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GilFenerty 07-02-2007 06:52 PM

Benson's NOT the worst...
but he's close.

Euphoria 07-02-2007 07:01 PM

If that list isn't a bunch of hooey I don't know what is. BUCS??? WTF. Redskins... he's a horrible owner, who hasn't done anything since taking over.

BJSim 07-02-2007 07:14 PM

Come on people... we ALL know Benson belongs where he is. The rest can be up for debate, but not that.

GilFenerty 07-02-2007 07:32 PM

i cant think of another owner who wouldn't go to his own team's games (the tiger stadium ones) because he feared for his life.

McKenzie 07-02-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by GilFenerty (Post 133096)
i cant think of another owner who wouldn't go to his own team's games (the tiger stadium ones) because he feared for his life.

I believe he was apartment shopping in SA. The "fear factor" story sounded better.

Euphoria 07-02-2007 09:56 PM

No I am over this whole Benson is the devil thing. I think its time we but that behind us and move on...

Give Benson a little credit, I mean he has had his teams in the playoffs and someone of the others have not. Some teams have a lot a talent and nothing happens. The guy who wrote this is bias!!! Bucs owner at 4 and Snyder at 5 because he's trying??? GIVE ME A BREAK. 7 McNair, I got 2 words for you, Reggie Bush. When did that team done anything? Ok here's another I love, Dolphins lets see there was Ricky williams nightmare, Marino GM flop, and Saban. Steelers at 10??? how many SB's have they racked up and HC's have they had, move them up thank you very much.

Now those of you who wish Benson so late in the ranks... look at 11. Didn't the family move the team to INDY undercover of darkness??? At least Benson bought the team to prevent the Saints from being moved, if many of you may not recall. I am not saying Benson should be ranked up there but he doesn't deserve to be one of the worse either.

There is just way, way, WAY to much wrong with the decision making of ranking the owners that this can't be taken seriously. The writter brings no credability to his OPINION what-so-ever.

saintswhodi 07-02-2007 10:10 PM

Benson was last last year, and he moved up one. Sounds about right. Taking a team under the cover of night is one thing, actively trying to move your team after the worst natural disaster in US history is downright scummy, and something that should never be forgottem.

bubbamoniz 07-02-2007 11:07 PM

Kraft must be really bad compared to Benson....sheesh

WhoDat205 07-03-2007 08:23 AM

Euph has a point, and I know there is a lot of emotion in this debate. But Benson did stay, regardless of the reasons. He did sign an extension to 2010 with the city. He did tell loomis to get Bush signed. It's not like he's intentionally tanking the team so he can move it. They signed Brees and gave Grant the big contract. The Saints are just about average in terms of cap space and there are some big signings on the horizon (Smith, Meachum).

Before you tear me a new one, I realize that Benson threatening to move post-katrina was reprehensible, but at least he committed to winning once he decided to stay...that's all I'm sayin'.

Cassady37 07-03-2007 09:11 AM

Let's put this in perspective, Benson agreed to stay because the NFL owners were not going to vote for the Saints to leave NO. Former NFL commish Tag was commited to keeping this team here and Benson knew he was going to have to save face. Let's not forget he is a businessman and the deal through 2010 would #1, give the world time to calm down on the Katrina disaster, and #2, if things went better for the Saints he would make A LOT of money! It's a win-win for Benson either way. Do not be deluded into thinking without the pressure from Tag, the rest of the NFL and the rest of the world, that Benson wouldn't have struck a deal in another city by now. And as far as making the coaching moves and the personnel signings, Benson signed off on them but someone else made the recommendations. Benson has to be one of the least knowledgable owners about professional football that the NFL has ever seen. He will never get a pass from me.

saintswhodi 07-03-2007 09:21 AM

Well said.

Euphoria 07-03-2007 01:12 PM

Even if you agree that hinting or tempting to move the team in the wakes of Katrina you can't blame the business side of trying to negociate a long term deal. You can't place him last on the list for just that. There has been more worse things other owners have done to top that and not run the team effectively. This is what you should be ranking the owners on how they manage/run the teams overall, not "well I am bitter because my p**** hurts". We have had winning teams and lots of excitment with the organization since he bought the team.

The real discussion is how the owners are running the teams, and what they have accomplished since there ownership has begun. If you want a legit rankings you need to take more into account and not just randomly put names on a list... BUCS at 4 WTF? Do you seriously think they should even be in the top 10?

saintswhodi 07-03-2007 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 133174)

The real discussion is how the owners are running the teams, and what they have accomplished since there ownership has begun.

Okay, let's see. Tom Benson. Owned the team 22 years. 2 playoff wins. 1 NFC champ game appearance. No Superbowl appearances. Gets 20 million dollars in welfare from the state every year whether the teams wins or loses(only team that does so). Overall record of the team since he has taken ownership, 169-182. And no less than 3 threats to relocate. 4 negotiations of deals that has not expired. And trying to use the worst natural disaster in US history to move the team. Maybe he should be unranked.

Cassady37 07-03-2007 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi (Post 133175)
Okay, let's see. Tom Benson. Owned the team 22 years. 2 playoff wins. 1 NFC champ game appearance. No Superbowl appearances. Gets 20 million dollars in welfare from the state every year whether the teams wins or loses(only team that does so). Overall record of the team since he has taken ownership, 169-182. And no less than 3 threats to relocate. 4 negotiations of deals that has not expired. And trying to use the worst natural disaster in US history to move the team. Maybe he should be unranked.

Well said.

shedevilang 07-03-2007 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi (Post 133175)
Okay, let's see. Tom Benson. Owned the team 22 years. 2 playoff wins. 1 NFC champ game appearance. No Superbowl appearances. Gets 20 million dollars in welfare from the state every year whether the teams wins or loses(only team that does so). Overall record of the team since he has taken ownership, 169-182. And no less than 3 threats to relocate. 4 negotiations of deals that has not expired. And trying to use the worst natural disaster in US history to move the team. Maybe he should be unranked.

I totally agree with you I for one am sick to death from hearing how he wants to move the team seems like every damn year we are threatned with it.

LongTimeFan 07-05-2007 07:58 PM

IMO both Benson and Loomis stepped it up, they have the Saints heading in the right direction, improved the team and both of them are responsible for the success that the Saints are starting to have.
I'm just enjoying the moments.
I too give Benson a lot of credit for a job well done, there are worst owners in the NFL compared to Benson.

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