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shackney 08-07-2006 01:08 PM

Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!"
Art Shell said on the sidelines that he needs Aaron Brooks to take charge of the huddle! Has he watched Brooks EVER? Brooks has never looked Firey, never took charge of the huddle, never demanded anything from his players, and always smiles , even after a sack! What is wrong with Oakland...Old Coach, poor players, old defensive linemen, proven loser, vetran QB! Art Shell, I like you, but when you get fired'll have no one to blame except you and your scouts!

thib82 08-07-2006 03:03 PM

RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!&
If Art Shell turns AB into a leader in the huddle, and a consistant Pro Bowl QB, then would that make him one of the greatest coaches ever.....?

hagan714 08-07-2006 04:20 PM

RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!&
Art is going to pull him into the coaches office early in the season and kick the living crap out him for grinning after a bone head play. that maybe whats brooks needs. Art is old school Raider.
"Brooks takes the field in the second half sporting a black eye and busted lip." that would be nice

LongTimeFan 08-07-2006 07:20 PM

RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!&
I still can't understand why Al Davis gave Art another shot , the Raiders really need good help, I don't think Art is the right guy for Oakland,

Iron-Head 08-07-2006 08:20 PM

RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!&
Al davis is just old and called up Shell one morning thinking it was still 1990.

i don't think he really meant to hire him again

TheKillerBs 08-08-2006 02:14 AM

RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..haha?!&
Yeah, you don't see the Bears giving Ditka his job back...
The Raiders are just desperate to fill the void they created when they essentially "traded" Jon Gruden.

Personally, I can't wait to see the confrontation between Brooks and Randy Moss after AB overthrows him for the 12th time this season.

SaintFanInATLHELL 08-08-2006 06:49 AM

Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..hah

Originally Posted by LongTimeFan
I still can't understand why Al Davis gave Art another shot , the Raiders really need good help, I don't think Art is the right guy for Oakland,

From Art Shell's Wikipedia entry:


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Shell compiled a record of 56 wins, 41 losses, and was named AFC Coach of the Year in 1990, when the Raiders won the AFC West division with a 12-4 record, and advanced to the AFC championship game in the playoffs. Al Davis, owner of the Raiders, fired Shell after a 9-7 season in 1994, a move Davis said he later regretted.

I don't understand why the guy was fired in the first place.

I also don't understand why it took 12 years for him to get another shot. Most NFL head coaches get retreaded even when they were terrible the first time around. Look at Norv Turner, or even Belichik after his stint in Cleveland.

Shell isn't in love with Brooks like Haslett was. If Brooks isn't producing he'll be sat and one of the other guys will get a shot. It isn't a weak QB backup group in Oakland like Haz had here the last three years.


daviddrake2 08-10-2006 10:08 AM

RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle.
Bless you Art Shell for taking that hapless doofuss off our hands.

One of the happiest days of my life (after the days my children were born and the day I got married) was the day the SAINTS finally gave brooks the heave ho. I dispised his attitude and play so much that I literally quit watching the SAINTS almost alltogether and quit posting here two years ago.

I am glad to be back in the fold now with both the SAINTS and Its a good day for the SAINTS and their fans and a sad, sorry day for Oakland. But, who gives a flying F*%k about the Raiders anyway?

JOESAM2002 08-10-2006 10:17 AM

Good to have you back DD2.

thib82 08-10-2006 11:42 PM

Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..hah

Originally Posted by TheKillerBs
Yeah, you don't see the Bears giving Ditka his job back...
The Raiders are just desperate to fill the void they created when they essentially "traded" Jon Gruden.

Personally, I can't wait to see the confrontation between Brooks and Randy Moss after AB overthrows him for the 12th time this season.

This will be good, but it would be much better if he was overthrowing

BoudinSandwich 08-11-2006 02:08 AM

RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle.
I was in Sacremento (a couple of days ago) for a few days. While there, I was watching this sports show and I happened to hear them discuss the Raiders' performance the night before (their first Pre-Season game.) None of the guys picked the Raiders to win more than 5 games this season. Every single one of them had something negative to say about Aaron Brooks - most of it was that "Brooks isn't the guy" to move the team forward. One of the guys called Brooks a .500 QB and then got rediculed considerably for it because the rest of the panel didn't think Brooks was that good. One actually made the statement that Aaron Brooks is "one of the worst quarterbacks in the league."

gandhi1007 08-11-2006 10:14 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the hud

Originally Posted by daviddrake2
Bless you Art Shell for taking that hapless doofuss off our hands.

One of the happiest days of my life (after the days my children were born and the day I got married) was the day the SAINTS finally gave brooks the heave ho. I dispised his attitude and play so much that I literally quit watching the SAINTS almost alltogether and quit posting here two years ago.

I am glad to be back in the fold now with both the SAINTS and Its a good day for the SAINTS and their fans and a sad, sorry day for Oakland. But, who gives a flying F*%k about the Raiders anyway?

I'm with you DD2! I actually threw a party at my house the day we got rid of "Smiley". :D

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 10:39 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the hud

Originally Posted by OldiesDJ
I was in Sacremento (a couple of days ago) for a few days. While there, I was watching this sports show and I happened to hear them discuss the Raiders' performance the night before (their first Pre-Season game.) None of the guys picked the Raiders to win more than 5 games this season. Every single one of them had something negative to say about Aaron Brooks - most of it was that "Brooks isn't the guy" to move the team forward. One of the guys called Brooks a .500 QB and then got rediculed considerably for it because the rest of the panel didn't think Brooks was that good. One actually made the statement that Aaron Brooks is "one of the worst quarterbacks in the league."

LMAO!!!! Never heard this stuff before. :lol:

WhoDat 08-11-2006 11:34 AM

Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the huddle..hah

Originally Posted by thib82
If Art Shell turns AB into a leader in the huddle, and a consistant Pro Bowl QB, then would that make him one of the greatest coaches ever.....?

Yes. Thankfully, Vince Lombardi's legacy is not in jeopardy. :)

BoudinSandwich 08-11-2006 01:29 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the hud

Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by OldiesDJ
I was in Sacremento (a couple of days ago) for a few days. While there, I was watching this sports show and I happened to hear them discuss the Raiders' performance the night before (their first Pre-Season game.) None of the guys picked the Raiders to win more than 5 games this season. Every single one of them had something negative to say about Aaron Brooks - most of it was that "Brooks isn't the guy" to move the team forward. One of the guys called Brooks a .500 QB and then got rediculed considerably for it because the rest of the panel didn't think Brooks was that good. One actually made the statement that Aaron Brooks is "one of the worst quarterbacks in the league."

LMAO!!!! Never heard this stuff before. :lol:

What's funny is that the criticism is coming from sports analysts. I knew Brooks was going to have a rough time in Oakland. Raider fans are cruel. They're going to run him out of town.

jrmllb 08-11-2006 03:19 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the
Guarantee: Some Member of the Raider nation will make AB cry in at least 1 game this year...Or kill him....Face it they guy is going to have to take a taxi to every game or his is going to be trashed all year long...Randy Moss will probably end up helping them and selling AB's address at one of his juice stands...

Another Fearless Prediction: AL Davis gets so pissed at AB's bonehead plays he comes out of his skybox, his face splits open with its glowing red eyes and reveals that he is the antichrist and the AB was sent by God just to F*&$ with him

WhoDat 08-11-2006 03:21 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Jokes on you, Art Shell..."lead the
Yeah, Brooks cried about how mean Saints fans were to him - we're about the most accepting fans ever. Actually, there was that survey a while back that said, based on total attendance v. total wins, Saints fans are the most loyal fans ever. Raiders fans won't just boo him, they'll throw crap at him. He'll start 9 or 10 games, be cut after next season, and you'll never hear from him again.

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