year when Katrina hit, these are the kinds of messages the area NEEDS to have pronounced in order for real action to be taken. Pete gets a pass from me. I think the country's goin' soft on the real issues ...

TheDeuce 05-03-2006 05:38 PM

RE: Peter King gets a Pass from me.
Good article. I hope somebody in Washington reads this up.

FatiusJeebs 05-04-2006 02:13 PM

RE: Peter King gets a Pass from me.
What good will any of that do if your city is on the verge of re-electing that moron of a mayor you guys have?!?

DblBogey 05-04-2006 02:40 PM

Amen Fatius Amen!

gandhi1007 05-04-2006 04:30 PM

Re: RE: Peter King gets a Pass from me.

Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs
What good will any of that do if your city is on the verge of re-electing that moron of a mayor you guys have?!?

It would be a true kick in the a** if that idiot is re-elected during the rebuilding process of New Orleans. Exactly how much of the city is functioning properly since Katrina other than the French Quarters?

LordOfEntropy 05-06-2006 10:06 AM

Damn good article. Score one for Peter King.

saintswhodi 05-10-2006 09:20 AM

A little follow up:

NEW ORLEANS IS IN OUR THOUGHTS. From Doug of New Orleans: "I just wanted to thank you for the article you wrote on New Orleans. You have no idea how much it brightened many of my friends' days as it circulated throughout our group. It is great to see someone still writing about something that has largely and seemingly purposefully been forgotten by most of the nation and the government. While I don't agree with everyone sitting around and waiting for help, it is obvious the job here in New Orleans is much too large to be done alone. We need the help of the nation, even though its eyes are not currently turned our way."

King: I promise you I won't forget.

D_it_up 05-10-2006 07:11 PM

That is one of the few things I've ever read from Peter King that I didn't have the urge to vomit afterwards. Even though he's a complete moron, he's a moron with a heart.

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