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saintsfan1976 12-05-2007 10:40 AM

Our past drafts
Is it too early to talk about this? lol! With the potential for a high first round pick next year, I'd like you all to take a look at the New Orleans Saints' past first round picks over the past 10 years.

1. Take a look at who we picked and where they are now
2. Take a look at who we passed on and where they are now

I don't want to hear about what our needs were that particular year. :moan: Just take a look at the type of players we've gone after over the last decade... It might make you sick.

Reggie still has time. :p

'98 1998 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'99 1999 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'00 No pick this year and oh BOY look at what we MISSED!
2000 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'01 Deuuuuuuce!
2001 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'02 2002 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'03 2003 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'04 2003 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'05 2003 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'06 2006 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'07 2007 NFL Draft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JOESAM2002 12-05-2007 10:45 AM

Re: Our past drafts
Hey man, Reggie has a lot of time. It's just that everyone expects him to be great right off the bat. That's just not going to happen. I bet if you look back at all the number one and number two draft picks over the past 20 years very few were what you'd call great in their first two years. I think people need to give Reggie some time to learn the pro game. it's a lot different than the college game.

NEXTPROBOWLER 12-05-2007 11:19 AM

Re: Our past drafts
boy did we miss with sully hahahahhaa

JOESAM2002 12-05-2007 11:25 AM

Re: Our past drafts

Originally Posted by NEXTPROBOWLER (Post 148359)
boy did we miss with sully hahahahhaa

No we didn't! He hit our buffet. We got our moneys worth. Just of all the food we'd have had to throw out. I don't see how you can say that! LOL:phat:

hagan714 12-05-2007 05:55 PM

Re: Our past drafts
I do not need to read the past to be sick. I see the players we passed on playing every weekend.
I am torn here. CB LT or LB.

WhoDat205 12-06-2007 08:40 AM

Re: Our past drafts

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 148384)
I do not need to read the past to be sick. I see the players we passed on playing every weekend.
I am torn here. CB LT or LB.

The draft is such a crap shoot. How many "can't miss" players have been busts? There's one every year it seems. And if you spend you time worrying about who you passed on you're just going to give yourself ulsers.

As for what we need in the draft, I still subscribe to Joesam's "throw a dart" theory. It really hinges on what we do in FA.

NoBandwagonrs 12-06-2007 08:46 AM

Re: Our past drafts
dang draft talk already,

anyway on reggie, it usually takes scat backs a bit longer to develop than runners like adrian peterson, look at Dunn and Tiki, both are/were great scat backs but it took them a few years to get going, Tiki could still be a good back if he hadnt retired but ah well :P

saintsfan1976 12-06-2007 08:54 AM

Re: Our past drafts

Originally Posted by JOESAM2002 (Post 148355)
Hey man, Reggie has a lot of time. It's just that everyone expects him to be great right off the bat. That's just not going to happen. I bet if you look back at all the number one and number two draft picks over the past 20 years very few were what you'd call great in their first two years. I think people need to give Reggie some time to learn the pro game. it's a lot different than the college game.

agreed. Reg will be fine, especially when we have a "Deuce-type" in the backfield.

saintsfan1976 12-06-2007 08:55 AM

Re: Our past drafts

Originally Posted by NoBandwagonrs (Post 148413)
dang draft talk already,

What DO you want to talk about? Playoffs?? lol.

mjf150 12-06-2007 10:12 AM

Re: Our past drafts
I agree with your assessment, except for 2000. I don't really see that we missed out on a whole lot. The only players that I see between the pick that we had (#2) and our next selection (#33), that are still currently highly productive are Shaun Alexander and Brian Urlacher. The others may have had a good year or maybe two.

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