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subguy 07-24-2003 09:56 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Billy, wouldn't it be better to try to coexist with me? I am not sure why you are intimidated by me? But Billy, I have been here a while and we don't really get active until about 3 weeks before season starts , predictions etc.... And then most of the major posts obviously occur after the season starts. I know you wish I would shut my piehole,so if you keep to quality posts and not childish, tenament funster type of posts, there never would have been an issue. As a rule all of the hazing used to be fun. But you and a couple others have carried things to a major extreme. Name calling,cursing,belittling,berating. Now , I am capable of doing that also. And occasionally will banter. But it is not hurtful. I have tried to "joke" with you and you go postal. I will not let you suck me in to your tomfoolery. We have a good time here. And I have had words with a few ,but it is good clean fun. Not lunacy. The ball is in your court. I have nothing against you, but I am not gonna let you act that way to people that I have been bantering with,or myself. You can expect to be called out professionally.

P.S. JoeSam has never had to edit one of my posts. So hazing can be done in a professional manner.

saintfan 07-24-2003 11:12 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

I\'m sorry...I just thought that was funny. \"Tomfoolery\"..


coastalkid 07-24-2003 11:24 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
subguy I know what you are saying and agree 100% with you on this but give it up. NOTHING is over the line with some people. Believe me I tried to convey this same message on another thread and just simply gave it up after some time. Just be you and everyone else be themselves.

subguy 07-24-2003 05:52 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Tomfoolery is one of those Walton\'s kind of sayings.............

JOESAM2002 07-24-2003 06:38 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Hey, it must have gotten his point across. Look at how many noticed it. LOL. It is pretty good though. Long time since i\'ve heard that one. Nuff said BillyC?

subguy 07-25-2003 08:22 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
I knew the room wasn\'t quite ready for \"hijinx or shenannigan\'s\". Yes, I did expect to catch flack :D

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 08:25 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

[quote:aaebb9e28f]Billy, wouldn\'t it be better to try to coexist with me?
You come at me, when I said nothing to you. I respond. You get your feelings hurt. You don\'t know how to come back at me. Get over it.


I am not sure why you are intimidated by me?
That\'s because I\'m not intimidated by you. Your such a modest person, with much to be modest about.


I know you wish I would shut my piehole,so if you keep to quality posts and not childish, tenament funster type of posts, there never would have been an issue.

I hope I can live up to your expectations with the quality posts.


I will not let you suck me in to your tomfoolery.
Dude, I don\'t know what makes you stupid, but it really works for you.


We have a good time here. And I have had words with a few ,but it is good clean fun. Not lunacy.
I see you are judge, jury, and verdict. Careful now, don\'t let your brains go to your head.


The ball is in your court. I have nothing against you, but I am not gonna let you act that way to people that I have been bantering with,or myself. You can expect to be called out professionally

Called out professionally? What profession would that be? You truely do sound like a professional though. A PROFESSIONAL IDIOT.


P.S. JoeSam has never had to edit one of my posts. So hazing can be done in a professional manner.
Here we go with the professinal stuff again. Look simpleton, this all started with you calling me names. You said you were just playing. So was I. Now go and try to regroup.

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 10:01 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
And just what part of COOL IT! Is it that you don\'t understand? Stop attacking others personally! NOW!

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 10:19 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

And just what part of COOL IT! Is it that you don\'t understand? Stop attacking others personally! NOW!
By Subguy:

Some how the overwhelming amount of Billy\'s posts have some feminine overtones. There is nothing wrong with that. This site doesn\'t discriminate.

This is how this got started. How would you like me to respond to this? Why you feel the need to single me out I have no idea but as a moderator I think the idea is to be fair. Who have I been personally attacking that did not attack me first? That\'s what I thought ! !

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 10:42 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Ok BillyC since you seem to want to argue the point, tell me where in my last post I specifially mentioned you? Just quit! I really don\'t care who started it but I will stop it. Get on with football season, enough of this crap already.

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 10:54 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

Ok BillyC since you seem to want to argue the point, tell me where in my last post I specifially mentioned you? Just quit! I really don\'t care who started it but I will stop it. Get on with football season, enough of this crap already.
By JoeSam:


Ok BillyC, you\'ve gone quite far enough with the gay talk. Cool it down.
Since I don\'t see anyone one else you specifically told to cool it and you asked what part don\'t you understand then.................

A personal attack is the person that started the thing. The comeback is defending yourself. I have no desire to attack anyone.

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 10:58 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

coastalkid 07-25-2003 11:09 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Joesam, You the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to single out anyone but some more than others need editing. Maybe we should stick with football talk and drop the \"OTHER\" crap. I don\'t think too many would disagree with that.

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 11:16 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

You seem to have a personal vendetta against me because of things that were said in the past. I thought we cleared this up. You asked me to talk football. All of my posts and I mean everyone of my posts have been about football, unless someone attacked me first.

You seem to have no problem with other members who attack other people or defend themselves. Just me!! I have no problem with you, although it seems to be one set of rules for me and and another set of rules for everyone else.

Maybe you can help me out here? When I saying nothing to someone and they attack me, how would you suggest I handle it? And does this apply to everyone or just me?

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 11:23 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Well BillyC, all I can say is \"If the shoe fits? Wear it!\" Go back and look at your posts to the other parties involved and read them. Just so I can help you do this I\'ll repost the article that started all this misery aimed only at you.

\"Billy, wouldn\'t it be better to try to coexist with me? I am not sure why you are intimidated by me? But Billy, I have been here a while and we don\'t really get active until about 3 weeks before season starts , predictions etc.... And then most of the major posts obviously occur after the season starts. I know you wish I would shut my piehole,so if you keep to quality posts and not childish, tenament funster type of posts, there never would have been an issue. As a rule all of the hazing used to be fun. But you and a couple others have carried things to a major extreme. Name calling,cursing,belittling,berating. Now , I am capable of doing that also. And occasionally will banter. But it is not hurtful. I have tried to \"joke\" with you and you go postal. I will not let you suck me in to your tomfoolery. We have a good time here. And I have had words with a few ,but it is good clean fun. Not lunacy. The ball is in your court. I have nothing against you, but I am not gonna let you act that way to people that I have been bantering with,or myself. You can expect to be called out professionally.

P.S. JoeSam has never had to edit one of my posts. So hazing can be done in a professional manner.\"

Now I have to tell you that even as slow as I am, I have a hard time finding where he attacked you! Looks to me like he was calling a spade a spade.


pakowitz 07-25-2003 11:29 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
now joe... are u tellin billy to drop his panties down...... down down down.. billys panties are goin down

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 11:40 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
By Subguy:


Some how the overwhelming amount of Billy\'s posts have some feminine overtones. There is nothing wrong with that. This site doesn\'t discriminate.
You selectivally left this out, which is what started this. I\'m not trying to win a popularity contest with you or anyone else and personally I don\'t care what your opinion is of me. I could sit here and prove what I\'m saying is true but you will never admit it.

Since I am not attacking anyone or do I intend to, then we should have no problem?

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 11:44 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

now joe... are u tellin billy to drop his panties down...... down down down.. billys panties are goin down
I\'m sure anyone dropping their panties is a rare occourance for you. Keep your chin up-it\'s going to happen for you one day.

coastalkid 07-25-2003 11:47 AM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Let it go.

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 01:34 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Can you say oops? You think i\'m bad wait till Pak gets ahold of you.

roughneck 07-25-2003 02:09 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
This particular \"Fly on the Wall\" is loving this thread.


BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 02:11 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

This particular \"Fly on the Wall\" is loving this thread.


I\'ll get to you sooner or later!!

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 03:05 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

C\'mon its time to chill out on the bickering.

Yes the pot is speaking to the kettle here, but for sakes man the season is here. Your wasting everyone\'s time by writing this.

Show everyone you know what your talking about by puting up articles or tipits about the Saints.
Dude, I got guys coming out of the woodwork. Since I\'m the kettle, I\'m sure it won\'t be long before someone lights a fire under the pot.

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 03:17 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
OK master. I\'m watching with great anticipation as to how long your patience is going to last.


Do you have teflon on the bottom of your shoes?

JOESAM2002 07-25-2003 03:36 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
WOW! Nothing else, just WOW!

ssmitty 07-25-2003 03:57 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
star-date 2786.9.......the klingons and the romulans have surrounded the ship.....may day,,,,,,,,,mayday,,,,,,,,,,,mayday.............spock!!!!!!get off of ahura so she contact starbase and advise them of our situation...........17 earth days left......hold on jim.......hold on...............................................

pakowitz 07-25-2003 06:14 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
now billy, if it really was that hard for me... then Y did ur moms panties come off so easily?

hell i might be ur daddy... and i must say the best part of you was left on the wall

[Edited on 7/25/2003 by pakowitz]

BillyCarpenter1 07-25-2003 06:25 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?

now billy, if it really was that hard for me... then Y did ur moms panties come off so easily?

hell i might be ur daddy... and i must say the best part of you was left on the wall

[Edited on 7/25/2003 by pakowitz]

Weak, Weak, Weak. On the wall huh? The only time you see that in your house is when you fart in the shower....Try again. You can do much better.

Yes, I edited it again. You know the rules.
[Edited on 26/7/2003 by JOESAM2002]

[Edited on 26/7/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

pakowitz 07-26-2003 12:06 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
all the smack u been talkin to everyone else and u cant talk any more smack then \"thats weak\" come on... i thought u might have been an actual challenge... i guess i was wrong... u gave up so soon... its sad really... no comp.. just no good comp anymore...

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 12:17 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Nope. Nope. Nope. No more smack for a while. I\'ve got the Dennis Rodman syndrome going on here. The refs are looking at every move I make and are enforcing a special set of rules for me.......I\'ll get a liitle shove in every now and again then though.

Now quit trying to get me in trouble.

[Edited on 26/7/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

JOESAM2002 07-26-2003 01:05 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
\"special set of rules for me.......\"Now that\'s funny! :D I promise you\'re not that special yet.

pakowitz 07-26-2003 01:15 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
boo hoo.. da lil baby doesnt want to get yelled at.... u poor thing

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 01:24 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
I don\'t mind the yelling just the editing. When you have a masters in SMACK then it\'s hard to do something half way. I have some classic stuff for the pakman but it would only last about 3 seconds before it\'s edited. Besides people take the smack too seriously and get their feelings hurt.

But Pak I\'ll test you out one day.

[Edited on 26/7/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

pakowitz 07-26-2003 01:39 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
LOL u cant hurt my feelings... im always ready and willing for some good smack talking... plus i think joe would let u talk smack to me cuz i gonna rib u regardless of the consequence

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 01:58 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Here ya go Pak.....

I detect the kind of glaring logical inconsistencies in your \'reasoning\' that only botched frontal lobotomy patients with crisscrossed shoelace scars on their sloped foreheads are capable of making. If I want the advice of a retard, I\'ll slap you on the back of the head and wake up that little peg legged hamster that operates the drool-powered waterwheel of thought in your head. Until then, sit in the corner and wait until I either speak to you or spit at you.\"

pakowitz 07-26-2003 03:02 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
where are these \"inconsistencies in my reasoning\" that u speak of.. i only speak the truth... its very simple really, here let me slow my lil hampster down for you so u can understand... me = daddy, you = ****** who hides in the closet and attacks heterosexual people b/c you are scared of being hurt.. not being understood... u just want to be loved... by big bubba lmao its ok.. me and ur momma will find u a good psychiatrist and we will get ur head straighted out...hell.. medicine is so advanced now days.. maybe we can get u a new head.. one that everyone can stand to look at... i mean u scared the crap out of ur momma the other night when yall were playing hide and go seek... it really isnt fun anymore for momma... u always hide in the same place everytime (the closet) maybe we will have to find a new game for you to play like... guess what color is the white house.... but that might be to hard... oh and that spit that keeps coming out of ur mouth... i would have thought of u as a swallower... i guess that is my logical inconsistency in my \"reasoning\" ...

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 04:18 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Your truely sick and twisted....I didn\'t think you had in ya.....

pakowitz 07-26-2003 09:43 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
u like dat eh.. see, i wasnt b/s\'n when i say i like to talk smack too.. we are 2 of a kind... i like u billy... ur alright... but dont get no ideas... fag...j/k

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 09:54 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Pak, that\'s a lonely line your standing in of people who like me. But hey, it\'s lonely at the top. Yeah, you got some trash talking skills but this is just training camp. I\'ve only began to defile myself.

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