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QBREES9 01-28-2008 02:01 PM

Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Though Benson surely will be handsomely compensated for his decision to give up a home game in the name of the league’s broader effort to become an international phenomenon, there will be no compensation for the revenue lost by the various businesses that rely upon those eight weekends from September to December in which an NFL game is hosted there.

Eventually, the league will likely expand the regular season to 17 games, which means that every city will keep its eight home games and play once per season at a neutral site. In our view, the Saints should have gotten a pass on playing a home game overseas until that seventeenth game is added.

Budsdrinker 01-28-2008 03:23 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
The league will probably give the Saints 3 home games in preaseason so ticket sales stay the same and business still have the same amount of games to collect on. This is just my opinion.

Papa Voodoo 01-28-2008 05:41 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Can we count our home game in Giants' stadium 2 years ago and just play in the dome? They should set it so the #1 AFC and #1 NFC teams from the SB play the next year in Europe...not teams that struggle.

LordOfEntropy 01-28-2008 07:27 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Word Papa, word.

MatthewT 01-28-2008 07:57 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Yeah, this is nothing but crap. If the NFL wants to do this, let Europe have the pro bowl. Until that 17th game is added, no city should be forced to give up a home game. Benson also had better be careful how he handles this. If he tries to screw the fans on this, I could see many fans not renewing their season tickets. I know right now ticket sales are about as good as it gets for the Saints, but that could turn back to how it used to be in a heartbeat.

ScottF 01-28-2008 08:54 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Yes, screwed again.

New York 'home' game 2 years ago, marquee games all on the road this year, including AT Chicago & Indy, last year's SB teams.

The NFL cannot seriously argue that they are trying to help out the city. They need to move the draft here, award a SB, etc, not take money/ games away.

As for the mention of the extra home pre-season game, I could probably find more loose change in my couch than that game would generate

Donuts32 01-28-2008 11:21 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 153014)
Yes, screwed again.

New York 'home' game 2 years ago, marquee games all on the road this year, including AT Chicago & Indy, last year's SB teams.

The NFL cannot seriously argue that they are trying to help out the city. They need to move the draft here, award a SB, etc, not take money/ games away.

As for the mention of the extra home pre-season game, I could probably find more loose change in my couch than that game would generate

I totally agree with you ScottF. This is a BS move their doing.

andersen 01-29-2008 08:25 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Pre-Season game exchange? That just ain't right.

Kittykat 01-29-2008 08:45 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
I think the whole idea of taking American football to Europe is dumb. Why are they even doing this? Do they really think they can convert all of those futbol/soccer fans to rabid NFL fans?! C'mon...

And now nicking a home game in lieu of playing at Wembley?! Can you imagine how this will throw off their whole training and practice schedules?


9thWardDesire 01-29-2008 10:31 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Save the overseas games for the preseason

UK_WhoDat 01-29-2008 10:20 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Originally Posted by Kittykat (Post 153035)
I think the whole idea of taking American football to Europe is dumb. Why are they even doing this? Do they really think they can convert all of those futbol/soccer fans to rabid NFL fans?! C'mon...

And now nicking a home game in lieu of playing at Wembley?! Can you imagine how this will throw off their whole training and practice schedules?


You know KittyKat. You are right and you are wrong. NFL don't need to convert Eurofans. A lot of them are already very keen. e.g. I flew to US to watch Saints 3 times. (I also been to games in Minnesota and Miami).

Many UKers took up watching American football waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy back when they started showing games in mid 80s. Yep, we had annual Super Bowl parties, there was games on UK TV on every Sunday, and a small number of us ordered college games on tape out of Germany that was intended for your American forces there.

There was a thriving UK American football league (Britball :() and I helped regularly with my local team.

But the NFL came over to "help" us along. Frankly I thought the NFL was justing looking for money. Once they screwed our merchandise money, they then screwed the UK by pulling out preseason games (which are ---- well a yawn) and pulling out that NFLE thing. I guess the NFL are coming back to screw the next generation. The real American fans don't need that.
Some sort of vendetta I guess. Kittykat - you are riht about planning, and
I am very bitter about the Saints "home" game in the UK. The NFL is screwing New Orleans.recovery. They ought to give the Saints a week off before and after that travel. But they won't and only the most disciplined will survive the clock change both ways.

I find it strangely very humiliating but I cannot explain why. Maybe, simply, it just sucks. I am still reeling from the Giants home game.

Kittykat 01-29-2008 11:03 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
UK_WhoDat, I totally appreciate your perspective and information. I never realized the the NFL had anything more than a fledgling following in Europe. Heck, I never knew there was really a following at all! :lol: I apologize at being so apoplectic at the thought of European football fans. :)

It just strikes me as so bizarre, the whole idea of taking a regular season game to a whole other CONTINENT! What next? Antarctica? The moon?? I think everyone else is right on when they say it should be a pre-season game or the Pro Bowl. But not a regular season game.

And I had totally forgotten about the NFLE. I do well enough to muddle my way though the NFL. ;)

Budsdrinker 01-30-2008 09:34 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
I think one of the reasons the NFL is wanting to play over seas is because when a team wins a Super Bowl they declare themselves World Champions. I have a few friends from other countries that this sort of bothers them considering the NFL is only played in America. They don't think they should be considered World Champions which I understand their point to some extent. Now while I don't think there will ever be teams from over seas in the NFL, the NFL wants to get other countries fans of the NFL for revenue sake. It's all about the almighty dollar.

LordOfEntropy 01-30-2008 11:52 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Yes, I understand that, and I agree. It's about the almight dollar. But... they could make the same amount of cash by sending the Saints to an away game, as opposed to a home game. That's the part I can't stomach.

Between all the road games in Chicago, and all the home games played everywhere but New Orleans, I'm beginning to feel personally screwed here. And I know I'm not alone in that feeling.

wheelman 01-30-2008 12:31 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
I don't mind the Saints playing overseas, just the idea of losing another home game. I think it's pretty low what the NFL is doing here.

As for why the NFL is so adamant about playing games overseas, I honestly think their ultimate goal is to eventually form a second professional league in Europe. The problem with the original NFL Europe - financially and public relations speaking - was that it was a developmental league. It is hard to drum up interest in a league when the locals know that they are getting stuck with the leftovers.

ScottF 01-30-2008 04:07 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
The question is, why us?

I understand that the Saints have become the new darlings in the US and we are in commercials now and Bush is a markettable guy. But, how do you take a home game away from a city that sells out every week? Miami I understand, Phoenix, ATL, etc., but not New Orleans.

I agree with whomever posted that they should play pre-season games there. The quality would be better than that fiasco last year anyway.

Last point- why is the NFL trying to market in Europe? What do the European football teams draw? Is the US market really tapped out?
My thought is that the NFL wants to see Bush #25 jerseys at Chelsea/Man U matches.

iceshack149 01-30-2008 05:07 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
Good point about "World Champions", Budsdrinker. The NFL will assuredly keep that title in hopes that other countries will try to form their own teams and beat the US at its own game like it's been done in Baseball and Basketball.

Tobias-Reiper 01-30-2008 08:29 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 153088)
The question is, why us?

My thought is that the NFL wants to see Bush #25 jerseys at Chelsea/Man U matches.

That's the answer right there. Merchandise revenue.

My guess is that the NFL picked the Saints-Chargers game because it matches 2 exciting RBs. in Reggie and LT and Soccer fans like exciting runners.

FireVenturi 01-30-2008 08:48 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
hope they like one that runs east and west! Sorry couldn't resist

hagan714 01-31-2008 05:28 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
I like this one. Yes the NFL wants $$$$$. Is there a market there? Yes. Could the long term goal of both the NBA and the NFL to one day make themselves truely gobal? Yes
The part I do not like is the hit the local economy is going to take. Restraunt, Bars and Hotels.

G504 02-02-2008 09:47 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Originally Posted by Papa Voodoo (Post 152996)
Can we count our home game in Giants' stadium 2 years ago and just play in the dome? They should set it so the #1 AFC and #1 NFC teams from the SB play the next year in Europe...not teams that struggle.

I think the NFL is more so thinking about what teams have international followings. That's why they sent NY last year. I don't know for a fact, I haven't been over seas in the past year, but I would guess people everywhere followed the story of New Orleans, including the Saints.
It still sucks though! Those London business men better open up their checkbooks to our charities!

UK_WhoDat 02-02-2008 11:02 PM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned

Originally Posted by G504 (Post 153163)
I think the NFL is more so thinking about what teams have international followings. That's why they sent NY last year. I don't know for a fact, I haven't been over seas in the past year, but I would guess people everywhere followed the story of New Orleans, including the Saints.
It still sucks though! Those London business men better open up their checkbooks to our charities!

You mean NFL business men who dreamt up the idea.

Perhaps Wembley itself and a few souvenir traders and perhaps a TV company will make a bit of money. But I doubt that London will notice any extra business. Most of the Euro' American football fans will come into London on the day and leave. There will no noticeable influx of money.

The clear winner is the NFL. Maybe the Saints and the Chargers may pick up something from merchandise sales. But I bet you, Wembley will be graced by fans who favour Dolphins, 49ers, Cowboys, ...... and they will want to buy ......... er ........ not Saints and Chargers merchandise.

SapperSaint 02-04-2008 10:00 AM

Re: Loss Of New Orleans Game Questioned
I don't know too much about the UK, so forgive me if I'm wrong UK_WHODAT, but isn't our game during your rainy season? I could have sworn the reason the "Sports Experts" said the NY/Miami game (worst game all year) sucked was because the fields over there are not meant for football play, but are for soccer?

Feel free to correct me UK or should I say "Mate".

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