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saintswhodi 08-10-2006 04:24 PM

REAL Madden ratings

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jergensl 08-10-2006 05:24 PM

RE: REAL Madden ratings
cool...ive been looking for those...thanks whodi

saintswhodi 08-10-2006 05:29 PM

No problem.

jergensl 08-10-2006 05:41 PM

reggie looks to be unstoppable...that is if you can get him to the edge

saintswhodi 08-10-2006 07:04 PM

I usually import him to my roster from NCAA, so it's kinda eerie to see him actually on the Saints without having to import him. But he looks like he is gonna be a beat. I am glad they upped Bullocks stats though. HE was like a 69 last year.

papz 08-10-2006 07:10 PM

Just put him through training camp and Bullocks will be a ProBowler in no time... or just win a couple of Superbowls. 8) I love turning trash into gold and have some team mortgage all their draft picks for whoever I'm dealing. I wish they would improve that aspect of the game as far as teams making counter offers so on so forth... the other side of the game.

BJSim 08-10-2006 07:13 PM

Papz, isn't that why EA made NFL Headcoach? (or whatever it's called)

papz 08-10-2006 07:18 PM

I've never tried that... I don't want to miss out on the actual gameplay though. Can you do both in that game? Madden is Madden though... the ultimate football game. If they could incorporate those two together, I'd find myself taking some extra days off of work here and there. :P

BJSim 08-10-2006 07:26 PM

Yeah but you know if they can sell TWO games at $40+ instead of just one they will.

thib82 08-10-2006 07:28 PM

Man, it will be fun to use the Saints this year. Amazing running game, good QB, with good receivers to throw to.

DJLengai 08-10-2006 07:38 PM


Madden is Madden though... the ultimate football game.
Now, I'll agree on the FO side of the game, but as far as gameplay Sega's NFL 2K (ESPN NFL 2K5) still makes Madden out as an embarassment. Madden's graphics are garbage compared to Sega's. Sega's gameplay, aligment options, routes, running, etc. have always made a mockery of Madden. That's why EA had to go after the exclusive to stifle the competition from a superior product. That QB vision is rediculous....a big yellow cone on the field....that's rediculous. QBs already have awarness, consistency, and accuracy built in their stats in the games. The person that came up with QB vision should be fired. I hope they eliminate it from Live play this year or at least make it "create match" option. Sega had a shoulder charge years before Madden incorporated the Truck Stick. Madden does have the backstep feature that Sega doesn't which is nice. Gameplay wise Madden has a long way to go to catch up to an out dated Sega series and they've caught hell ever since the exclusive.



papz 08-10-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by BJSim
Yeah but you know if they can sell TWO games at $40+ instead of just one they will.

True that.

BJSim 08-10-2006 07:46 PM

Yeah, I only buy the football games every 2-3 years, and this looks to be a great year to.

BJSim 08-10-2006 07:55 PM

DJL ... you are so right. I've got ESPN (PS2) and my friend has Madden (Xbox). Having never played on an Xbox controller and never playing Madden I beat all comers. The game play was too simplistic. I thought it was just that my buddy was really bad, but then I played his kid, who used all the "tricks" and still beat him. I'm not a gamer by any means, but I found Madden's system too basic.

AllSaints 08-10-2006 09:51 PM

Man they dropped deuce speed and rating............. ouch!

thib82 08-10-2006 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by BJSim
DJL ... you are so right. I've got ESPN (PS2) and my friend has Madden (Xbox). Having never played on an Xbox controller and never playing Madden I beat all comers. The game play was too simplistic. I thought it was just that my buddy was really bad, but then I played his kid, who used all the "tricks" and still beat him. I'm not a gamer by any means, but I found Madden's system too basic.

I don't think it's too basic, it's more that the A.I. is screwy, in that some plays work too well too often. BJSim, you obviously haven't played madden online, because the top online players will send you home crying. I'm not saying I could, but there are guys that know what they are doing when it comes to playing madden.

jdiggy 08-11-2006 12:00 AM

Why the optimism for the Saints on Madden this year? Every year they undercut us.

We were 3-13 last season, and I always find that EA has a bias against our talent. We're always ranked in the 70's, and I expect no different this season.

I haven't played every edition, but have the Saints ever had a good team on Madden? That's the most frustrating part about playing with the Saints for me. I enjoy building the team through trades, and free agency; but can we please just get one season where we're kicking ass right out the gate?

I don't know, I just want the Saints to be recognized as a dominant (or even a decent) team represented on the game. THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING!

jdiggy 08-11-2006 12:11 AM

BTW, I do realize that we have a ton of new talent on our team, and, while I'm very excited about them; I don't think they're going to sway the opinion of the almighty Madden football gurus too much.

BJSim 08-11-2006 12:40 AM

thib82, trust me I know quite a few people would kick my can all over the place. I just found the game play basic in comparison to ESPN. And that was held up by the fact that four people who'd been playing the game for a year all lost to me on my first time playing it. It was "I play winner" so I never had to give it up. As I said, I'm no gamer, in fact I play my PS2 for the football season (football games of course) and maybe a few days a year besides that. Hell, my computer only has one game loaded onto it.

hagan714 08-11-2006 08:22 AM

is on field judgement clouded by madden? makes you wonder

wheelman 08-11-2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by jdiggy
Why the optimism for the Saints on Madden this year? Every year they undercut us.

We were 3-13 last season, and I always find that EA has a bias against our talent. We're always ranked in the 70's, and I expect no different this season.

I haven't played every edition, but have the Saints ever had a good team on Madden? That's the most frustrating part about playing with the Saints for me. I enjoy building the team through trades, and free agency; but can we please just get one season where we're kicking ass right out the gate?

I don't know, I just want the Saints to be recognized as a dominant (or even a decent) team represented on the game. THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING!

The Saints were a beast in the old games.

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 08:38 AM

Anubody who would choose the garbage of that ESPN gameplay over Madden is nucking futz!! I bought ESPN two years ago to see that all the hype was about, before EA got the exclusing NFL license. I felt like I was playing 10 yard fight on nintendo. The guys moved in straight lines and there was nowhere close to the 360 degree of movement realism you find in Madden. It was brutal. I gave ESPN the nod in off the field stuff, cause if you had a hard drive for your PS2, you'd get the halftime highlights in motion, and crib mode was alright. And being able to decide how you wanted to structure contracts was great. But their gameplay was horrendous. Ugh. I traded that in for Madden the day Madden came out. Worst money I ever spent on a video game.

jergensl 08-11-2006 09:22 AM

general question:

what do i need to buy to play ps2 version of madden online?
is it worth it?
is playing on the PC online just as good?

i have been playing madden for years, but killing the AI gets boring after awhile.

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 09:42 AM

Are you killing the AI on All Madden? If you are, adjust the AI sliders. Just a thought....

At any rate, to play online on PS2 you need a network adaptor and of course an internet connection. And an ethernet cable. Then away you go. I've never thought playing a console sports game on PC was ever worthwhile, but some people swear by it. A matter of preference I guess.

thib82 08-11-2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by BJSim
thib82, trust me I know quite a few people would kick my can all over the place. I just found the game play basic in comparison to ESPN. And that was held up by the fact that four people who'd been playing the game for a year all lost to me on my first time playing it. It was "I play winner" so I never had to give it up. As I said, I'm no gamer, in fact I play my PS2 for the football season (football games of course) and maybe a few days a year besides that. Hell, my computer only has one game loaded onto it.

Sorry BJ, I thought you were saying that you could beat all challengers. I must have misread it.

FatiusJeebs 08-11-2006 11:34 AM

I agree with DJ. I have been playing the daylights out of NCAA 07 on my 360 and obviously I can't compare graphics but gameplay is still inferior to NFL 2K5. EA tends to make the AI in their games a little obvious. Also I have seen one too many "ghost" tackles in this game. Its like...the defender has generated so much Chi in his chest that right before he has a chance to touch the defender.....the defender is already being tackled and falling on the floor by some mystical force that is right in front of his chest and shoulder pads.. One thing I love is replay where you can clearly see these things happen. I still curse the day that EA got exclusivity. But I can't wait to see Madden on the 360 and I hope that EA actually got to create the NEW and IMPROVED dome.

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 12:07 PM

The NCAA gameplay has always been different than the Madden gameplay. There's no comparison. I would hope ESPN's gameplay would match NCAA's. sadly for me it didn't even reach that. Players don't run in straight lines. That's just too unreal.

FatiusJeebs 08-11-2006 12:24 PM

Wow....I guess we are playing 2 different games them. I am playing NCAA and there things occuring in that game that are flat out unforgivable. As far as technigue strategy and stuff like that of course its different (if thats what you mean by gameplay). I am speaking from the technical aspect....too many people walking through other people and coaches, ghost/dragonball z type tackles and kicks, subpar on and so on.

DJLengai 08-11-2006 12:31 PM


Players don't run in straight lines. That's just too unreal.
They don't run like space men on the moon either. Madden's graphics on Xbox versus Sega's are terrible. Sega also added nice touches with fans, vendors, stadium shots, etc. Sega developed a lot of the moves first so they are laid out well, not in a catch-up fashion. Madden's players all look like The Thing they're so blocky. The overall gameplay in NFL 2K is much more smooth than Madden. Hopefully they hired some new game designers or changed the engine so the game can move forward. The QB vision ruined online play for me. It's total garbage (and not becuase I can't swing a big yellow cone around, which also gives the other player a huge heads up, and hit a receiver). It's redundant like I said before because QB ability is already in the stats for the player. If Madden 2007 has online ability to switch that junk off then I can at least live with the game. Madden does inflate players and cut others way too much. Also, they have no competition and keep releasing the game too early so rosters are wrong and players are mis-ranked (I know this is fixed with updates). I played Madden exclusively until 2001 when Dremacast's NFL 2K series was blowing Madden out of the water. If ESPN was able to compete and sell games for $19.99, we'd all be playing that with a few die-hard Madden people complaining all the time. We'll see what happens in 3 more years.

wheelman 08-11-2006 12:40 PM

You can't be serious. The animations in the 2k series were pathetic. Madden's were so much more realistic.

FatiusJeebs 08-11-2006 12:45 PM

I'll even give you that wheelman. The animations in EA do look a little better....but the bug people at EA need to all be fired. I fumbles a ball the other day when I got tackled from a guy that was 2 steps behind and had not tackled me yet....even though I was already falling....he tackled me right after the fumble....when I was already on the floor.

wheelman 08-11-2006 01:00 PM

What year version are you playing?

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by wheelman
You can't be serious. The animations in the 2k series were pathetic. Madden's were so much more realistic.

I was reading that post, and laughing the whole time. I was thinking the exact same thing. He can't be serious.

buzwa 08-11-2006 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by hagan714
is on field judgement clouded by madden? makes you wonder

I was wondering the same thing... I know people who seem to rely exclusively on it.

FatiusJeebs 08-11-2006 01:50 PM

I'm Comparing 2K5 to NCAA 07 on the 360.

saintswhodi 08-11-2006 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs
I'm Comparing 2K5 to NCAA 07 on the 360.

No comparison. NCAA 07. I would take the gameplay of just about any football game over that 2K5 junk. 10 Yard Fight remake, in gameplay.

Guys moved like that, only faster and with better graphics. Ugh.

D24pick 08-11-2006 05:48 PM

How in the world is Craft's rating higher than Fred Thomas??? Thats scary

Deuce has dropped, and Horn has too

I wished they'd wait longer to get the most accurate rosters...I'll feel diffrent using D.Smith and Simmons knowing they arent on the team...And I'm gonna trade Stoutmire to get Mel Mitchell back, Stout scares me

AllSaints 08-11-2006 11:01 PM

trade stout to get mitchell........... you must be crazy............. the roster will be updated if you have online....... they update for you.......... its really nice...........

D24pick 08-12-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by AllSaints
trade stout to get mitchell........... you must be crazy............. the roster will be updated if you have online....... they update for you.......... its really nice...........

CRAZY Stout stinks! and hes so old, I'd rather have a promisingly good, younger player than have a oldee who still wants to play so he gets a harsh chance with a team with pitiful D... Mitchell is an awesome player, he forces alot of fumbles, and gets tons of tkls on ST

D_it_up 08-12-2006 02:28 PM

Anyone find it interesting that they have Hass rated as the third receiver?

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