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billybignuts 06-30-2003 08:42 AM

Fantasy Football League
Is anyone here interested in joining an espn fantasy football league? I figured we could have a pretty competitive private league. I've played on espn leagues for several years and have found the rules to be very fair.

nocloning 06-30-2003 09:30 AM

Fantasy Football League
Yes, I\'m interested. Can you provide a link for the rules?

saintvulture 06-30-2003 10:03 AM

Fantasy Football League
I would be interested if there is an online draft for the league.

Halo 06-30-2003 10:59 AM

Fantasy Football League
We\'re thinking about doing some fantasy leagues this year. Is anyone interested? It may be on Yahoo or CBS Sportsline- haven\'t determined that yet. If you\'re interested reply to this post and email the editor so we can have your email address.

lumm0x 06-30-2003 11:01 AM

Fantasy Football League

billyh1026 06-30-2003 11:15 AM

Fantasy Football League
Hey I\'m interested!!! We brought this up few months ago and got a good response. I thought it was gonna be on the website tho?? Either way doesn\'t matter to me. I was looking last night and haven\'t seen any activated yet on any website\'s. Who\'s gonna be the commish? I\'ve got a set of rules worked up from previous ffl\'s if you\'re interested. And a live draft is a must have.

btw, you guys wanna really go thru the whole season and suffer or ya wanna gimme the title now??

BlackandBlue 06-30-2003 11:18 AM

Fantasy Football League
Very interested. I say let Joe, Halo, or Pak be the commish, since they are the rulers of the roost.

JOESAM2002 06-30-2003 02:01 PM

Fantasy Football League
I\'m in!

rusta 06-30-2003 03:21 PM

Fantasy Football League
count me in

billybignuts 06-30-2003 08:32 PM

Fantasy Football League
Im in either way. espn fantasy games has some great rules to go by.

pakowitz 07-01-2003 09:12 AM

Fantasy Football League
im in... i never played on espn... i thought that u had to pay on that to play... is free and they have a live draft or puter draft... i prefer live... much more fun... either way... ive never lost... so lets do it :D

billybignuts 07-01-2003 09:18 AM

Fantasy Football League
you do have to pay on espn, but the winner gets a t-shirt and a banner. You also compete nationally for some really great prizes. The shirt would be bragging rights for one lucky person.

D_it_up 07-01-2003 12:27 PM

Fantasy Football League
I\'m interested if we play in a free league. So I\'m cheap. :P

BlackandBlue 07-01-2003 12:35 PM

Fantasy Football League

I\'m interested if we play in a free league. So I\'m cheap.
figures. :P

I like my fantasy football like I like my beer- cheap and watered down :D

JOESAM2002 07-01-2003 02:23 PM

Fantasy Football League
Can\'t beat free. or CBS Sportsline , both are free.

iceshack149 07-01-2003 09:25 PM

Fantasy Football League
Count me in.
I\'ve only played on cbs sportsline- it\'s been bery bery good to me. Easy to use and keeps me updated every day.

billyh1026 07-02-2003 10:02 AM

Fantasy Football League
Here\'s an idea as a reward for the winner. All of the other players have to put someting in their tag lnes on here to the effect of \"I bow down to <whomever>. He is the B&G FFL Champion. And kicked the snot out of me.\" Or something like that. Gotta give the winner props somehow... i threw in the kicked the snot out of me part as an extra...:)

Halo 07-03-2003 11:30 AM

Fantasy Football League
There will be awards given, we need some more people to set up a couple of leagues. Tell your friends at work, home or on other forums to come join in. I would like a service with live stats available as an option. Yahoo offers that, but I\'m not sure about CBS sportsline. There is also a program we may be able to use that makes the league native to B&G.Net. That may take too much work. If you have any suggestions please post them. I will email all participants who signed up so far this weekend.

Don\'t forget to email if you want in.

pakowitz 07-03-2003 12:04 PM

Fantasy Football League
i suggest that everyone just forfeit to me now...for i am Yoda... i have seen the future.. and it is looking bleak for everyone who opposes me

JOESAM2002 07-03-2003 03:59 PM

Fantasy Football League
CBS Sportsline is exactly the same as I ran 10 teams last year. Had them on NFL,CBS and Yahoo. And Pak I did pretty good too. Went 7-3, and got nothing for winning LOL. But hey, I\'m a winner.

pakowitz 07-04-2003 10:44 AM

Fantasy Football League
ok... since we have decided to do this... first off we need to know what site we will be playing at... my vote is for its free)... all who agree say aye... all who oppose say their choice for a site...and we also have to choose a vote is for halo... or joe sam... or me... or all 3... it can be done on

billyh1026 07-04-2003 12:00 PM

Fantasy Football League
I\'ve not used any online in a few years sooooo I\'m not a good judge of them. Any of the above as commish is fine by me. It can be taxin tho, so you guys might wanna share the duties. Will it be a yardage league too?

Halo 07-04-2003 12:26 PM

Fantasy Football League

It\'s a little early to pick a site or a service and name commishs. Let\'s get more people involved so we can have more leagues rather than worry about which service and how much. When we fill 4 leagues we will start having massive Chats in the chatroom so we can work things out during training camp. We have enough for about 2 leagues and I\'m getting more emails daily- we still need more.

If you don\'t know about our chat feature, please start to familiarize yourself with it. It will be instrumental to this next season. CLICK \"**NEW**Chat\" on the left \"Features\" menu or click the link below. Allow it to load and let it have permission to run on your computer.

Visit the chat once a day or invite someone in. Take 2 asprins and call me in the morning. Pak, stop smoking that funny stuff!

Memnoch_TP 07-12-2003 11:53 AM

Fantasy Football League

Can\'t beat free. or CBS Sportsline , both are free. uses CBS Sportsline\'s Fantasy Football. They are the same thing.

And don\'t forget about Yahoo.

I like Yahoo\'s systems better, but you don\'t get live scoring with Yahoo, and you do with CBS. At least, you did last season.

saintsfanbudman3382 07-13-2003 02:01 PM

Fantasy Football League
just e-mail me at, and im in

pakowitz 07-15-2003 11:59 PM

Fantasy Football League
ok..... lil problem... fantasy football is not longer free... its 14.95 if u sign up now.. same for cbssportsline... so i guess we will have to find some other fantasy league... i mean.. i like fantasy football but not for 14.95... thats a case of beer...

JOESAM2002 07-16-2003 12:59 AM

Fantasy Football League
Agreed Pak. I got my notification today too. We might just have to go Yahoo if they\'re still free. I\'ll look tomorrow for some more and post as I find them.

D_it_up 07-16-2003 06:11 PM

Fantasy Football League
Yahoo is still free. I\'m already in one league now. Pretty damn good team if I do say so myself. That\'s the only free league that I know of that is left. No live scoring, but it\'s better than nothing.

JOESAM2002 07-16-2003 06:51 PM

Fantasy Football League
I\'m still looking at sites. If any of you guys find a site let us know.

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