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Bobaganoosh 01-04-2008 09:53 PM

lets get it out in the open
Guys...I have been posting here for a while...every now and then i tell you guys something that i heard or something that i "think" will happen. I have probably been right about 80% of the time. Anyone who follows the Saints as closely as i do could probably hit that number as well as long as they werent complete morons who think the Saints should trade for Urlacher and sign Samuel, Trufant and Briggs in the offseason...or the people who think the saints can trade either Bush or is impossible for the saints to trade either one of them.

What i want everyone to know is that i dont know anyone on the inside. What i do know is that the more time you spend at a casino, nice restaurant, or bar...the more likely you are to bump into a player or coach here and there. if you know who they are you dont bother them, or you serve them, you can get a little "insider info" and relay it back to all the die hard fans...that is what i try to do. So for those of you who think that my dad, uncle, brother, cousin, high school chum, or neighbor is my inside guy in the saints organization, I am sorry.

I am just like all of you...we spend too much time in front of the computer whining about what we want the saints to do and how we think we know how to make them winners. So feel free to second guess my predictions, feel free to think i am off my rocker when i say that the saints should do certain things. I do the same thing when i read all of yall stuff.

MatthewT 01-04-2008 10:00 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
Dang Bobaganoosh, are you OK tonight?

Yes, it's true we all spend just a little TOO much time on the computer... LOL

Calm down dude, you are a cool guy!

papz 01-04-2008 11:02 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
Doesn't matter who or how you know some things Boba... your post are appreciated. There's a lot of people who expect a bit much... as in everytime you post, something is about to go down.

Bobaganoosh 01-04-2008 11:08 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
I know that you guys know that I am right more times than not...and i have shared a blackjack table with a player or two, and i did come back and relay what i was told...and i have overheard a couple of conversations i probably shouldnt have...but i do know what i am talking about...and tonight i saw the link that all posts have been forwarded to the forum page on saintsreport...i found that odd and after reading what everyone there had to say about me, both good and bad, it became comical to me that people think i have someone who feeds me info daily. its cool...i should have let it go on that way and told people that i was rita benson's boyfriend. that would have been kind of funny.

Halo 01-04-2008 11:30 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
Boba, I hear a lot of things on these forums. I heard things after Katrina that wasn't fed to me, and some of those things came true, heard them here first.

Forums are a hodge podge of information. Some info is good, some bad, some accurate, some not... and so on.

We're all Saints fans and what other sites think is what they think. What everyone knows here is you're welcome here, speculation or not, because you contribute and not repeat a narrow view or single thought over and over again... you add something.

I know I respect what you post and say because a couple predictions that were considered "complete BS" came true. So you're respected here.

Some sources believe that information should "break" or come from them. When what they doubt so much comes to be true, you just don't hear from those people anymore. Right? Kinda also says maybe they don't know what they are talking about...

MatthewT 01-04-2008 11:45 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
Boba- Dude, I never really looked at that site before, but it appears they think you are a freaking god.

I am also amazed how much content that guy "Dan in Lafayette" appears to have copied from this site. See "Saints News" section.

Just another reason for me to never sign up on their site. We have a great thing going on over this way. Great group of folks on this forum.

WVSaint 01-04-2008 11:48 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
Regardless of where your info comes from, whether its of your own accord or an insider, the fact remains that you havent fed any of us a load of crap. Thats what i appreciate most and why i look forward to your posts. Personally, i dont care where it comes from, 9 times out of 10 times what you say is accurate and thats what i care about. So whatever youre doing, just keep it up, I know most of us on this board (and apparently other boards) are much appreciated.

ssmitty 01-05-2008 05:20 AM

Re: lets get it out in the open

Originally Posted by Bobaganoosh (Post 151416)
Guys...I have been posting here for a while...every now and then i tell you guys something that i heard or something that i "think" will happen. I have probably been right about 80% of the time. Anyone who follows the Saints as closely as i do could probably hit that number as well as long as they werent complete morons who think the Saints should trade for Urlacher and sign Samuel, Trufant and Briggs in the offseason...or the people who think the saints can trade either Bush or is impossible for the saints to trade either one of them.

What i want everyone to know is that i dont know anyone on the inside. What i do know is that the more time you spend at a casino, nice restaurant, or bar...the more likely you are to bump into a player or coach here and there. if you know who they are you dont bother them, or you serve them, you can get a little "insider info" and relay it back to all the die hard fans...that is what i try to do. So for those of you who think that my dad, uncle, brother, cousin, high school chum, or neighbor is my inside guy in the saints organization, I am sorry.

I am just like all of you...we spend too much time in front of the computer whining about what we want the saints to do and how we think we know how to make them winners. So feel free to second guess my predictions, feel free to think i am off my rocker when i say that the saints should do certain things. I do the same thing when i read all of yall stuff.

here is where some may take offense.......the word "morons" and the round about way you use it is unnecessary......
while it does'nt bother me, there's no need for it.
while i appreciate the info, i still like to read all posts, good or bad, crazy or sane, and judge for myself. calling someone out is one thing, calling them a name is something else.............smitty

hagan714 01-05-2008 05:55 AM

Re: lets get it out in the open
This is great. You are a saintsreport headliner. LOL seriously it is killing me over here. BRB.
Ok, I had to go pee before I wet my pants.
Look before anyone here takes it to heart, SSmitty, remember this was written not only for us here at B&G but those over at saintsreport and other sites, who steal posts and others who carry on about possibilities they have no idea about. Besides they had Kenny W. for a while and they blew that. LOL They miss handled the whole thing. The dude does not post there any more, hardly. They made a big drama out of his posts and made it into something it was not. Bunch of school kids bickering. :moan: Lets not turn this into one of those things. :no: We are better than that
Bob is not the only one to be raped over here. Many threads that are started over here end up over there as someone else posts within hours after they are posted here. I have a good idea of who the ones are too. Yep I do still go there and we all know why. We also have been down this road before so let not start venting. We are better than that
I take it as a complement that any post from black and gold stolen and posted at another web site gets more response than 90% of the others they have active. Good job gang keep it up. We are not only carrying our site but we are carrying a couple of others as well.:p
We are better than that and thats what brought us to this site and keeps us here. :cool2:

LordOfEntropy 01-05-2008 08:08 AM

Re: lets get it out in the open
No need to backtrack Boba. Your input is appreciated here - very much so. You often post angles or views I hadn't thought of, and that's a good thing.

CheramieIII 01-05-2008 09:05 AM

Re: lets get it out in the open
I find it hard to believe that what I posted in your response to your post has turned into alot of drama and lets not talk about feelings because I am obviously not the one that got mine hurt.

My response to your post was not a direct attack upon you merely a response to a post and I would have posted it even if Papz or Hagan would have predicted that stuff. Did you ever stop to think for one second that maybe, just maybe we expect a little more out of you than anyone else. No, I guess not, so I'm confused by this thread then?

In order to get this drama over with I apologize for my post and retract it. Mods please delete my post if you can. I will never address or respond to one of your post again and by doing so eliminate these kinds of threads that are really self serving.

and yes Smitty was right, calling people morons in a round about way is not OK or so the rules read, but there are a few people that can get away with that here.

Everyone else, I sincerely apologize.

LordOfEntropy 01-05-2008 11:53 AM

Re: lets get it out in the open
You've got character Cher. Way to stand up.

Bobaganoosh 01-05-2008 12:38 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
No offense Cheramie, but your post had nothing at all to do with my rant. It was cool of you to man up like you did, but you were not at all the reason why i did that. I had no idea guys would paste my entire history of posts from this board onto another board and have 50 people chime and and critique how often i am right and how often i am wrong.

As far as the morons thing goes, that was not directed towards anyone in general, on this site, but even still, i apologize to anyone whom i may have offended.

I just want you to know that all of us here do the same thing. That was my point behind the whole rant. I spend the majority of my down time thinking about ways the saints could improve themselves, and to me they are valid observations.

I have "overheard" things but that was pretty much dumb luck. So, what did i do with that, i brought it back here to share it with all of you. Thats what i do.

ssmitty 01-05-2008 03:14 PM

Re: lets get it out in the open
no problemo..........
there are countless posts here anyone, anywhere could take out of context anytime........the more who take them with a grain of salt or an ounce of wisdom the more the site becomes concrete. and this is a good thing....

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