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ssmitty 06-13-2003 04:32 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
i questioned with a little trash, i waited, i read.........he does have a way of coming back with the trash does'nt he? b&b saw it, i continue to see it, and gator warned you.....when you continue to make full circle with nothing new it does get old. don't pet the wounded bear just yet.......i await to see the real trash talking and hope gator was'nt fooled by an amateur..........or???????could he have been????????smitty

lumm0x 06-13-2003 06:29 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
You sure have become a cynical son of a b!tch lately.....

I\'m not censoring you....I get a kick out of it...

BillyCarpenter1 06-13-2003 06:47 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......

I never hung you out to dry. As much as I might argue with you, your a Saints fan, and all this crap about let\'s talk football is garbage. If everyone would read all the smack, there is a lot of \"football talk\" in there also. Maybe we should let them do all the talking and we should just read. BUT, your on your on with JoeSam, sorry brother.

rusta 06-13-2003 07:31 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
gator you\'re kinda sensitive are you sure you\'re not a chick :P

you brought all that crap on yourself, i don\'t care if you guys enjoy that kinda stuff or even if you guys do that kinda stuff, i just didn\'t want to see here(the only board i\'ve found that isn\'t full of idiots)

no one hung you out to dry, i don\'t even remember anyone except pak jumping on the wagon when this first got started

damn the season needs to start you guys are getting too bored

ssmitty 06-13-2003 07:48 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
what few have failed to see and yet many have posted (and joe s i did not take sides) is that this board is jelled. by that i mean all of you are the real talkers, (smack, bs, rib, truth, etc....) and i continue to read and post because of that........a team if you may that i will refer to as the replacement players.......if you have\'nt see it, rent it, you\'ll love it....and of course gator is the prison guard linebacker........i may have to go with pak as gene hackman and the rest of you including me has some character in are the team and i salute you for that with whatever faults we have....... because we stick together, we will always be a team, and play through all adversity no matter the obstacles........i vent when i feel like it as we all should.......i like this board and will defend it, period. thought it may seem i\'m taking sides, when it comes down to it i will take all the members sides.................smitty

BlackandBlue 06-13-2003 08:31 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Gator talks **** cause he\'s the tough guy, smitty is the glue cause he\'s the only one here that tries to keep us together, Pak is yoda cause he keeps us in the know on current events, whodat is the thespian cause he\'s quick with the knowledge, rusta is the realist cause he brings us back down to earth, nocloning is the silent assassin, few words, but everyone listens when he talks, subguy is the funny guy cause I laugh everytime I read his posts (well, most of the time), lumm0x is the methodical thinker- he always has a method to his madness, billy is the kid (hey, Billy the Kid) that never says die, and JoeSam is the Dogfather, who we all answer to. If I left anyone out, oh well, you should post more.
I took my subtle potshots, but they didn\'t have an effect on the \"outsider\" (cause I don\'t think he caught them). Everytime I see that sig, I want to reach through the computer and strangle someone. These are not my boards so I\'ll refrain from saying anything else, but on a lighter note, I really enjoy the environment we have here.

BillyCarpenter1 06-13-2003 08:53 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
We\'re all just one big disfuctional family. Hey we\'re the Bundys. Hey B&B---your AL.

WhoDat 06-14-2003 10:03 AM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Gator... it\'s good to see you hold a grudge too... ;)

And hey! You can call Pak Yoda all you want, but he\'s nothing but a Darth Vader to my Emperor!!! HA HA!! :) Had to throw that one out on you Pak... and yes, my empire is evil.... mmmuuuuaaaaaa-hhaaaaa haaaa haaaa

rusta 06-14-2003 02:06 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
gator i\'m not gonna let you bait me into your childish rhetoric so i\'ll reply this once and that\'s it

when you first sent out the call to start this little adventure i commented that i didn\'t want to take part but you guys have fun doing it(go back and read the first post) i merely didn\'t want it here

i\'m not trying to fit in anywhere, i don\'t know what would make you think that

as far as being on the fence, i always have an opinion and always make it known as i think pak will agree considering he was quite angry with me at one time

now here\'s my opinion, wether you are doing this to get a reaction or you really are mad, i don\'t care, i thought you were one of the more intelligent people here but now i consider you to be a complete moron

there is your reaction i hope you are happy with it because you are done

BillyCarpenter1 06-14-2003 02:12 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......

i thought you were one of the more intelligent people here but now i consider you to be a complete moron

You thought gator was intellegent??? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding gator, You don\'t put up with any Bull and that I respect.

BlackandBlue 06-14-2003 02:23 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Jeez, what a load of sappy crap that was. I guess I should not be allowed to have internet access while I\'m drunk. I\'d like to apologize for my prior post, god only knows where it came from.

BillyCarpenter1 06-14-2003 02:33 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......

I guess I should not be allowed to have internet access while I\'m drunk.
Your drunk? And you weren\'t all the other times? I can tell no difference.

pakowitz 06-15-2003 11:34 AM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
im standing and i aint ever gonna sit down........gator-4-life!!!!

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 11:40 AM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
If you force me to, I will. This is your call. frankly, i\'ve had enough of this already.

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 11:52 AM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Oh poor me! JoeSam\'s picking on me! Johnnie said poo and he didn\'t get edited. Sammy said doodoo and he didn\'t get edited. Why me? Honestly Gator I gave you credit for more sense than that. Look at the way they use words and the way you do.The example you gave was saying that a plater needed to get his stuff together and do better. You use it to demean someone.

This is my last explaination. You know the rules live with it! And quit crying. I am fed up with this and it will be done right or I WILL make sure it is.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 12:18 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
JoeSam, here\'s the problem I have. Below are the only rules I see here. I also have enough common sense to know that we can\'t get too offensive towards other members in here but how about posting some clearly defined rules instead of making them up on the fly. Have I missed somethng that gator said that was over the top? If so, please let me know what he said, so I can be sure not to do it, because like I said, I see no specific rules as to what can be said here. I read what Halo said about he wants everyone to feel welcome, what on here does not make someone feel welcome, I keep hearing you make reference to it , but what did he say? I don\'t want to get in a pissing contest with you because I know I can\'t win, nor can anyone else. I just think it would help it the rules were posted.

We allow a lot of freedom here, and that\'s what we want. We also want a place where everybody feels welcome. Here are some general rules everyone needs to be familiar with.

Spamming and Advertising: No spam is allowed here, that includes advertising for your own website which you may like a lot, but you can\'t use our forum as a billboard. If you want to advertise purchase a banner at the top of the page and we will gladly help promote your site. Contact the webmaster at

Articles from other sites: To post an article it must be Saints related. Also you must cite the source of the article and give them credit. Posting the entire article is not allowed, you can post part of the article and create a link to the rest. Most importantly, the source needs to be cited.

Writings from other Saints Sites: You must cite their work, but generally many visit several Saints sites and it\'s not necessary to re-print their work here.

Article Posts: We don\'t want our board filled up with just articles. That\'s not the purpose here, we want original thoughts. For now, we hate to do this, but limit your posts to 3 articles or less per day if you must. That seems reasonable. We want to hear from you and want to know your take, we can read articles at any time.

Thank You.


JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 12:28 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
If you\'d like it in Halo\'s words take a look at the his post in My post, a message to B&G members.

If you want it in mine look at the end.

[Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002]

WhoDat 06-15-2003 07:34 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Gator.... I am not trying to single you out here at all man... but what\'s up? You seem to be pretty touchy recently. You still kind of come after me a little and we\'ve been cool forever up until the one time we got into it. I\'ve got nothing but love for ya man, but when did you become the grumpy old man of this site? ;)

Where\'s that good old sarcastic guy that poked fun at everything?

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 10:59 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Amen Whodat, where\'s the Gator we all know and love? Truth be known I miss him.

subguy 06-17-2003 04:41 PM

so far, gator one, bucker zero......
Gatorman, a Shaolin Priest should be looked for,but not be seen. Listened for,but not be heard. When you can walk on the rice paper and leave no will have learned.

Master Po(Subguy)

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