blacksaint |
10-07-2007 05:39 PM |
Coach Payton Decision's Leave A Lot To Be Desired.
I was a true believer in Coach Payton philosophies last year. But I've had several questions about his decisions ever since the draft, why a receiver instead of a DT, LB, CB, S, but I said after the year before, who am I to question him. I thought we got some key FA pickup's this year, but yet we don't play them and we cut some guys who could really be helping us out right now. I didn't trip when we could've went after some guys who could be helping us out on defense right now, but I'm really tripping out now. Then the season started and I start to see a weakness in his play calling and game time personnel decisions that leaves me speechless. And then the coup degras, WHO IN THE HELL try and kick a 54 yard FG when your kicker can't make a 20 yarder, what a dumbass! And the play before that ridiculously low 20 yarder was blocked, on 3rd and 2, you throw to Reggie in the left flat, incomplete, why Reggie when you have a 6 foot 4 wideout by the name of Marques Colston who specializes in jump balls, again, what a dumbass! I think Coach Payton needs to take a long, long, loooooong look in the mirror and ask himself, DO I NO WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?And then sit back, think real hard and probably allow someone else to do the play calling for him. Because like the title say's, his decisions leave a lot to be desired.