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SaintPauly 01-22-2007 08:49 PM

Well, the season is over, and I am going to take a much needed emotional break from this. I want to formally apologize to everyone here, including Gambler, for being a phsychotic freak for the past four days. We lost, it's over, and their is nothing I can do about it, so life goes on. If I offended anyone, or typed things that have been taken out of context, then I apologize for that as well. Sometimes, things are typed differently, than the way they sound in your head, before you write them. For that there is no remedy, it's the nature of the beast as they say.

The season was completely unexpected, in numerous ways, and in alot of ways, I think all of us didn't really know how to handle it, and it showed in our reactions. I am who I am, I react, the way I react, and I talk the way I talk. These are things that are not going to change any time soon, because that, as I said, is who I am. Please don't judge me for that.

I will be in from time to time, but there are alot of things, that I had put on the backburner, because of the success of the team, that I need to attend to now. I have my first album that I am getting ready to record in March to complete, and I have so much work to do, that I have to figure out, where I need to start first. Needless to say, I have alot of emotions to help me write songs. Anyway, great season, just wish it would have ended on a more positive note. I have no bad feelings towards anyone here, and I love reading, and responding to everything you guys talk about. Life is way to short, to argue, and carry on. Once again, thank you guys, for listening to my rants, and putting up with my sometimes outrageous observations.

Hopefully, we will be talking about winning the Superbowl, this time next year, and many years to come. Later.

JOESAM2002 01-22-2007 09:13 PM

No problem man. We all get hyped up. Come back when you can.

By the way,what kind of music do you play? i sponser a charity event every year and music is a big part of it.

SaintPauly 01-22-2007 09:51 PM

It's a little bit of rock, funk, and blues, all mixed together. At least, that's the way the initial songs are coming out.

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