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aussiesaint 12-12-2006 04:32 AM

A question about American Football culture
Hi Guys,

An Aussie who is a big NO Saints fan here. ( A few of us down under, believe it or not).

No the question isn't on the game itself, I understand the basics of American Football (the plays have me a bit bewildered though :wink: ).

My question is on something i saw in the replay i just watched of the Saints v Cowboys game. The Saints were on about 1st and goal with 3 minutes to play and instead of going for a score the QB kneeled down and ate up the clock.
Now i understand why a team would do this, I also understand that the Saints coach was the assistant to the Cowboys coach and looked like he was showing respect, but why wouldn't he want to score another TD to really rub it into the home team?

The Australian way of playing all sports is to go in hard from start to finish, and when your foot is on the opponents throat you grind in the heel. Never ever do you go easy on the opponent. We have no mercy rules in any game we play (except Baseball which is your game after all). In our football if my team (the Saints - nice nicname hey? :wink: )is up by 15 goals, you want to win by twenty. We have a new coach for 2007 who is the assistant to the head coach of Sydney who won the championship in 2005 and lost by one point in 2006. Our new coach would never go easy on his old boss no matter how much he respects him.

Was this a one off type thing by the Saints, or does this happen as a matter of course throughout the NFL?

Oh fantastic win BTW. Watched from start to finish and enjoyed every second.

Even know what Who Dat? means now. Might have to start that chant at our games next year. :D

Cheers guys.

SaintFanInATLHELL 12-12-2006 06:02 AM

RE: A question about American Football culture
Welcome to the board AussieSaint!

To answer your question, it was a strategy move that routinely happens at the end of games.

The first objective is to win the game. It was no longer in doubt. Second is that the kneeldown is generally a safe play. It would be devestating to lose a running back or offensive lineman due to injury on what would be considered a needless running up of the score.

It just wasn't only a sign of respect. It was get the game over and get out of town.


neugey 12-12-2006 10:57 AM

RE: A question about American Football culture
It depends on the sport. The rules of football allow for you to basically take a knee and unofficially declare that the game is over. But in tennis, it's understood that you need to finish your opponent off w/ out any mercy in order to finish the match.

Saintsfan4ever 12-12-2006 12:45 PM

RE: A question about American Football culture
Welcome Aussiesaint,
Just to add to what SHIAH said;
In the NFL there are wins and losses ( W`s and L`s). No polls, no power rankings, no extra credit for higher scores, just W`s and L`s. If you can eat up the clock and secure a W by not allowing the opposing team any possible chance to score, then you take the knee and secure the W.
and believe me, beating Dallas 42-17 in their stadium as a nationally televised event was brutal punishment, one more score couldn`t have made Dallas look any worse.

Tobias-Reiper 12-12-2006 03:28 PM

Re: RE: A question about American Football culture

Originally Posted by neugey
But in tennis, it's understood that you need to finish your opponent off w/ out any mercy in order to finish the match.

And "finish your opponent off without any mercy" do not belong in the same sentence.

To answer the original question, is strategy. There are 2 mayor differences in the way American football - wait, no, U.S. football :) - is played and other timed-limited sports are played:

1.- Teams take turns attacking and defending, using completely different units, whereas in a game like Australian rules football everyone plays offense and defense, and the ball can change hands at any time, and anyone can attack or defend at any given moment.

2.- Play stops after a down is played, unlike Australian rules football, in which play is meant to be non-stop - there are play stoppages, but technically a game could be played without stoppages. Obviously, the team on defense cannot attempt to recover the ball between downs, yet the game clock doesn't stop as long as there's no penalty, incomplete pass, plater with the ball goes out of bounds, or a time out is called. For this reason, teams have an allotted time in which they need to run a play or be penalized for delaying the game.

Since the object of the game is to score more points than your opponent in the allotted time, and knowing that once a down is played your opponent has no chance of getting the ball back, teams routinely "take a knee" at the end of games because that eats the clock and gives the other team almost no chance to get the ball back.

The part about "respect" and "disrespect" is a fairly new phenomenon not only in sports, but in American society in general. We live in a society where everyone wants to be "respected".

SapperSaint 12-12-2006 03:45 PM

Re: RE: A question about American Football culture

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper

Originally Posted by neugey
But in tennis, it's understood that you need to finish your opponent off w/ out any mercy in order to finish the match.

And "finish your opponent off without any mercy" do not belong in the same sentence.


AussieSaint good to hear from you glad you joined.

Taking the four knee downs can be taken another way, showing pity for the other team. To me taking the knee was more of a slap to the Cowboys than running it in for another TD. Hey, I liked it either way.

Halo 12-12-2006 04:02 PM

Re: RE: A question about American Football culture

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper

Originally Posted by neugey
But in tennis, it's understood that you need to finish your opponent off w/ out any mercy in order to finish the match.

And "finish your opponent off without any mercy" do not belong in the same sentence.

I'm sorry, I had to chime in, I almost fell out of my chair on this on. :lol:

Halo 12-12-2006 04:13 PM

RE: Re: RE: A question about American Football culture

Welcome aboard! The way we see it, regardless of whether the coaches were friends, or the teams were rival or not etc., it seems the unspoken policy in American Football, in general, is to not kick a dead horse when he's down. I think American football is such a momentum sport that where you find yourself at the top and with your finger on the nuclear button today, tomorrow someone else will have that nuke pointed at you when you are down.

Also, revenge plays a big part in it. When Coach Peyton kicked the onsides kick when they were up, that was a knee to the nuts right there, but that was within the boundries of fair play. When a team is down badly, and you're on their 3 yard line with a minute left, you must kneel on the ball, otherwise you'll be percieved as the bad guy.

In America, people "bandwagon" on the winners. Winners are always seen as good sportsmen. Teams that are "bad boys" can be successful but they hype never lives on and they fall. The Saints did the good "sportsman-like" thing to do, and I hope all that rambling made some sense.

Saintsfan4ever 12-12-2006 04:43 PM

RE: Re: RE: A question about American Football culture
After you get through reading these essays .... the answer is still the same... it`s about the W with nothing more to prove. We just want the W. We got the W, took a knee went home.NEXT!

Euphoria 12-12-2006 04:58 PM

RE: Re: RE: A question about American Football culture
I thought it was a rub in the cowboys that the Saints kneeled with 3min. to go. You don't see that now-a-days. Inside the 2 minutes yes but with 3 minutes, no way.

papz 12-12-2006 05:01 PM

RE: Re: RE: A question about American Football culture
Though this is rare, I definately agree with what Euph just said. I thought it was way more insulting kneeling with that amount of time left.

LongTimeFan 12-12-2006 06:24 PM

RE: Re: RE: A question about American Football culture
3 for 3....

I'm with Euph and papz, this was an insult to Parcells, it showed that the student out coached the ole' ball coach, the teacher.
Either way though, Payton made the Cowboys look silly, the Cowboys were embarrassed in front of a national tv audience.

Fleured 12-12-2006 06:47 PM

If I was Payton it would've been a smite to all the Dallas Wagoneers who found out Romo's squad is human. I would hope that Sean wouldn't need to salt Parcells's wounds such as it is.. :roll:

Tobias-Reiper 12-12-2006 07:09 PM

No it wasn't an insult to Parcells.

I'm sure Parcells considers more of an insult how his team played most of the game, not the Saints kneeling down when the game was decided.

As I said before, this "respect" and "disrespect" thing is a fairly new societal ideology phenomenon.

By the way, saying "it's all about the W and only the W" is not entirely correct: when considering playoff qualification, points scored is one of the NFL tie breakers, lest we forget the Panthers trying to score 45 points against the Saints the last game Ditka coached so they could break a tie and go to the playoffs that year.

FatiusJeebs 12-12-2006 10:24 PM

Hey I actually remember that. Man was I pissed!

aussiesaint 12-13-2006 03:31 AM

Thanks for the explanation guys.

Have to understand that American Football, while it has been televised for decades in Australia, is still a fairly foreign concept to many of us whose football (Australian Rules where I am in Melbourne) is so vastly different that the only thing in common is that we play it with an oval shaped ball.

As i said the basics of American Football is fairly easy to understand, such as the downs, and scoring of TD's,FG's, and safetys, however the intricacies and traditions aren't really known hence the question.

I suppose the most logical explanation is the W/L scenerio. In our game for example we have a national competition of 16 teams attempting to get into a month of finals (playoffs) in September of every year (remember, our winter is your summer). This is achieved by getting four competition points for each win over 22 games. Positions are decided on points scored for and points scored against in those games. Whoever has the better record has the better positionin the top 8 and the playoffs and a better chance tyo get to the Grand Final (our Superbowl if you will).
This is the reason a team will want to win by as much as possible. In NFL a win is a win and it doesn't matter as much.

Anyway for a bit of trivia. In 108 years of being in the competition my team St.Kilda (or simply the Saints) have won one championship in 1966. Co-incidentally New Orleans and Atlanta entered the NFL that year, with NO taking our nicname of the Saints and the Falcons taking our colours (red white and black). We like to kid ourselves that we had some influence :wink:

I'll be around a bit, but wont post too many dumb questions.

Thanks Guys.

SaintFanInATLHELL 12-13-2006 05:56 AM


Nothing dumb about your questions. Bring them on.

Thanks for the insight into AR football.

As pointed out earlier in the thread "A win is a win" isn't technically true. Points scored is a tiebreaker. But it's like 7th on the list. Items such as division/conference record, record against common opponents, strength of schedule and victory (I still don't know exaclt what they mean), and other tiebreakers come into effect before looking at points.

I found "strength of victory" here:


If two teams end with identical records, combine the records of the opponents in each of the team's wins and calculate the total winning percentage. The team whose opponents have the higher winning percentage wins the tiebreaker.
Note that all of the lower level tiebreakers (about 4 of them) are related to points.

So you may be right AS, maybe one should in fact step on the neck of an opponent, because you never know down the line if points will matter.


hagan714 12-13-2006 08:18 AM

We have beat you and you are done with you. we have no need to compete. You are the losser and are no longer any competion. We just ran the ball and pounded you into submission and there was nothing you could do about it.
When the opposing team does it is a saying We give up.
I do not bye into the respect portion as much. The points would have been of no concern. It is more like in boxing to ask the corner to throw in the white towel to end the match before their boxer gets killed.
It is a way to keep silly injuries down also
As for the Tie breaker bit. The saints are in complete control of that angle. Seattle is the only team of concern there and we are way out in front of them there. If we catch the bears by some mircle we are in control there too. Just by streangth of schedual only. that comes before the points bit

SaintsFan81 12-13-2006 09:40 AM

The simple fact this guy is in Australia and we have fans there kicks so much @$$. I served with some of your countrymen in Iraq Aussiesaint its way cool to have you on the board man.


kuke 12-13-2006 02:41 PM

Another way to look at it as a revenge factor is how it takes the ball out of the other teams hand when they most desperately want to score or get back at us for one last parting shot (like getting the last word in on an argument you get crushed in). If we were to go in and score, then they would have gotten the ball back and been able to have had some sense of hope at the end, or ability to end it on a high note. The thing that killed about the onside kick was that they were just desperate to have the ball back, the mere opportunity to answer back is seen as a right in this game, no matter how much you sucked on defense, your offense gets a chance to answer back. And when that is taken away from you, it feels like a violation. At least when another team is running up the score on you, you continually get a chance to answer back each time they score. That is what makes it so frustrating when they take a knee. To have no hope when the clock is still ticking just seems wrong.

Wrong, but fun!

xan 12-13-2006 03:08 PM

Having worked for a Melbourne based biotech and familiar with the unfortunate that barrack for the Saints, I appreciate your confusion. But you should understand that we play with pads and helmets, like wimps while your true footy ballers suit up with their wits and manhood.

Go Saints, beat Melbourne, Brisbane, Western, Essendon, Port Adelaide, Carlton, Sydney, Hawthorne, Feemantle and Geelong in order, to start the Season 10-0!!!

neugey 12-14-2006 08:17 AM


And "finish your opponent off without any mercy" do not belong in the same sentence.
Care to play a match sometime??? :-)

The point I was trying to make is that it's still possible to kick someone's ass without physical contact. The mindset in tennis is not to let up at all when your opponent is falling apart, same as in football. Although, I'll admit the physical element of domination in football takes it to another level.

NarwhalHunter 12-14-2006 11:35 AM

There's also the fact that we may very well meet Dallas in the playoffs again. No need to get their players riled up any more than necessary, or to show more of our hand/plays than we need to. Next time around you can be sure they'll be watching every kickoff and end around, fake or not.

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