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Uhhh, just a thought...
As I sit here reading the comments regarding this game one thought keeps coming to mind again and again. I'm amazed at the number of indigant individuals who are flat outraged that the Saints actually had the audacity to not play better. Not only that but essentially many people here seem to be saying "How dare they lose? Who the hell do they think they are? We deserve better than this!"
I find it interesting how so many folks can have such short memories. Forget the 3 and 13 of last year. How 'bout only eight winning seasons in the Saints' entire 40 year history. I know all about the long suffering Saints fan. I've been one for thirty seven years and I've suffered with the best of them. Hell, Buddy D never saw his beloved Saints get to an NFC Championship Game. But I haven't suffered near as much as most of the players on those teams. This team has turned a historical corner...new staff, new players, a new found belief in themselves...yet some people around here just can't seem to help themselves. "The refs made us lose." "The turnovers made us lose." "The weather made us lose." "Payton's gameplan/playcalling made us lose." "You made us lose." "I made us lose." "The team made us lose." There's a case to be made for most of those reasons but, Good God, some of you need listen to yourselves. You sound like our team is always in the playoffs and there's no excuse for failure. Well, NEWSFLASH, Buckos...our team isn't always in the playoffs, has hardly ever been in the playoffs and, in its' 40 year existence, has been more of a doormat than a football team, much like the Pittsburgh Steelers were before the Chuck Noll years. This team could be at the doorstep of greatness right now yet all some of you (some, not all) can offer is whiney, pissing and moaning, woulda, shoulda, couldas. With all due respect, you--and you know who you are even though you won't admit it--should be ashamed of yourselves. You sound like children. I'm not implying criticism is a bad thing. And there's nothing wrong with a little emotion. I get a little heated myself at times and have at some of the folks on this forum. But some of you are spewing some real hatred here that's a little out of line I think. Let's not lose touch with reality. The team played a bad game. Payton's playcalling probably did suck. Fred's coverage was awful. Brees was off the mark more than usual. But the same coaches and players that didn't do well this game did do well enough to give us an 10 and 6 season and shot to get to the Super Bowl. I, for one, appreciate that because I, for one, remember what it's like to be a fan of a lousy football team. Some of you may not. And hopefully you never will. I'm sure some of you will take offense with what I've said and that's fine, flame away. But there isn't one person on this entire website that would have said at the beginning of the year, "I think the Saints will be in the NFC Championship game" and not have been accused of little more than wishful thinking. My point is this: Aren't we all a little new at this to be jaded? I hate that we lost today but this season beat the hell out of another three and thirteen. Just be glad you root for the Black and Gold and not the Silver and Black. They've got some real problems over there. Thanks for reading. Now let the flaming begin. |
RE: Uhhh, just a thought...
You'll get no flaming from me. You are right. Some on here have short memories. Everyone here is disappointed, and I think that most are venting frustration.
A little over a year ago AB was the QB here, Jim Haslett was our head coach and Rick Venturi was our D-coordinator. Nuff said on that matter. Seeing as we never even played in an NFC championship today, I don't see how anyone can be critical of a coach or a team which has had the most successful season to date. Does that mean we have to sit here with smiles on our faces after getting a shellacking? Not at all, but calling out Payton or anything like that is ridiculous. Without him we would be here talking about free agents that don't want to come here and a draft pick that might not want to sign with us. Now we are talking about losing an NFC championship. It sucks, but it's a step in the right direction. Payton Manning just won his first conference championship for goodness sakes, and he's been trying for over 3 years now. We might get to the Super Bowl next season. No one said it would be easy though. Be proud of our Saints right now, they need our strength. |
RE: Uhhh, just a thought...
oys and Girls,
I don't post often well never before this. I have been a Saints Fan from the day I was aware of what Football was. I grew up in Southeastern La and we don't understand much else. I went to games and rooted for the boys all my life. Win or Lose..Win or Lose. Did we lose heart...YES, did the refs screw us..YESSS.. We lost heart..we lost Momentum...we lost the game. Am I sad, my god, I'm in North La with a bunch of Dallas Fans, and a few Saints fans to gather the wagons. Hell I cried. I let actual tears fall from, my eyes. Was I sad, yes, but was I ashamed NO NO NO.We shouldn't have lost like that, but thank you, YEs thank you, Thank you Boys for bringing us there. WHO DAT 4ever. I am sad, I may drop a few more tears, but you know what, I AM PROUD. PROUD OF MY BOYS<MY>>GOD BLESS YOU ALL FOR DOING MORE and an add in. Thank yoiu Drew Brees THANK YOu for moving to our city and being PART. IF a foundry opened today, I'd be there tommorow. |
i have only two comments on the game, 1. should have run deuce more, especially early. 2. saw some remarks on here about how we at least lost with class, imo we didn't reggie's clear finger point to urlacher (at least i think it was him) was classless, i don't expect to see that crap next year from him.
one more note, i probably won't be posting on here much for the next couple of months, mainly because this is the dead period after the superbowl, i'll jump in some conversations come draft time. take care guys, awesome season compared to what most of us thought it would be! max |
I'm with you maxim, right on the mark on both points
After all this, I'm taking a break from the Saints as well. I'm proud of them, but just like them, there's work to be done before getting to the promised land. |
Wow. That's weird. I could have sworn we were in the play offs quite a few times when Mora was coaching. Also, once with Haslett. We even won a play off game in there as well. We have been on the verge of greatness, a few times, and the wheels fell off the bandwagon real fast didn't they? I remember this same speech in 00, from quite a few Saints fans, only to see those same Saints fans get furious in the season to follow. Yes, this season was a success compared to last year, but let's face it, alot of you would have considered a 9-7 season and a wildcard a success wouldn't you? I know you would, because alot of you posted so mid season. Hell, even an 8-8 would have been sufficient for some of you, even without a play off spot.
My point is this: Don't you guys think, that with all of those bad years, as you called it, that somewhere along the way, we as fans might have started lowering our standards, on what we would consider a successful season? A college team that has lost 43 games in a row, would consider one win a success. That's true. Also, when do we raise the bar? Do you think the Eagles are happy that they "made it to the Superbowl", one year? No. They strive for that goal every year, and that is the mind set that the Saints organization needs to adopt. Expect nothing less than the best, every year. I mean, if your standards for success are low, then usually, you will stay low, to save yourself any kind of hurt, or failure. If your standards are high, you are a CEO, and you are bagging cheerleaders daily. Hey, it's a free country, so feel anyway you want, that's your right. BUT, even though we have only won two play off games, we have been there a few times in our history. So this isn't new to the old school fans. Mora was a hell of a coach, and he brought respectabillity to this franchise when there was none. Players like Bobby Hebert, Rickey Jackson, Pat Swilling, Sam Mills, will always stand proud in my Saints memories, no matter what happens in the future. And I got mad when they lost too! Nothing more heartbreaking than the experience with the Eagles in 92, up by 30 at halftime, and we lost. That still kills me when I think about it. Or in 91, when we won our first ever NFC West division championship. If you were around then, it was a successful year wasn't it? You dang right it was. We got bounced in the first round, but we won that division title! That was 15 years ago guys. I think it's past time for us to expect more. |
Shawn has an excellent core of players and did a great job. Heck we have a large core in fact. Time to improve apon that. Facts are facts.
Look at the season. F-ING FAB Looking at the games we lost we can see areas of need. Defense as we all have said needs new blood at key positions. But all in all they played way better than we expected. Heck ended the year in the top 15. Offense was ranked number one. MMMM love the sound of that, #1, But look at the losses and we have admit we have a long way to go to beat the top defenses in the NFL. Well the word "long" maybe a bit harsh I have to agree. There is need for new blood here at key postions too. Not as much on the defensive side, but new blood non the less. The game showed how far we have come but also showed how far we still need to go also. Hats off to the Bears when we tried to make a game of it they stopped us. For what ever reasons you want to add to the fact so be it. I look at it like this: they beat us soundly. Great year thanks for another first in our teams history. NFC championship game. Loved IT myself. But then again I like .... never mind. :P Superbowl is the only one left gang. Oh yeah to win the super bowl would make it 2 left. Just a few pieces of the puzzel away from the promised land. |
Bad Football is bad football. It was the Ravens game all over again. The turnovers were bad. Brees not on Target was Bad. The playcalling was bad. Just because a team goes from 3-13 to Championship game in the playoffs is no excuse for bad football. Sorry. I don't have a short memory. Do I forgive them and am I happy about what they acheived this season? Absolutly. Wow what a ride! But they played really bad against Chicago. And at this point in the season with how weve seen them play we should have expected more than 14 points and 4 or 5 turnovers. When the season starts next year I'll be cheering them on.
Give Chicago credit. The Saints didn't play bad on their own. Chicago forced them to play bad. The Bears were very aggressive and fought for every single inch. Look at all of the fumbles, look how close they were to not being a fumble and blown down by contact. The Bears were fighting for every inch and digging for the football at the end of every tackle.
We lost. We got our butts kicked. We got beat by the NFC Champions! Had this game been in the dome and we were able to settle down and play our brand of football, maybe the outcome would be different. Yeah, we played bad at times, but give most credit to the Bears. A lot of our bad play was BECAUSE of their good play. They're the champions. We learn from it and we come back with a vengence next year. |
http://blackandgold.net/site/index.p...b260262f693b9b I'll show you the text of what you said. Pay close attention to the stuff in bold. Quote:
Look Lynwood, you and I have gone round and round on numerous occasions and this is no different but as usual you missed my point. And after so many previous attempts I"ve given up trying to explain to those who will never get it. Please go back and reread what I wrote. Perhaps then you'll understand what I said. If you see anything there that implies that the Saints DIDN'T play "bad football" let me know. I made no excuses for bad football and anything else for that matter. Of course you probably never made it past the first couple of paragraphs anyway so how would you know?! BTW, I suppose you're right and "we should have expected more than 14 points and 4 or 5 turnovers" but not a single one of those turnovers happened without the help of a Chicago Bear and I don't remember the Saints playing in 24 degree weather and snow flurries so I'm glad that in your greatness you've found your way clear to "forgive them". I'm sure they'll sleep better for it. |
I don't think people here realize what happened this year. I choose to see it this way. We not only had a great season but we NOW have an amazing FOUNDATION. Guys....our QB is what a 6th year player?? Deuce 6th year? Half of our o-line....rookies? First and second year players? Bush, Colston...rookies? Same thing with about half of our defense. Grant and Smith....5th and 6th years more or less? (I know I might be off on some of these but i know I am close.) Even our LB's. Most of them 5 and 6th year guys. Our punter.....a rookie? Basically every player I just mentioned have one thing in common....YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE SAINTS!!! You wanna be upset about the game. Fine. I can't blame anyone here. It hurt me like hell too. Look at this way.....Becuz we had such a good year......the draft is just around the corner....unlike previous years and with a few defensive pickups....possibly a good draft....and even COACH PAYTON making more informed decisions on how to handle the team. Remember...he had little ordeals with the bye-week and the time I think Nesbit convinced him to take a day off...and of course how to prepare for freezing, slushy games. Our future looks so bright the GOLD on the helmets can't even compare. Bottom line....we made it within one game of the big dance with nothing but youth! It took Lovie a couple of years to get a program running so effectively that now he is in the big dance. I feel within a year or 2....we'll be there if we keep this going....WE WILL BE THERE!
I don't recognize that post as being mine. I certainly don't remember writing it. I posted that bear reply BEFORE the game started. Most of the "when we win" references I used were comical in a sense anyway. I also stated that in the post. Who the hell are you to attack me like this anyway? What makes you tick smart ass? Obviously you have some anger issues of your own. By the way, what does this post have to do with anything in the first one? Two seperate issues entirely. Who are you George W. Bush? Tying one thing, to another, that have nothing to do with each other, to make yourself look smart to everyone else around you, when it's obvious you're lacking. Get away from me. |
all right.. chill out... if you 2 wanna fight take it to the smacktalk board
Guys!! Stop and think for a minute. Yes, there are some idiots out there, but the people that are pissed that the Saints didn't win, isn't that good to a certain extent. WE finally have a contender team. I'm gonna be greedy as hell next year. The fans at the Philly game for instance. They,myself included, did not give up on the Saints the whole game. Stood till the very end. WE fans finally have confidence in our team. Who Dat!! They feed off that. Its frickin great to finally be able to KNOW, not hope, KNOW that our team is gonna win. Just my opinion though. Super Bowl 2008 has our name all over it. Who Dat
I am the epitamy of what if's. I agree that it is time to expect more out of the Saints. In fact, I believe that should have happened a long time ago. At the same time, I keep saying in my head, "what if we don't get back?" "What if we have major injuries next season?" "What if every team in the NFC South gets better, and we don't?" Unfounded questions mind you, but that's the way I think. I'm sorry. If I could stop, I promise you, I would.
that is the game of football man. things have to fall right ie injuries ect.. to get where we were. making history as the only 3 - 13 team from the year before to make to a conference championship does not seem to mean much. sure we would have liked the big dance but to be honest you have to look at our loses and say we still have a way to go.
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