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leilung 01-10-2007 02:28 PM

Room on this Bandwagon?
Do you think there's room on the Bandwagon for any old body that wants to jump on now?

Some of you guys (especially the long suffering) have some definite feelings on this matter. What's your take?

SapperSaint 01-10-2007 04:00 PM

RE: Room on this Bandwagon?
Hell no! I really don't like hearing people pick us as favored to win. We have been the joke to so many people that now, just because we have the team we always wanted and knew they could be; people want to say they are a fan? No way. I, as well as most of you have listened to the laughter when we tell someone we are a Saints fan. They can be happy for them and us all they want. Just don't call yourself a FAN.

zioni504 01-10-2007 04:22 PM

RE: Room on this Bandwagon?
We obviously get the title of "America's Team" just because of the tragedy we had. When I talk to some people out here in CA it feels like they are giving Saints their pity support. I dont need that, we're all grown folks. I was so sick of not being able to watch any of our games in the first 5 or 6 weeks this season without them showing Katrina footage going to commercial... we're all watching the game to not think about that. I thought the "Saints Homecoming" in NY was a slap in the face. Just let the true Saints fans and people of the South enjoy this and everyone else support their own team.. The Saints winning is truely lifting the spirits of the whole area affecting by Katrina and beyond, and I know a lot of people are truely sympathetic to the people of the area so they give their support to our team, but it comes off the wrong way to me sometimes.
Saints fans can all relate on the same level, we've been through the same pain and agony together without even talking about Katrina. We're a unique breed, fans that stick to their team regardless and never just give up on 'em no matter what they put us through. So if a bandwagon fan wants to get on now, pleeeeease.. we've paid sooo much dues to get to this oppurtunity.. I dont think the term "payed your dues" does justice!

...I just had to vent, sorry so long

slidellstunna 01-10-2007 04:53 PM

**** anyone that jumps on the wagon....... bastards laughed at us during the late 90s and up to now.

laugh at oakland , miami and huston

oakland cause they got aaron brooks... miami cause they didnt take drew brees when he wanted to go there... and i don't need to say why about houston (i'd rather thank them if anything)

we've waited for this time to come....


zioni504 01-10-2007 05:05 PM

You got that right Slidell Stunna!

PS.. I'm from Pass Christian, MS - my last message wouldn't make sense if I was some dude from CA!

SUPER BOWL BOUND BABY!!!!!!!!!!! I am like a kid excited for Christmas waiting for Saturday to come!!!

26DEUCE26 01-10-2007 07:10 PM

I am a Saints fan for over 20 years now (ever since I was 9 or 10), we all endured some pretty horrible seasons. I think the only people who I approve jumping on the bandwagon are the younger fans looking for a team to cheer for, but once you're on you're on for good, for better or worse, in sickness & in health, & til death do us apart.

caulkblock 01-10-2007 07:55 PM

I am not young but i am new.
I just recently started watching football this season. I had no intention on liking the game so much but talking with the friend of mine who got me into football I told him if I was going to pick a team it would the Saints. He asked me why and I said that I used to have a job that took me to new Orleans very year and that I loved the city.

So I might be jumping on the bandwagon this season but it is just because the team did so well. And while I have not been there through the lean years. I would have been. I am proud to be a fan adn will countinue to be.


Newest saints fan.

26DEUCE26 01-10-2007 08:20 PM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
Welcome, but no jumping ship.

saintsfan1313 01-10-2007 08:28 PM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
yea, ive been a saints fan since i was a youngin.....i know all of us hate the saints bandwagoners, but remember, if any of those bandwagoners buy tickets, or saints gear, or anything that has to do with New Orleans football, they are helping keep the saints dont forget that....they can jump on board as long as its helping keep our Saints in NO

26DEUCE26 01-10-2007 08:33 PM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
Excellent point.

SaintPauly 01-10-2007 08:44 PM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
My grandfather, who grew up in Pascagoula, MS, was a Vikings fan up until 67-68, when the Saints came into existance. At that point he became a Saints fan, because they were part of the community. Hell of a community, because Pascagoula is about two hours away from New Orleans. Now the fan base stretches all the way from Mobile to Houston, and upward to Tupelo, MS. That's a very large community. : )

In 69, after Camille hit, my family moved to Philadelphia, MS, and started a new life there. The first Saints game I ever watched was with my grandfather, was around 76. He loved Hank Stram, and had high hopes with a Superbowl winning coach coming in. That was around the same time I became a fan, because of good ol' number 8. That was in 76-77. He and I watched the games every Sunday together. It's a great memory for me.

My grandfather passed away in 89, right at the beginning of the Mora era. I know he's somewhere up there, loving what he's seeing this season. I just wish he could have been here to enjoy it with me.

With that, I guess you could say that I was "grandfathered" in to being a Saints fan. An old trucker term. I'm with Deuce on this one. If you are a fan, you gotta stay that way. Through thick and thin, through fair, and stormy weather. It's almost like Katrina washed away the bad luck Camille brought with her. It's a weird world we live in.

GoldRush26 01-10-2007 10:46 PM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
I agree with everyone here.

Well almost. I don't mind the bandwagoners. Just don't bail when things go bad. This is the best time ever to be a Saints fan. Most other years even when we were half good, we always feared other teams. This is the first time ever when I honestly don't think there's an NFL team that can beat us if we play our A game. I fear no team.

Yeah I remember being the butt of jokes and wisecracks as recently as April. When we picked up Reggie Bush that seemed to be our turnaround point. But still I remember getting the laughs and all that because I was such a staunch supporter of the Saints. This season makes all of that worthwhile, and the future looks bright.

SapperSaint 01-11-2007 07:44 AM

RE: I am not young but i am new.
To me a "Bandwagoner" is someone who "Supports" the current "Winning" team. Bandwagoners "LIKE" the team, fans "LOVE" the team. My point is this; If you want to "like" this team fine. Buy the tickets, the hats, the jerseys, and whatever else floats your boat.

I agree with getting younger kids to become fans. My daughters (10)&(3) fit into that category. My oldest watched me and how I acted when Reggie scored 3 TD's in one game and said, "Dad you are crazy. I have never seen you act like this." She has become very involed with watching the games and enjoys it. However I think my 3 year old will be as passoinate as me.

We love this team. No one here can doubt the loyalty of anyone on this site. I am all for getting "NEW FANS". It is the only way this team will grow. New Fans not "Likers".

FatiusJeebs 01-11-2007 09:34 AM

I have been a fan since '89. My friends all throughout my life and even some family members have thought that I was insane for being a Saints fan. To some the name Saints was foriegn. (I live in Miami...Dolphin Country...these teams only play once every 4 years) One time in high school...the Saints beat the dolphins and I wore my Saints sweater the next day in school and man did I hear it. Everytime we went to the playoffs back then....I wore Saints stuff. Everytime they lost in the playoffs...I'd wear my stuff the very next day. Part of my frustration growing up was finding Saints gear. Part of that was mostly due to the complete unpopularity of this team. My first Saints jersey was a replica Rickey Jackson jersey. I found it in the cracks throughout the enitre NFL jersey section at a Pro Image store. No store carried Saints gear here. I wanted an away jersey but I could NEVER FIND ONE. You know how I found the away jersey??? On my first trip to mardi gras I went to the Riverwalk and found an authentic at 50% off. 9 times out of 10 if I wanted something from the Saints...I had to order it in catalogs and you know what???....most catalogs didn't have Saints stuff either! Point of this rant is this......we need bandwagoners....the exposure this team has had through out the years has been abyssmal. I understand the feeling of hating bandwagon fans and how they join us now that we are kicking ass but in the long haul....the more fans...the more demand for Saints gear and that would make MY LIFE IN MIAMI...a hell of a lot easier when it comes to SHOPPING! Go Saints!!!

BooBirdSaint 01-11-2007 10:39 AM

I'm just floored that we even get to talk about people riding the Saints bandwagon! That's just peoples nature I mean everyone loves a winner. And if by some act of God we get beat this weekend and the wagon goes off the cliff sure a lot of those wagon riders are gonna bail. But we also might get a few new believers too. The true test will be next year I mean we gotta be more consistent to really develop a wider faux fan base. Sure this year were the feel good story in the NFL and we've got the wagon rolling but we gotta get some consistence so we can get a bandwagon with like multiple carts. That would be dope! :crowd:

kel180 01-11-2007 01:04 PM

I'm from Dallas, been traveling to New Orleans approx one a year for a game for the last 16 years. Ironically, the only team I have seen the Saints beat in person is the Cowboys.. three times!! I've been to home games when it felt like there were more fans for the other team than the Saints...especially one Green Bay and obnoxious yellow everywhere!! I was in New Orleans last New Year's Eve for the Carolina game. It may have been bandwagoneers, closet Saints fans or whoever but it brought tears to my eyes to see that city full of black and gold. The fan support was awesome for the team and the city. I'm flying back this weekend and I couldn't descibe it better..."like a kid on Christmas morning"!!! Go Saints!!

sac-a-lait 01-11-2007 01:44 PM

The true fans will be around through thick and thin. But we really need the Dome full and lots of ticket sales to keep the team here, so I am glad to see anyone who supports the Saints, even for a few games/seasons.

cdcimcd1 01-11-2007 02:45 PM

Super Saints
I was there when John Gilliam ran back to first kickoff. I bleed Black and Gold!!!
This Coach, General Manager, and Owner will make all native New Orleanians proud. SAINTS GO ALL-THE-WAY

JOESAM2002 01-11-2007 03:55 PM

Welcome aboard all you new guys. Don't let all the crazy people on here scare you. This is a fun, well run site ane we appreciate your input. have fun and GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

26DEUCE26 01-11-2007 08:48 PM

Like I said earlier I am a fan for over 20 years, and I lived in Pennsylvania for all my life. Before when I would tell people who my favorite team is they would laugh, and say "What the #@$* do you like them for?"

Now I feel if I'm walking down the street decked out in my Saints gear, and a stranger sees me they figure I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. It's funny how the tide is turning. Hopefully one day it will feel like I'm not the only one wearing black 'n' gold.

kel180 01-11-2007 10:09 PM

Funny you haven't cared what people thought about you for 20 years and now you're worried people assume that you just jumped on the bandwagon. I'm not picking on you, I actually felt the same at the Carolina game. Lots of those people with their new #25 jersey, tags still hanging out the back did just jump on the bandwagon...but you know who you are. You deserve every minute of this season... enjoy it and have another drink if you are worried about what someone else thinks!! :o) Peace...

26DEUCE26 01-11-2007 10:46 PM

I'm never worried about what other people think, I'm just saying around here if you're wearing a Saints jersey people assume you just jumped on the bandwagon. That's all.

kel180 01-12-2007 11:08 AM

How fun is this????

papz 01-12-2007 11:32 AM

There's plenty of room on the bus... you can never have too many fans.

JeauxW 01-12-2007 06:40 PM

1st on the Who Dat song - once forwarded to isound - why do they show a picture with a guy in a Bears jersey?

2nd on the bandwagon thing, maybe people are just coming back. I know I joined the forum way back, but the email changed, I forgot the password, had no way to retrieve it, so...I just re-joined. I couldn't take it any more in the AB days so I quit showing up.

My jersey is Black, it has a LA state outline, Fleur & Star, and # 12 for the 12th people think it is a Colston jersey until they see my last name on the back. My kids think I used to play for the Saints. When they ask why I don't play anymore, I roll up my right T-shirt sleeve and show them my rotator cuff scar.

I have a nice DeLong Varsity jacket I got in '87 - it still looks brand new because by the time it was cold enough to wear it, the Saints were usually out of the running. The funny thing about that jacket is that the left sleeve would have patch(es) of your teams Division, Conference or SuperBowl jacket has an NFC patch. I guess the makers just couldn't let them out to the public with a naked sleeve. Maybe I should research that and see if patches are available.......Nawh, I'll stay Old School.

leilung 01-15-2007 09:57 AM

I see most of us are either white hot, or stone cold on this issue. Now that we're advancing to the NFC Title game (still can't believe I'm sober and saying that) alot more people are trying to hitch a ride on the NOLA Saints Express!

Some folks have had to take their Manning and Mills jerseys out of the attic for this run and if you have been with us in spirit, but couldn't bear to have your heart broken (again), I feel your pain. But being a Saint's fan is NOT now, nor ever has been, for the faint of heart. Welcome back and know that we're on this ride together, so we might as well enjoy it for however long it lasts.

For you newcomers, popular sentiment is that if you latch on and catch a ride, this wagon ain't stopping for you to hitch a ride on someone else's wagon later when the road gets bumpy. Get on and STAY ON or STAY THE HELL OFF!!

Nothing but love my brothers and sisters in Black and Gold! :love:

sarge06 01-15-2007 10:10 AM

the more the merrier

thib82 01-15-2007 11:32 AM

I have no problem with people being saints fans that weren't before, but don't act like the Saints winning and going to the SB means alot to you. It's the guys that have been watching them for years, and have been fans every year through wins and losses. You want to get on the bandwagon, fine, have fun, but the true fans are riding a trolley down burbon street drinking hand granades and hurricanes with a smile from ear to ear.

JOESAM2002 01-15-2007 05:32 PM

As a Saints fans since 1967, I feel like there's plenty of room for new fans. Hell keep 'em coming. Spend your money on Saints gear, help us keep our Saints in New Orleans, where they belong. I'll take new fans anyway we can get them.

SFlaSAINTSfan 01-16-2007 07:11 AM

Being a New Orleans Saints Fan my whole life I've put up with a LOT of crap! The bandwagon jumpers use the excuse about how great it would be for a city after what it went through. True enough but this is about A LOT more than that. This season is for all those years,for all the laughs,for all those who had FAITH,that when the day comes you'll all know that I was a Saints fan. Stand up "True Saints Fans" this is the day that we have paid our dues for,this is the day that we will not be denied,this is the day that the players stand up a take what is theirs,what they have EARNED on the field this year! GOD BLESS YOU BOYS - you have made us proud!

Check out Saints video below.........

True 01-16-2007 02:47 PM

It's all good. I wear a Saints jacket on my miltary base. I am actually happy to see people come up and give us props.

Been a long time since that happened.

When I wore my jacket last year, people said, "you MUST be from N.O. to wear THAT jacket."

I will warn you that MOST of the bandwagoners are not hear to stay. TRUE bandwangoners are only waiting for the NEXT bandwagon.

I think we have TRUE bandwagoners and we also have some honest NEW fans that will give our team a chance.

kel180 01-17-2007 01:49 PM

Any real fans in Dallas??? I was in NO for the Philly game and plan to return Feb 3 (I'll just say for an early Mardi Gras as a real Saints fan would never assume anything :o) But I'll be in Big D for the Chicago game. Anyone know where to watch the Saints in Dallas??

leilung 01-21-2007 07:22 PM

OK. Time for you 'wanna-be' and 'feel-good story of the year' fans to get the hell off!

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