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Tobias-Reiper 01-13-2007 11:21 AM

Life sucks... can't watch the game live tonight...
... 3 weeks ago, I purchased online tickets for the Monster Jam...
... kids were excited...
... me? I forgot about it...
... sitting at the breakfast table this morning, reading NFL previews in the paper:
wife says "BTW, the tickets for tonight arrived last wednesday"
I say "what tickets?"
wife says " the Monster Jam tickets. The kids are so excited"
I say, "oh, ok... what time it starts?"
wife says " 7:30PM" (this is EST)
... her words take a few seconds to sink in...
...first is denial, then the horrible realization... AAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I loudly cursed something in Spanish - kids don't know Spanish, so it's cool :) - my oldest turns around and says "yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about..." then turns to his little brother and says "see? Daddy wants to see monster trucks too!!!!" .. his little brother then says "I think Daddy angry"

Oh, well, another Great Moment in Parenthood. Will tape the game amd watch it when I get back from Monster Jam.

yasoon 01-13-2007 11:59 AM

Tobias.....there just has to be a better way.

Surely you can come up with something. In-laws? Grandparents? Some lady you meet in the produce section?

Will you be checking in on the game or are you gonna try to avoid updates? (That never works btw.)

If you do're a hell of a parent. A better one than I.

Oh....and you're a dumbass for taking those tickets :jester:

JOESAM2002 01-13-2007 12:10 PM

You da man T-R. Our kids are everything. I salute you. However, i wouldn't want to be you! LOL. I'll be at the game. Enjoy the noise. :shock:

rbush25 01-13-2007 05:55 PM

damn i'll give it too you i wouldnt miss the game for anything..hope thats one hell of a show..

spkb25 01-13-2007 06:18 PM

damn tobias. that is terrible man. but i guess that is why i dont have any. i wouldnt be a very good daddy

Tobias-Reiper 01-13-2007 11:26 PM

..well, the Monster Jam was pretty cool... there was only one beer stand serving Guinness, and happened to all the way around were I was sitting, so I did some walking :) ... home.... went to check on my recording... I was recording through my TV card in my computer... or so I thought... apparently there was a small power surge that made my computer reboot... just 2 days ago, I was untangling some cables, and looks like I plugged the computer into the wrong power unit ( I have 3 UPS's and 2 regular power strips under my desk).. so no game... Guess I'll watch the NFL Networks Instant Replay on wednesday....


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