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jrmllb 08-14-2006 12:55 PM

Reggie's fine for his Shoes...WTF?
I read that the NFL is going to fine Reggie for his shoes...One article said it was because they had gold toes and cleats, another one said its because they weren't Nike's...The man has a contract with Adidas...If he wants to wear adidas let the man wear Adidas...Is that what this is about???

As far as the gold is concerend I think he should be allowed to wear his team colors on his shoes if he wants...I say show the new commish what that team is made of and everybody on the team where those style cleats, then everybody will match...I know that is what this is all really about...The NFL wanting everyone to look the same, soldierish...This ain't 1950!!!

BoudinSandwich 08-14-2006 01:45 PM

RE: Reggie
It's because they are Adidas. If the shoe brand was Nike, Under Armor, or one of the other NFL brands, there would not be a problem. Bush's contract is with Adidas - which is not an NFL brand.

Don't worry, he's only getting fined $1,000 - $2,000. (I think. I heard it's a REALLY low number like that.)

gandhi1007 08-14-2006 01:56 PM

RE: Reggie
The man should be able to wear whatever brand of cleats he wants as long as they're football cleats. What's next? Is the NFL going to fine Chad Johnson for wearing a gold mohawk & matching earring. That's simply childish. Let the man wear whatever brand shoes he wants!

thib82 08-14-2006 02:03 PM

RE: Reggie
Unless someone has a link, I have a hard time believing that he is getting fined for the name brand of the shoes. That would just be rediculous and stupid on Reggie's part for signing a contract with a name brand shoe he isn't allowed to wear during a game. I'm pretty sure he is getting fined for the gold on the shoes. Thats what the commentators said at the beggining of the game.

gandhi1007 08-14-2006 02:06 PM

RE: Reggie
Still & all......what's wrong with a guy wearing his team colors on his shoes? To me that says: "I have pride in my team colors." That is something this team needs. They should all wear the black & gold shoes Reggie had on.

BoudinSandwich 08-14-2006 02:07 PM

RE: Reggie
It can't be for the color. They're team colors. It's a business issue.

Why did they sign with Adidas? I don't know. I only assume that the deal was more lucrative and they could afford to pay a fine for every game.

thib82 08-14-2006 02:08 PM

Re: RE: Reggie

Originally Posted by gandhi1007
Still & all......what's wrong with a guy wearing his team colors on his shoes? To me that says: "I have pride in my team colors." That is something this team needs. They should all wear the black & gold shoes Reggie had on.

I agree, a fine for the color of your shoes, come on, thats just retarted. But didn't Portis get a fine for his socks last season?

TallySaint 08-14-2006 02:19 PM

Guess I'm one of the few who thinks uniformity in the NFL is a good thing.


gandhi1007 08-14-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by TallySaint
Guess I'm one of the few who thinks uniformity in the NFL is a good thing.


I thought this was uniformity: :D


They should all wear the black & gold shoes Reggie had on.

TallySaint 08-14-2006 02:47 PM


I thought this was uniformity:

They should all wear the black & gold shoes Reggie had on.

Oh, yeah. That's it. Then the punters can sashay onto the field. :?


gandhi1007 08-14-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by TallySaint

I thought this was uniformity:

They should all wear the black & gold shoes Reggie had on.

Oh, yeah. That's it. Then the punters can sashay onto the field. :?


Oh........... :shock:

Crusader 08-14-2006 03:18 PM


That would just be rediculous and stupid on Reggie's part for signing a contract with a name brand shoe he isn't allowed to wear during a game.
Not at all, I bet that Adidas wants to become an NFL brand and what better than signing the stars of tomorrow to get the attention needed to get it done.

JOESAM2002 08-14-2006 04:14 PM

Hold the presses, big guys! This being one person who has seen these shoes pretty close up. this ain't your regular gold, (as in Saints uniform gold) this is gold, as in grill gold. Some of these guys have their gold grills(teeth) Reggie has gold cleats. And folks these cleats are gold. They can blind you when the sun hits them. All in all, I for one think it's pretty harmless, but the league has rules and it's up to them to make them up as they go along.

gandhi1007 08-14-2006 04:17 PM

Hey Joe.....I thought you were hungover. :P

jrmllb 08-14-2006 04:55 PM

The article I read stated that the league wanted Reggie to tape over the gold on the toes....another said it was because the actual cleats are gold...yet another article stated that it was because the shoes were Adidas...Not sure what to believe the official NFL site had nothing to say about it...the other articles were on and lazy to go find them again

saintswhodi 08-14-2006 04:56 PM

Anybody wanna place money on Adidas picking up the tab for any fines for the rest of Reggie's career? I am sure he does not care one lick if they fine him or not.

CHACHING 08-14-2006 05:01 PM

That's what I was thinkin....

jrmllb 08-14-2006 05:14 PM

I hope they do pay the fine if adidas won't I'd make my jackass marketing agent pay it...

ATX_SAINT 08-14-2006 05:19 PM

I heard it before the game on (Sirius NFL Radio) that Adidas agreed to pick up the tab. The league sent him a letter tell him that he would be fined if he wore those cleats.

BoudinSandwich 08-14-2006 09:06 PM

Yahoo! Sports:

It was because of the brand. Adidas picked up the fine.

thib82 08-14-2006 09:32 PM

This could be the dumbest fine I have ever heard of.

D24pick 08-14-2006 09:33 PM

For real, the man wanted those sneakers and he wore them

BoudinSandwich 08-14-2006 09:38 PM

Guys, this stuff happens ALL OF THE TIME in today's corporate world. It's no biggie.

RockyMountainSaint 08-14-2006 09:51 PM

We are talking about "The No Fun League" here.
It isn't suprising that we are having this debate.
Reggie has a Brand Name. It is #05 USC Heisman Trophy Reggie Bush.
He and his sponsor Adidas are going to capitalize on that name.
God Bless Them!
Rickey did the same thing........ or rather, No Limit did it to him. :wink:
Even if Reggie is fined or disallowed from wearing the shoes, he and Adidas will sell twice as many because we and the media are talking about this.
I am not hating on the NFL on this point though.
Think of the possibilities if agents and sponsors were allowed to go unchecked.
I dig Chad Johnson.
Unchecked................ probably not so much.

hagan714 08-15-2006 06:52 AM

f****ing Corp deals in advertising. thats all this is. The entire first unit should wear the shoes. maybe we should hang banners of the shoes at the dome during the season or would the the NFL make us take them down?
I bet all the players wear the same brand of Jock Straps too. or does the NFL go around and check those too? :moon:

mikesaintfan 08-15-2006 12:32 PM

her is a link for was just for the cleets being ADIDAS

No Fun League

I love that Reggie said " adidas took care of it"
didn't payton manning want to wear high top cleets and NFL said no so he didn't wear them

Tobias-Reiper 08-15-2006 02:22 PM

Funny thing is, Reebok makes most (if not all) of the uniforms for NFL teams.
Reebok, alonng with UnderArmour and Nike, have shoe contracts with the NFL.
Guess who owns Reebok?

saintswhodi 08-15-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_SAINT
I heard it before the game on (Sirius NFL Radio) that Adidas agreed to pick up the tab. The league sent him a letter tell him that he would be fined if he wore those cleats.

Told ya'll. :P

daviddrake2 08-15-2006 04:38 PM

First, let me say that it seems like a somewhat silly issue. But, the NFL is a private business. As such, it gets to make the rules for its employees (the players).

As I understand it, the NFl has exclusive shoe contracts with Reebok and Nike that state that only those two brands may be worn by players and personnel in game situations. I would be very surprised if it is not plainly stated in Reggie's contract that he is to adhere to all of the rules and regulations of the league and must honor their existing and future contracts. That would include shoe deals.

This would not preclude him from signing a shoe deal of his own with a non-NFL affiliated company like Adidas, just from wearing those shoes during league games.

The stories I read stated that he was fined $10 for wearing the shoes and that Adidas was paying the fine. I guess they see it as worth $10 a game to get the exposure to fans. But if reggie keeps flaunting the league, I would not be surprised to see the fines go up considerably.

On a business level, it is obviously a serious enough issue to worry the league bean counters, but on a personal level, it is still quite silly.

Just mey thoughts...

gandhi1007 08-15-2006 04:42 PM

Technically......since adidas owns reebok, wouldn't adidas be a reebok (and hence an NFL) brand?

BoudinSandwich 08-15-2006 11:10 PM

Apparently not, gandhi. It's funny how Corporate America works.

RockyMountainSaint 08-15-2006 11:39 PM


Technically......since adidas owns reebok, wouldn't adidas be a reebok (and hence an NFL) brand?
Well, Daimler (an English company) bought Chrysler which has a subsidiary called Dodge.
Daimler/Chrysler then accquired Jaguar Motors.
They all technically have the same Parent company (Daimler).
Would you enjoy shopping for a Jag if it was parked on a lot full of Dodge Neons?
Seperation of brands beneath the parent company umbrella is common.
I don't drive a Jag and may never. If it does come to pass that I can comfortably afford such an automobile....
I don't want to wade through a sea of Ram work trucks (which I do drive) to purchase one. :beatnik:

That having been said.

cajuntexcop 08-16-2006 12:42 AM

Hey Rocky, I think you have a great idea.......a Jaguar C1500 Ramified extended cab dually pickup with wood grain interior, and "coach"seats....and oh yeah...its got a hemi........ I like-ee :cool3: :goodidea:

RockyMountainSaint 08-16-2006 01:37 AM

CTC, You are a very sick man! :couch:
It has to be the "Limited Falcon Hating Tailgating Edition" though. :wink:

jrmllb 08-16-2006 06:56 AM

Make mine Black and daddy the two tone

cajuntexcop 08-16-2006 01:23 PM

sick can be a very broad that sick like dope, or sick like under the weather. Oh, and don't forget it comes with toneau cover and a hanging tree scent stick....ah yes.... :bananajoy:

jergensl 08-16-2006 01:36 PM

this is why your argument lacks logic and frankly sucks....

a dodge neon is FAR inferior product to jaguar....addidas is an equal to better product than both reebok and nike.

i do think the nfl has the right to fine bush, and addidas has the right to keep picking up the tab and enjoying the publicity.

RockyMountainSaint 08-16-2006 09:37 PM

[quote]a dodge neon is FAR inferior product to jaguar....addidas is an equal to better product than both reebok and nike.[quote]

Point well taken jergensl.
I perhaps should have said:
Would you like to browse a Ford dealership and see a Taurus next to a Sable?
Or, a Grand Marquis next to a Crown Victoria?
They are basically the same vehicle.
The real point I was trying to drive home was the seperation(or maybe separation) of brand names beneath the same parent corporaion.

Sucks is such a harsh word though.
I'm just having fun here Bro'. :patos:

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