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WhoDat205 11-06-2007 04:02 PM

The Power Rankings Post
AKA The Elephant in the Room.

Sporting News: Week 10 rankings: Perfect Patriots possible - NFL - Yahoo! Sports


14. New Orleans Saints 4-4 (21)
Don't laugh. After starting 0-4, the Saints have a shot at finishing 12-4.
Yahoo! Sports: '07 rankings: Opposite directions - NFL - Yahoo! Sports


Cole: #10 - "A week ago, I talked about my gut feeling that Jacksonville deserved to be ranked No. 4. So much for that. It's one thing for the Jaguars to lose, but to give up 41 points in the process is just ugly. … New Orleans gets a big bump up "

Robinson: #11 - "Since starting 0-4, Drew Brees' numbers are through the roof. Over the last four games, he's got a 115.1 quarterback rating, completing over 71 percent of his passes for 1,246 yards, 11 touchdowns and one interception."
Fox Sports:>1=10637


#8 Saints - The Saints are officially on a roll. Winners of four straight after Sunday's offensive explosion on Jacksonville, New Orleans improves to 4-4 after an 0-4 start to the season. Drew Brees went nuts, going 35-49 for 445 yards and three touchdowns. Marques Colston hauled in 10 passes and Reggie Bush compiled 114 yards of offense. If there was any negative to this Saints' steam-rolling, it was Olindo Mare's kicking performance. The former Dolphin went 2-for-4. A half-game behind the Bucs in the NFC South, the Saints take on the 0-8 Rams this weekend. Weekly rankings: Strong contenders emerge in NFC


10. New Orleans Saints 4-4 12 Having regained their swagger, the Saints are marchin' right back into that NFC South race.
Phew, it feels good to get that off my chest.

WhoDat205 11-06-2007 04:15 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
One more and I'm done...


ESPN: ESPN - NFL Power Rankings - National Football League

11 (19) Saints 4-4-0 Expect the Saints to make the playoffs. Why? Not only are they on a roll (four straight wins) but consider their second-half schedule: Five of their eight opponents are either last or tied for last in their respective divisions.

Euphoria 11-06-2007 04:32 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Its no more than any one of the Threads we post here on this forum thats all they are peoples opinon and what they think. I mean after all we all know the Pats should be ranked number 1.

I mean really is there a Power rankings trophy handed out by any one of the sites that post these nonesense list. REPORT THE NEWS if you are a new organization don't give us your version of college BCS standings.

WhoDat205 11-06-2007 04:46 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145213)

Its no more than any one of the Threads we post here on this forum thats all they are peoples opinon and what they think. I mean after all we all know the Pats should be ranked number 1.

I mean really is there a Power rankings trophy handed out by any one of the sites that post these nonesense list. REPORT THE NEWS if you are a new organization don't give us your version of college BCS standings.

Blah, blah, blah.

You're right, they're gay. But it's an idicator that the "cheese" is being spread around again. I just hope the Saints have learned their lesson.

saintsfan1313 11-06-2007 04:49 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
hehe...i LOVE it when someone posts a power ranking, and then Euph bashes the ^%&@ out of it......its great....

UK_WhoDat 11-06-2007 08:00 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
Seems like a fun do (fondue) with extra mozzarella.

Dunno about yoof's (euph's) gay power rankings thou'

LongTimeFan 11-06-2007 08:08 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145213)

Its no more than any one of the Threads we post here on this forum thats all they are peoples opinon and what they think. I mean after all we all know the Pats should be ranked number 1.

I mean really is there a Power rankings trophy handed out by any one of the sites that post these nonesense list. REPORT THE NEWS if you are a new organization don't give us your version of college BCS standings.

Funny, I knew your reply before I clicked on the link, I remember you say that before.

xan 11-06-2007 10:38 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
So gay the closet exploded.

MatthewT 11-06-2007 10:53 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
The power rankings really do not mean very much, but still a decent indicator of how a team is currently playing, or at least the opinion of how a team is playing. All that matters in the end is the team that holds the trophy after the Super Bowl is complete.

Now, something that could be a little more interesting would be draft order if the season were to end today. That would really say where a team is at for the current moment.

saintsrule 11-07-2007 01:25 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
Everyone realizing that the Saints are back to winning.

Tobias-Reiper 11-07-2007 05:13 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145213)

... you shouid kbow...

Saintsfan4ever 11-07-2007 07:30 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
Where would you rank the Saints among NFC teams?

hagan714 11-07-2007 07:34 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
Lets win the division first. Keep away from all the media hype. Didn't we learn a lesson already about that. I will talk power ranking at the end of the season. Being hot does not make you a good team. Consistent play does.

WhoDatQB 11-07-2007 07:35 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145213)

Its no more than any one of the Threads we post here on this forum thats all they are peoples opinon and what they think. I mean after all we all know the Pats should be ranked number 1.

I mean really is there a Power rankings trophy handed out by any one of the sites that post these nonesense list. REPORT THE NEWS if you are a new organization don't give us your version of college BCS standings.



exiled 11-07-2007 09:05 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
personally, I hope we CAN stay under the radar a few more weeks.

SapperSaint 11-07-2007 10:23 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145213)

Its no more than any one of the Threads we post here on this forum thats all they are peoples opinon and what they think.

So, no ones opinion should be spoke????

Then why have this website? Why did you join this website; if not to speak YOUR opinion? I don't understand you Euph. The way I take what you wrote, is that our opinions don't mean anything here and that we should just shut-up.

I think reading the "Power Rankings", lets us as fans read what NON-FANS, think about our team. We are all grown men and women here, we know that a power ranking doesn't mean anything other than the WRITERS OPINION.

Is it just me....or isn't free speech in the BILL OF FREAKIN RIGHTS and part of being an American. I, as a few others on here, individual freedom is just a tiny small reason why we have fought a war for OUR country. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Good post WHODAT205, keep it up.

xan 11-07-2007 10:28 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
Power rankings are for middle school girls after their first period and gay men in love with their Dysons.

That's not just my opinion, it's fact.

SapperSaint 11-07-2007 10:33 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

You sure do know alot about what it takes to be gay.....are you telling us something????

Euphoria 11-07-2007 11:00 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 145353)
So, no ones opinion should be spoke????

Then why have this website? Why did you join this website; if not to speak YOUR opinion? I don't understand you Euph. The way I take what you wrote, is that our opinions don't mean anything here and that we should just shut-up.

I think reading the "Power Rankings", lets us as fans read what NON-FANS, think about our team. We are all grown men and women here, we know that a power ranking doesn't mean anything other than the WRITERS OPINION.

Is it just me....or isn't free speech in the BILL OF FREAKIN RIGHTS and part of being an American. I, as a few others on here, individual freedom is just a tiny small reason why we have fought a war for OUR country. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Good post WHODAT205, keep it up.

Just for future refrence there is no "FREE SPEECH" on the internet. One's post can be deleted, censored ect, and whatever. America you can have free speech but the internet is not America and most sites or owned. The owner of the site has the right to allow what speech he allows on his site, its not what you call "free speach".

... I never told anyone to shut up or not post this garbage at all. What I merely support is a disclaimer on these type 'articles' that either a so called journalist or intern rights who know very little about football its a job for them and they can be bias. I know I know you may know this but some people come to this site and others hell even read the BS in the actual article and get themselves all hot and bothered about something or the other and its really point less they mean nothing. Its no more or no less if we got together and posted on here a "BLACK AND GOLD - POWER RANKING" and we rated the Saints number 1 each and every week dispite now winning the SB. Its the exact same thing.

Those rankings only mean something in college football... GO LSU.

WhoDat205 11-07-2007 11:25 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
I really don't get the pile on Euphoria stuff. Why do you guys care? I knew before I ever made this post that he'd say "power rankings are gay". I just don't care. Hell, I disagree with about 75% of what he posts. Faine sucks? Whatever. The D-Line is overpaid? Prove it. If you don't like it, ignore him. There's just no sense in getting so worked up about it.

But that's just my opinion.

He did have one good idea. Who's up for a B&G Power Ranking? We can do it like the AP. List your top 12, we'll rank them on a points scale based on all the votes - #1 = 12pts, #12=1pt.

#1 - NE
#2 - Indy
#3 - Pitt
#4 - Dallass
#5 - GB
#6 - Tenn
#7 - NYG
#8 - Det.
#9 - CLE
#10 - NO
#11 - SD
#12 - Wash (I refuse to put anyone from the NFCW in the top 12)

LordOfEntropy 11-07-2007 11:30 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by saintsfan1313 (Post 145220)
hehe...i LOVE it when someone posts a power ranking, and then Euph bashes the ^%&@ out of it......its great....

It's more of a sure thing than a PAT attempt after a touchdown. I love it.

mikesaintfan 11-07-2007 02:05 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post
#1 N.E.
#2 Indy
#3 N.O.

Euphoria 11-07-2007 04:27 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by WhoDat205 (Post 145365)
I really don't get the pile on Euphoria stuff. Why do you guys care? I knew before I ever made this post that he'd say "power rankings are gay". I just don't care. Hell, I disagree with about 75% of what he posts. Faine sucks? Whatever. The D-Line is overpaid? Prove it. If you don't like it, ignore him. There's just no sense in getting so worked up about it.

But that's just my opinion.

He did have one good idea. Who's up for a B&G Power Ranking? We can do it like the AP. List your top 12, we'll rank them on a points scale based on all the votes - #1 = 12pts, #12=1pt.

#1 - NE
#2 - Indy
#3 - Pitt
#4 - Dallass
#5 - GB
#6 - Tenn
#7 - NYG
#8 - Det.
#9 - CLE
#10 - NO
#11 - SD
#12 - Wash (I refuse to put anyone from the NFCW in the top 12)

Fair enough... and I agree with you. I was asking the question are we getting enough bang for our buck. Over 2 million a year for a DE that has done what this year??? I am not saying he isn't good but is he worth it? Can you find another DE to do better or live up to the expectations that he set for himself. Faine there is a whole different thread for that discussion please see it.

So you do agree with me we ought to have a black and gold power ranking so that one thing. I'll have to keep a running tally, lol. So far looks like 2 out of 3 so thats over 50 percent agreeing with lol.

What I do think is funny is that someone will post something against what I posted but in actuality they are agreeing with it... its like they just want to disagree with me just for fun.

SapperSaint 11-08-2007 07:30 AM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 145407)
... its like they just want to disagree with me just for fun.

That's why we love you so much Euph.

Euphoria 11-08-2007 06:13 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 145472)
That's why we love you so much Euph.

Well I love your posts Sapper!!! The damn blonde on the left makes me want to rub one out everytime I see your avator. LOL.

JOESAM2002 11-08-2007 06:57 PM

Re: The Power Rankings Post

Originally Posted by LordOfEntropy (Post 145366)
It's more of a sure thing than a PAT attempt after a touchdown. I love it.

This, I gotta admit, is one of the funniest and truer things I've seen on this site in a long time.

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