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ssmitty 11-05-2006 03:08 PM

ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OUR 6-2 SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOAH, NELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SMITTY

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 03:12 PM

Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ssmitty
OUR 6-2 SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOAH, NELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SMITTY

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year. :roll:

LongTimeFan 11-05-2006 03:14 PM

RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My word for the day is:


gandhi1007 11-05-2006 03:49 PM

RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?


My word for the day is:

Unstoppable! Man-Child! Juggernaut! Those are the words I'd use to describe the kid. :D Let's not forget to give kudos to Zach Strief as well. Besides the one false start (for less than Brown's average per game), Strief was stellar against one of the league's elite DE's (Simeon Rice). I'm all for Strief starting the rest of the year in place of Jammal Brown. :wink:

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 03:54 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?

Ummm I was making my best "fairweather fan" impression right there. I never lost the faith myself.

smyce 11-05-2006 03:56 PM

RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree about giving Strief props keping Rice at bay. Great win for our team.

One word: Brilliant

gandhi1007 11-05-2006 03:58 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?

Ummm I was making my best "fairweather fan" impression right there. I never lost the faith myself.

Oh.... I got you GoldRush, but there are those on here who immediately lost faith after the Baltimore game. Just check out some of the posts over the last week.

ssmitty 11-05-2006 04:00 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by smyce
I agree about giving Strief props keping Rice at bay. Great win for our team.

One word: Brilliant

KEEP THE FAITH AND OH, READ THE POSTS...........................SMITTY

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 04:03 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?

Ummm I was making my best "fairweather fan" impression right there. I never lost the faith myself.

Oh.... I got you GoldRush, but there are those on here who immediately lost faith after the Baltimore game. Just check out some of the posts over the last week.

Oh don't I know it. I was busy dealing with a few of them right after the game. Check out the posts right after last weeks game....I almost got kicked off the board. They were making me frustrated with their overall sentiment of "here come the same ol Saints again". I wish people would just pick a side. Either we suck or we don't. So many fans want to ride the wave when things are going well and then bail when we get embarassed.

gandhi1007 11-05-2006 04:07 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?

Ummm I was making my best "fairweather fan" impression right there. I never lost the faith myself.

Oh.... I got you GoldRush, but there are those on here who immediately lost faith after the Baltimore game. Just check out some of the posts over the last week.

Oh don't I know it. I was busy dealing with a few of them right after the game. Check out the posts right after last weeks game....I almost got kicked off the board. They were making me frustrated with their overall sentiment of "here come the same ol Saints again". I wish people would just pick a side. Either we suck or we don't. So many fans want to ride the wave when things are going well and then bail when we get embarassed.

After so many years of embarrassment, I believe I could keep the faith through just about anything. Keep the faith, bro. Hell.....Seattle made it to the big game last year, why can't we? :D

Savant 11-05-2006 04:12 PM

It was hard watching last weeks game. I wasn't freaking out about it. Tough loss none the less. I just thought the game was their to win and we made too many early mistakes to overcome. I liked how they didn't give up, which is a big change from last year. But truely I think the Ravens were more ready to play that game and they did a good job. Todays game was a very good bounce back. And it's what good teams do after a tough loss.

LongTimeFan 11-05-2006 04:46 PM

The Saints had a bad game last week, as many said at the time, "the Saints are 5-2 and in first place", some were saying the season was over, a little premature I thought..
The Falcons laid an egg today so again we're alone in first place...
Looking up for this Saints team.

smyce 11-05-2006 04:59 PM

I never read one post or article from a writer saying the season was over. If someone can point one out that would be great otherwise stop saying it was said.

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by smyce
I never read one post or article from a writer saying the season was over. If someone can point one out that would be great otherwise stop saying it was said.

It wasn't writers, it was some our very own fans on this very board this past week. Check the posts that followed the Baltimore game last week and see for yourself.

smyce 11-05-2006 05:07 PM

I did, I read. Not a single one said this season was over. Like I said, point one out and I'll change my tune.

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 05:13 PM

How about this one?


Originally Posted by poydras
Just like last year when we beat the panthers and then tanked, I'm afraid we've turned back into the Saints. It just took a few more games to do it this year.

smyce 11-05-2006 05:14 PM

Still not seeing where she said the season was over.

Nice try, next.

Please dont make me defend poydras

BlackandBlue 11-05-2006 05:20 PM

Re: RE: Re: ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

Originally Posted by GoldRush26

Originally Posted by gandhi1007

What do u mean smitty....those are the same ol sorry azz Saints that fans gave up on last week. That wasn't our real team out there today. The real Saints are the ones that lost those two games this year.
Imagine that! It's "fair weather" again. Looks like the bandwagon's making pick-ups again. :?

Ummm I was making my best "fairweather fan" impression right there. I never lost the faith myself.

Oh.... I got you GoldRush, but there are those on here who immediately lost faith after the Baltimore game. Just check out some of the posts over the last week.

Oh don't I know it. I was busy dealing with a few of them right after the game. Check out the posts right after last weeks game....I almost got kicked off the board. They were making me frustrated with their overall sentiment of "here come the same ol Saints again". I wish people would just pick a side. Either we suck or we don't. So many fans want to ride the wave when things are going well and then bail when we get embarassed.

you were nowhere close to getting booted.

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by smyce
Still not seeing where she said the season was over.

Nice try, next.

Please dont make me defend poydras

Well if you need exact quotation of the words "the season is over", then you're right no one has said it.

There was a similar "the sky is falling" theme to many of the posts during the entire past week. I'm not saying people aren't entitiled to their opinions. I just wish they wouldn't "jump back on" when things are going well and bail again when we trip up. And we will trip up again because NFL teams do lose games. I figure we Saints fans should know that better than anyone else. And I'm not saying follow the team with blind faith either. But I believe anyone who's looked at the Baltimore game seriously would understand that us losing the game wasn't a sign of us "turning back into the Saints of old" or whatever crap. What's happened last year or any other year in the past has no effect on the performance of the team this year.

TheDeuce 11-05-2006 05:27 PM

How about this word ssmitty:


F***ing legit, too legit to quit...

- Still depressed because I can't watch the games in London

BlackandBlue 11-05-2006 05:30 PM

now, you CAN be banned for quoting MC Hammer.... :roll:

gandhi1007 11-05-2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by smyce
I did, I read. Not a single one said this season was over. Like I said, point one out and I'll change my tune.

I generally don't like doing the work that the person asking the question could so easily do themselves, but here you go Smyce. :?


I've seen all this before and I was never on the ship. I knew we would have our meltdown eventually. It was great while it lasted.

smyce 11-05-2006 05:37 PM

We played like crap last weekend. People were upset, and rightfully so. No one jumped off of the ship (at least no one i knew) but if you expect everyone to just be hunky dory after a game like last week well you are insane. When our teams plays like they played last week people will be upset, people will say things like "same ole Saints". It wasnt the fact that we lost to a good team, it was the fact that we didnt even show up to play the damn game. Thats what I was upset about, thats what lots of people were upset about. No one jump ship, no one gave up. It was just a very upsetting experience.

smyce 11-05-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by gandhi1007

Originally Posted by smyce
I did, I read. Not a single one said this season was over. Like I said, point one out and I'll change my tune.

I generally don't like doing the work that the person asking the question could so easily do themselves, but here you go Smyce. :?


I've seen all this before and I was never on the ship. I knew we would have our meltdown eventually. It was great while it lasted.

Obviously if that person was never on the ship, he/she couldnt "jump" off. Also, I wouldnt call that person a fan if he/she never believed in this team to begin with, which he/she made quite evident in that post.

Also, no one made you do the "work".

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by smyce
We played like crap last weekend. People were upset, and rightfully so. No one jumped off of the ship (at least no one i knew) but if you expect everyone to just be hunky dory after a game like last week well you are insane. When our teams plays like they played last week people will be upset, people will say things like "same ole Saints". It wasnt the fact that we lost to a good team, it was the fact that we didnt even show up to play the damn game. Thats what I was upset about, thats what lots of people were upset about. No one jump ship, no one gave up. It was just a very upsetting experience.

I don't know anyone that was "hunky dory" after last week. I wasn't and I didn't expect anyone else to be. Everyone was upset, but there is a difference in being upset and exacerbating the situation of us losing with comments like "looks like we're back to being Saints of the old". Don't we have enough people in the media taking shots at us, why do we take shots at ourselves? :?

smyce 11-05-2006 05:51 PM

At some point, we have be the team that expects to win, not hopes to win. The excuse "well we lost to a good team" should no longer be in our vocabulary. Think the loser of that Colts/Pats game tonight is gonna say "well we lost to a good team"? Hell no. We have to stop being content with losing to good teams and start beating those good teams. Until then, we will always be the Saints of old.

GoldRush26 11-05-2006 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by smyce
At some point, we have be the team that expects to win, not hopes to win. The excuse "well we lost to a good team" should no longer be in our vocabulary. Think the loser of that Colts/Pats game tonight is gonna say "well we lost to a good team"? Hell no. We have to stop being content with losing to good teams and start beating those good teams. Until then, we will always be the Saints of old.

And everything that I have heard on TV or read about comments by players and coaches on this team, we are already that team that you say we need to be.

Fans will be fans and we can say stuff like "we lost to a good team". But I have YET to hear about anyone on this team resting on their laurels. I just heard Drew Brees in his post game conference and he talked about the big first quarter, but he also talked about how the 3 and outs in the second quarter and how that was completely unacceptable.

It seem as if we already HAVE our new team and it's some of the fans that need to change the way they think.

NO_SAINTSinMD 11-05-2006 06:22 PM

COLSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EASY BREEZY

along 11-05-2006 07:37 PM

Outstanding win without a doubt!!!

But one thing is for sure...our O-line
need to start run blocking a lot

frankeefrank 11-05-2006 07:38 PM

i don't think it was fans jumping off the band wagon last week, maybe they were just "expecting more" from their team.

AllSaints 11-05-2006 07:38 PM

Yeah I was impressed by Colston and really impressed by Henderson today... but gosh REGGIE !!! GO FORWARD.... how long will it take for him to learn this year he is a rookie and every thing but damn....


maximkat 11-05-2006 07:47 PM

My one word: One

As in one tackle, the amount that both Simeon Rice and Steve Weatherford each had.

FatiusJeebs 11-05-2006 08:06 PM

Just keep believeing fellas. KEEP BELIEVING!!! This is not going to be the same ol' type of season.

BlackandBlue 11-05-2006 08:10 PM

I like the word "Zero"

As in, ZERO turnovers. ;)

chRxis 11-06-2006 08:52 PM

well, it's still being said that some fans "gave up" or conceded that the season was over.... nothing could be further from the truth.... i for one was very critical of the team and coaches after the ravens game..... we looked like retards trying to hump a door knob vs. baltimore and came out today looking like champs.... don't understand it....but clarify the assumption of certain ppl on here, no one fan poster on here "gave up" on the saints.... a group of us simply expressed some concern and dissatifaction w/ how we played vs. the ravens and hoped that wasn't the beginning of a disaster for the second half of the season...

RockyMountainSaint 11-07-2006 12:33 AM


My one word: One
I dig this one too Kitty-Kat!

As in:

One Team.
One week at a time.
One breath (at least) before posting a reply. :wink:

SaintPauly 11-07-2006 01:38 AM

Sometimes I think we should take a cue from the team itself, when it comes to the season. Take it one game at a time. That's what I love about our coach, he doesn't spend alot of time patting himself, or his players on the back after a win. He looks at the mistakes first, then he focuses on the positives. The sign of a good coach. Glad he's on our side. :banana:

Pace yourself on the emotions, it's a long season, and frustration is something you cannot control. :bang:

Great game Sunday. I'm looking forward to Pittsburgh on Sunday.

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