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SaintsFanInLA 08-14-2007 07:59 PM

Saints Madden 08' Ratings
One win from the Superbowl and last year's number one rate Offense and this is the rating we get?!!

ESPN - Madden Ratings

Team Ratings ~ Offense: 85 Defense: 80 Overall: 78

To get your blood pressure boiling, check out Atlanta and the Cowboys!

SteveInSF 08-14-2007 08:16 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
How bout the Eagles, who we beat twice:
Offense: 88 Defense: 90 Overall: 90

gummbo 08-14-2007 08:19 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
what do you expect from an old senile man.

gummbo 08-14-2007 08:21 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
sounds like a computer glich.

saintsfan1976 08-14-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Guess that's one more year I have to wait to buy Madden.... thought this would definitely be the one for us...

phatoosdey 08-14-2007 09:15 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
if we were to win the superbowl i could see us getting at least an 85

Boogro 08-14-2007 09:31 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
we are 1 point better overall than the Lions....Enough said

phatoosdey 08-14-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
and 4 points better than the raiders who finished dead last

Boogro 08-14-2007 09:37 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
By the way, the Steelers (97) have a better rating than the Colts, Patriots, Chargers and Ravens...The Packers are even an 88 overall...The Browns are an 82 for crying out loud....Madden is terribly wrong

BlueDevil1978 08-14-2007 10:12 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Madden lost it a long time ago -- dating back to his years of man-crush love with Lawrence Taylor (every single game he called, no matter if he was covering the Giants or not)

A glance at these ratings proves that this hi-tech "computer crunching" of all team/individual parameters for rating the teams is an example of "garbage-in/garbage-out"

pakowitz 08-14-2007 10:25 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
By the way, the Steelers (97) have a better rating than the Colts, Patriots, Chargers and Ravens...The Packers are even an 88 overall...The Browns are an 82 for crying out loud....Madden is terribly wrong

i dont know what ratings you are looking at but on my game it has the steelers an 88 overall

blacksaint 08-14-2007 11:08 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Yo, guys the actual game is done by computer geeks who probably don't know anything about the sport. Old JM is merely a name.
Anyway you can just change the strengths and weaknesses to your liking, hell, that's what I'm going to do, it's what I always do. Our boys never got respect from those Madden folks, but that don't stop me from winning with the BLACK & GOLD.

Boogro 08-15-2007 07:51 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by pakowitz (Post 136084)

i dont know what ratings you are looking at but on my game it has the steelers an 88 overall

I hit up the link in the first post on this thread...check it out if you want

pakowitz 08-15-2007 09:35 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
ahh got ya... well then espn totally screwed that one cuz thats their rating for 07 madden.. this years game pitt is 88 overall

stylee10 08-15-2007 10:05 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
In the ratings I saw, Deuce, Reggie, and Marques are all 89 overall.
I can ALMOST understand Reggie being that low simply because he didn't get too many rushing yards and MAYBE Colston because of his injury and being a 2nd year guy but Deuce's rating is laughably low. 89. WTF.
And they had Lance Moore's speed at like 87 or something.

Madden ratings are nearly always WAYYYY off. Call me nuts, but fast white guys never get good speed ratings (Wes Welker's at like 88 or something, Matt Jones is at 93, etc.), high draft picks are severely overrated in the speed department while late rounders get shafted there, strength ratings are nearly arbitrary, and so on.

papz 08-15-2007 10:24 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Just put them to training camp... you'll have them at 99 in no time. I like developing my players on there.

DeadmaN 08-15-2007 11:00 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
well I had 07 for the PS 2 (tight game)
now I have a PS 3 (got it last month)
call me crazy but I want a refund on madden
the game is lame
no speed burst WTF were they thinking by not putting that in there
I read all the controls for it and there is not any place that it says they have a speed burst button
the players move trebly slow
they don’t even run like real people it looks more like apes trying to walk upright
it looks more like they trot rather then run
outside of the improved graphics and the announcer the game totally blows

They totally ruined the controls on the game you can switch the ball from the left hand to the right
The stiff arm is just the x button and it’s only one directional not stiff arm right or stiff arm left
Then on top of that they moved the juke controls from the L2 and L3 buttons to the right analog stick

And then on top of all of that I still can’t believe that in the year 2007 you can’t customize the controls to how you want them
Dam I guess coming out of the dark ages is going to take longer then I thought

I agree the ratings are a total wash
The Saints to be set that low come on what is with these guys

I then made a player that was 99 across the board and he sucked
Fumbled in the 1st play of the game against Oakland luckily my team got it back
Then I run him up the gut and he got injured on the 2nd play of the game
So I reset the game and did it again
The same thing happened again only this time it was on the 3rd and 4th plays

This game blows big time
The worst Madden ever
x( x( x(

SteveInSF 08-15-2007 11:36 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Ok gang, I bought the game last night and ESPN's website is wrong.

The Saint have an 88 rating overall.

DeadmaN 08-15-2007 11:42 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by DeadmaN (Post 136107)
you can switch the ball from the left hand to the right

I ment you can't

DeadmaN 08-15-2007 11:46 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by SteveInSF (Post 136108)
Ok gang, I bought the game last night and ESPN's website is wrong.

The Saint have an 88 rating overall.

yeah and an 88 is much better for the #1 offence in the NFL

papz 08-15-2007 11:56 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Oh man... I thought about buying it as I've done every year since forever. But after that review, I think I'm going to wait a while after more feedback. No speed burst? What kind of crap is that?

SteveInSF 08-15-2007 11:58 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by DeadmaN (Post 136110)
yeah and an 88 is much better for the #1 offence in the NFL

88 is an overall score, not just the offense. I am do not remember the offensive score and I don't know if ESPN's site can be trusted.

88 is better than 78 for sure.

FatiusJeebs 08-15-2007 12:17 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Well....I got it last nite. Things I noticed.....

1. The game moves a lot quicker.
2. The graphics are a little better than last years Madden.
3. The rating was 88 but I think that had more to do with our defense.
4. The pants were not only wrong in the commercial but they are still wrong in the game.

I'm gonna spend a little more time with it tonite and see how it goes.

SteveInSF 08-15-2007 12:35 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by papz (Post 136111)
Oh man... I thought about buying it as I've done every year since forever. But after that review, I think I'm going to wait a while after more feedback. No speed burst? What kind of crap is that?

There is a 'turbo' button just like the other Madden games. Pretty much works the same as the turbos of the past games.

papz 08-15-2007 12:39 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Oh I mis-read.

DeadmaN 08-15-2007 01:50 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by SteveInSF (Post 136116)
There is a 'turbo' button just like the other Madden games. Pretty much works the same as the turbos of the past games.

oh are you playing...
the X-box 360
the weii
the PS3 or the PS2

because I have the PS3 and the game and I'm reading the controles right now and it's not in the game

DeadmaN 08-15-2007 02:07 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
it's not a problem on any other console but the PS3

I guess I'm wrong
yeah that must be it
and I guess that’s why there are thousand of people posting the same issues
and about the bugs in the game
and how the game freezes up and all kinds of problems

don't believe me?
ok well then read for your self

here is one titled...
Don't buy madden 08 for the PS3
on EA sports .com

EA Forums: Do Not Buy Madden on the PS3 ...

and another called...
Don't buy the dam madden 08 for the PS3
on EA sports .com


just do a search on any major search engine and see for your self what people all across the US and Canada are saying about it

Look I would not say it sucked if it didn’t

Like I said 07 for the PS2 rocked

but this is just pure garbage

I’m bringing mine back tonight unless someone wants to buy it off me?

SteveInSF 08-15-2007 05:18 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by DeadmaN (Post 136124)
it's not a problem on any other console but the PS3

I guess I'm wrong
yeah that must be it
and I guess that’s why there are thousand of people posting the same issues
and about the bugs in the game
and how the game freezes up and all kinds of problems

don't believe me?
ok well then read for your self

here is one titled...
Don't buy madden 08 for the PS3
on EA sports .com

EA Forums: Do Not Buy Madden on the PS3 ...

and another called...
Don't buy the dam madden 08 for the PS3
on EA sports .com


just do a search on any major search engine and see for your self what people all across the US and Canada are saying about it

Look I would not say it sucked if it didn’t

Like I said 07 for the PS2 rocked

but this is just pure garbage

I’m bringing mine back tonight unless someone wants to buy it off me?

I have it on the Xbox 360. Played two games last night with a buddy and beat the pants of his Panthers. So far, I am very happy with the game.

Papa Voodoo 08-15-2007 07:00 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

JOESAM2002 08-15-2007 08:14 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
You guys are far to serious about this for this old man. I still have trouble with pong.

pakowitz 08-15-2007 08:31 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
thats because the ps3 version plays at 30 frames per second while the 360 version is at 60 fps which allows for smoother gameplay and less hiccups... the speed burst button is the right trigger and to switch the ball to the opposite hand is the stiff arm button.. on 360 its the A button, im not sure on PS3 but im guessing X... the only thing im really not happy about is that reggie feels like he isnt fast at all... he never breaks tackles and he fumbles like crazy

JOESAM2002 08-15-2007 08:50 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
Step away from the game sir! You're under duress!

BlueDevil1978 08-15-2007 10:28 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
ps3? xbox? Sorry - I quit the video game football business when my toddler son (at the time) first beat me at the old Techmo football game in the early '90's. I'm like you Joesam -- WAY out of the loop.

pakowitz 08-16-2007 12:05 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
ur right joe.. i am under duress... this stuff keeps me up at night...

FatiusJeebs 08-16-2007 08:19 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings

Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs (Post 136115)
Well....I got it last nite. Things I noticed.....

1. The game moves a lot quicker.
2. The graphics are a little better than last years Madden.
3. The rating was 88 but I think that had more to do with our defense.
4. The pants were not only wrong in the commercial but they are still wrong in the game.

I'm gonna spend a little more time with it tonite and see how it goes.

1. Unlike last year...there are more uniform options. I think the correct pants are actually in the game but not sure because I chose the black on black option and it looked great. (There is...home, away, black on gold, and black on black. There may be more but I stopped when I saw black on black.)
2. The turbo button on the 360 is the RT (right trigger).
3. Environments and stadium detail look great.

So far so good. Superstar is good but I kinda miss watching the defense play itself out while you waited. (Call me weird but I kinda enjoyed that.) I'm gonna give it plenty of playing time tonite since I spent most of my evening creating a team. The options were pretty good but obviously APF 2K8 gets the upper hand on that one but still....not too bad.

DeadmaN 08-17-2007 06:53 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
ok a friend came over and was looking at it and pointed out that the page was stuck together in the booklet that came with it
no I was not reading it like a playboy
because that was what he asked me
so there is a speed button but it does nothing
neither of us saw a difference in the speed of the guy running
he even said that on his 360 the game moved a lot faster
and yeah I am taking it seriously because it was dam near 60 bucks for that game

WhoDat205 08-17-2007 09:11 AM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
I just played for the first time this morning. I'm still on the old xBox, but the game is great IMO. Speed burst works and Reggie is virtually untouchable. I made some modifications to get Clancy and Dhani on the team and the rating was 88 overall.

DeadmaN 08-17-2007 02:47 PM

Re: Saints Madden 08' Ratings
yeah I got the chance to play the ps 2 version of it
and the graphics are not awesome but the game runs fast
no glitches as of yet with the ps 2 ver's

and the saints play awesome on it

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