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giveittodeuce 09-22-2006 11:19 AM

Who else will lose it during the kickoff?
Hey guys, first time poster here however I have been frequenting this site as well as other saints fansites for a long time. Always like what I read here.

Anyway, I have to ask... who else will completely lose it when the game starts and they see that Fleur de lis at the 50 yard line and SAINTS in the endzones? I fully and unashamedly admit that I will break down in tears at some point during the coverage of the game. The game will simply inspire so many emotions, I wont be able to hold it back.

I just have so much pride in my Saints heritage. I feel like a distinct part of me that was absent last year is soon going to be returned to normal. OF COURSE I care about what happens, and I want us to win this game more than any other I have ever watched, but even if we lose...and even(god forbid) if we lose badly.... we still win. No two ways about it.

We're back... 0-16 or 16-0 I'm just so happy and proud of the fact that we can cheer for our home team again. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS fan as long as theyre around.

Anyway sorry for the sappy post... but as monday night draws nearer I am realizing how much this game truly means to me. I only wish I had a ticket (season tickets got washed away last year :( ). Ill be educating all these sketchy Panthers fans here in NC about what it truly means to be a football fan.


neugey 09-22-2006 12:31 PM

RE: Who else will lose it during the kickoff?
I've got bowling league on Monday night and I'm going to wear my Reggie Bush jersey. I have a feeling I will be more proud of the Saints than I've ever been before. I'm hoping for a competitive game, I know the effort will be there for both teams.

FatiusJeebs 09-22-2006 01:05 PM

RE: Who else will lose it during the kickoff?
Im here in Miami and I am almost certain that someone in New Orleans will here me cheering my arse off at my house. ;0)

APSaintsfan 09-22-2006 03:31 PM

RE: Who else will lose it during the kickoff?
In Concord, NC here. right by the Lowes Motor Speedway. I have always talked trash to all the Panthers fans except for not as much last year. But I cannot wait to watch this game. My kids don't understand why me and the wife are getting all crazy for this game. They will understand later. My youngest kid has support your team day today and she wore her Saints Jersey and Hat to a very pro Panthers school. Gotta love that girl.
Go Saints

DJLengai 09-22-2006 07:37 PM


I fully and unashamedly admit that I will break down in tears at some point during the coverage of the game. The game will simply inspire so many emotions, I wont be able to hold it back.
Amen to that brother. When the Star Spangled Banner is sung, there won't be one dry eye in the dome or on the faces of anyone watching the game. Huge man, Huge. I think we'll be so high on emotion we're going to crush the Falcons, better than us or not. We beat the crap out of the Godly Rams for 3 years, and we were the first team to beat them in their house. It'll be interesting to see how Kevin Mathis reacts. He's a good man so he should be tearing up pretty good too.


LongTimeFan 09-22-2006 08:02 PM

First off welcome to the site, you will love it here, lots of Saint fans ..
As for the game I just can't wait until Monday night, I took off from work on Tuesday so i can enjoy the entire game.
A while back I said that when Bush hits the field in New Orleans for the first time the Dome would rock, now that the Saints are 2-0 and the Falcons coming to town will have even more excitement.

BTW, I think the country will be behind us making the Saints America's team for at least one night.

BoudinSandwich 09-22-2006 08:38 PM

I don't cry, but I might make an exception.

cajuntexcop 09-22-2006 09:04 PM

Screw it...I'll cry...and I don't care who sees me doing it...

CHACHING 09-23-2006 01:13 AM

I cry for my Saints every year..only this time it means something..

Ashley 09-23-2006 08:00 AM

Im in Salt Lake City now, and i had a ticket, but cant make it back. My wife and i miss our city ,and our SAINTS !!!!! I will break down here, but on a better note BLOW THE TOP OF THE DOME . :twisted:

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