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jonnyrotten 12-03-2007 12:06 PM

I am so tired of hearing people say that the saints are rebuilding or are in year two of a rebuild. There is no such thing anymore, each year we see teams from the bottom come to the top and vice versa. With free agency the way it is, teams can look completely different from one year to the next. Sorry folks, this IS NOT a rebuilding year, and we look like the saints of old again. Last year was a fluke it seems, although I wish it wasn't so.

andersen 12-03-2007 12:10 PM

Re: Rebuild?
'07 Draft choices have not made impact, shoot, they haven't even made the field. If we were rebuilding, they would be playing.

hagan714 12-03-2007 12:17 PM

Re: Rebuild?
Thank god you are not the GM.

WhoDat205 12-03-2007 12:20 PM

Re: Rebuild?
You're right. It was not supposed to be a rebuilding year.

It should have been, though.

JOESAM2002 12-03-2007 12:33 PM

Re: Rebuild?

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 148118)
Thank god you are not the GM.

Sometime you just kill me! ROFLMAO. We have enough GM's on this site already. LOL. Although there is some truth in what he said. You do see teams go from the bottom to the top. It happens, just not to us.:phat:

Man, I like this little fat guy,he reminds me! LOL

hagan714 12-03-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Rebuild?
The media lead you guys down that path and you all ate up hook, line and sinker.
Come on we flipped the roster by 60% last year and added more than a handful of new faces. The offense is young and the defense is just to old. The offense is close to clicking and a couple of pieces should do it. So the statement about FA does apply more next year than this.
The defense is due for a major youth movement also. We are all hoping it starts next year. But that will take time to do and will take time playing together till they click. It is always that way and always will be.

jonnyrotten 12-03-2007 12:44 PM

Re: Rebuild?
THe offense is the exact same as last year minus joe horn. yeah we lost deuce but that was in week 3 and the offense stank it up before that. I agree completely that the defense needs a youth movement but that was the GM's decision to draft a WR round one, the coach deciding not to play Usama more, etc. Bottom line still remains, every year is a year to win the SuperBowl. Do you start the year saying okay, we are not trying to win the superbowl cause we are rebuilding? No. In fact, i would wonder what the actual average is for NFL team turnover, my guess is it is pretty high each year. Heck, look at new england this year, that attacked in FA and do their players need a few years to gel? exactly.

NEXTPROBOWLER 12-03-2007 12:47 PM

Re: Rebuild?
hag, the d doesnt need to get any younger....just need better talent....

Champ Kind 12-03-2007 01:04 PM

Re: Rebuild?
I think they need to fire Gibbs and get a D-coordinator that can blitz more than once a game

hagan714 12-03-2007 01:09 PM

Re: Rebuild?
The defense is long in tooth. Read my blog and give you a run down on the ages and what we are really looking at on the defense.

Rent A Defense - Black and Gold Forums

Talent I agree but it will take more than FA to build this unit. Youth is needed. I am still ticked over the davis cut at CB in the beginning of the year. Age alone was reason enough to keep him. Funny how Cinnci jumped all over him. They saw something I bet at the group practices in the pre-season. Boy Fred was worth keeping over him.
The OL did what I thought they would. Pass protect. That is what they built for. With Duce gone it was over for them. Bush is no longer the impact player he was last year. He gets less attention freeing up LB and S. As long as a team comes in with the attitude they will score and scoring is all they need to do to win we will get stuffed and blitzed all game long. Till the defense steps up and reduces the points needed by our offense to win it will not change. right now those points are at 30+. The OL is not done rebuilding by a long shot. It needs a couple of key pieces. NO center is not one of them. There is nothing out there in FA or the draft to change that. So lets not even go there. LT and OG is were I would start. Now there are FA and the draft is going to have more than 4 good LT in it. Then reshuffling the line and we can start talking about opening some wholes for the RB.
The defense need more than 2 pieces thats for sure.

Gibbs is working with a half deck. I am not ready to hang him. YET

JOESAM2002 12-03-2007 06:37 PM

Re: Rebuild?

Originally Posted by Champ Kind (Post 148134)
I think they need to fire Gibbs and get a D-coordinator that can blitz more than once a game

Yes,Yes,Yes, absolutly! Send him home with his tail between his legs. I really don't see how he got a defensive co-ordinators job. He'd be great on the back of a trash truck. If they'd fire him I have a friend who'll give him a job on one of his trash trucks

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