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Saint25 08-27-2006 03:44 PM

I don't know what took me so long to register here b/c I have been lurking for two or three years keeping up to date on one of my true loves, THE SAINTS!! After browsing the Raiders forum I could not resist coming here and posting a link to the funniest thread ever. I almost feel sorry for these guys as they are talking themselves into beleiving that Brooks is the second coming, much like most of us did. Man, they have a long road ahead of them.

Here it is, Note there is a fella by the name of FormerSaintsFan. LOL

ssmitty 08-27-2006 03:55 PM

Re: Intro

Originally Posted by Saint25
I don't know what took me so long to register here b/c I have been lurking for two or three years keeping up to date on one of my true loves, THE SAINTS!! After browsing the Raiders forum I could not resist coming here and posting a link to the funniest thread ever. I almost feel sorry for these guys as they are talking themselves into beleiving that Brooks is the second coming, much like most of us did. Man, they have a long road ahead of them.

Here it is, Note there is a fella by the name of FormerSaintsFan. LOL

a new guy/girl and his/her first post is about brooks...........what balls..............
i love him/her....................................smitty

papz 08-27-2006 03:59 PM

RE: Re: Intro
Welcome aboard....

WVSaint 08-27-2006 04:17 PM

RE: Re: Intro
im honestly shocked that most of those raider fans believe brooks is a top 10 QB in this league......i know theyre raider fans, but are they really that gullible? im guessing that the raider linemen can all catch the ball well.

i also find it funny that they all say theyd rather have brooks over brees. what nonsense...

Saint25 08-27-2006 04:39 PM

RE: Re: Intro
I figured i'd catch some heat for even mentioning Brooks in my first post! The best part was when one poster said that the only reason Brooks was not viewed as a pro bowl QB was b/c he was on a peice of sh** team. God bless their souls!

saintbuck 08-27-2006 06:24 PM

RE: Re: Intro
Sup homie

CHACHING 08-27-2006 06:25 PM

RE: Re: Intro
Just like Raider fans young and dumb...
"POS team"????
That same POS team beat the **** outta them in 04..
wow......just wow.

P.S...welcome 25

hagan714 08-27-2006 06:28 PM

RE: Re: Intro
if 25 is the age then young brains to mold. hahhaahhah

LKelley67 08-27-2006 09:14 PM

welcome aboard. no prob on the post since was laughing at Chuckles anyway. Enjoy the ride and don't be shy.

spkb25 08-27-2006 09:27 PM

hey that formersaintsfan sounds like someone that use to post here. thank god they can have him
welcome aboard

D24pick 08-27-2006 09:56 PM

This person has 25^^^

RockyMountainSaint 08-29-2006 11:33 PM


hey that formersaintsfan sounds like someone that use to post here. thank god they can have him
welcome aboard
formersaintsfan my a**!
That is Billy.
His Man-Crush on AB should be in the Guiness Book!

nedly 08-30-2006 06:28 AM

Raiders fans.........
are in loser denial. Their team made a serious mistake passing on Matt Linart in the draft. To think Brooks is an adequate replacement for him is sheer fantasy. Like being stranded on the moon, hoping for a rescue.

thib82 08-30-2006 07:42 AM

What was all the comparing Brooks to Mcnabb. They think if Mcnabb was a Saint and AB was an Eagle, there would be a different outcome? Come on, watch AB play and watch Mcnabb play, it's not even close to the same. How often does Mcnabb run backwards then throw the ball away, get sacked, or fumble. Not often, he can use his feet to his advantage, AB is clueless on how to do this. How many times has Mcnabb went to throw a pass, and has had the ball slip out his hand for a fumble, not many, if any. Someone said AB has a great ability to put the ball where only his receiver can catch it, WTF. Thats called your WR bailing you out of a bad throw. I used to feel bad for Raiders fans, having to put their faith in Brooks, but if they really do rather have AB than Brees, Mcnabb, and Culpepper, then thats just plain stupid.

jdiggy 08-30-2006 09:41 AM

Those cats are delusional...

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