09-07-2006, 09:46 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by shackney
I'm a little old school because collectively we've had great players and even though we've not won a ton of games, much less a championship, we have a rich history! I work with Fred Sturt (saints G from like 78-81) and he shares about the squad, and Bum and all the memorable guys like Archie, who he claimes, despite the record, was the best athlete he ever played with or against. I like where we are going and like to think we are due! Brees and Reggie are a refreshing addition to the new regime! Payton is a stud...give him time and I think we will be happy with our squad!
Trust me I am New Schools all the way. I hate the fact that most of the Saints Fans are so negative. I understand this team has lost a lot in the past but why so neagtive?? Charger Fan, Chiefs fan. No matter what they feel their team is going to the Super Bowl. Why not the Saints??