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biloxi-indian 03-08-2008 10:51 AM

Anyone for Pacman?

In a development that either is evidence of the value of a solid cornerback-kick returner or proof that pro football teams are still willing to overlook the turdish behavior of talented players, it appears that multiple teams are interested in Tennessee Titans cornerback Pacman Jones.

According to the Tennesseean, the Cowboys, the Dolphins, the Lions, the Raiders, the Chiefs, the Texans, the Saints, and the Patriots have expressed "at least some level of interest."

Our guess is that someone is puffing a bit in the hopes of driving up the level of compensation that the Titans get for the sixth overall pick in the 2005 draft. Miami V.P. of football operations Bill Parcells has said that he doesn't want "thugs and hoodlums," and Jones (in our opinion) is both. And if the Patriots expressed "some level if interest" in Jones, the specific level of interest likely was "hardly any."

Then, we wouldn't be surprised to learn that Parcells and his son-in-law, Pats V.P. of player personnel Scott Pioli, have agreed to feign interest in Jones in the hopes that Jets G.M. Mike Tannenbaum would feel compelled to plunge into the bidding for a guy who would then contribute to a potential internal collapse of the franchise. -- The Best Pro Football Scoop on the Internet

gptsaintsfan 03-08-2008 11:11 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
If he leaves Tenn, mark it down...He's going to Dallas...they take all the thugs!

SapperSaint 03-08-2008 11:46 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
His attitude and lifestyle (if you want to call that a lifestyle) kills him. If not for that then I would say yes. But this is the real world, so... no thanks.

WVSaint 03-08-2008 12:28 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
didnt most, if not all of dallas' secondary go to the pro bowl this year? i dont see the point in bringing him in when most of their DBs are already better than average. I can see him going to the Ravens or Raiders.

D_it_up 03-08-2008 01:14 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
This guy will be playing with Paul Crewe before the season is out.

SoulStar 03-08-2008 01:28 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by WVSaint (Post 157284)
didnt most, if not all of dallas' secondary go to the pro bowl this year? i dont see the point in bringing him in when most of their DBs are already better than average. I can see him going to the Ravens or Raiders.

Trust me, alot of people out here in Dallas wondered why most of DB's made the pro bowl this year. Alot of people also wondered how most of the OL made the pro bowl with Romo running for his life at least 10 ten times a game this past season.

People are not happy with T Newman, and Hamlin. Dallas *at least the fans* are looking for a lock to make the superbowl. If that means stacking the deck they are willing to do it.

phatoosdey 03-08-2008 09:35 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
no thank you, but i might consider a game of asteroids instead :)

FireVenturi 03-08-2008 09:44 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
No way I want this guy!! Let him stick to wrestling!

Crusader 03-09-2008 06:24 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
To me it would depend on what he would have to give up to get him and how his new contract would look.

Ashley 03-09-2008 09:22 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Pass on this guy.

saintsfan1976 03-09-2008 09:25 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
I would love to see him and TO on the same team bus when it crashes.

mighty12 03-09-2008 11:23 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
KFFL - New Orleans Saints News and Notes

Looks like we are interested. Can we get some of those little ghosts to circle around the strip clubs in town? That might keep Pac-man away.

SaintFanInATLHELL 03-09-2008 11:54 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
PacMan will continue to have character issues. No matter how talented he is, those issues will detract from his on field play.

We cannot afford to take that chance.

Just pass.


Tobias-Reiper 03-09-2008 01:24 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Pacman has talent, but kind of hard to utilize that talent on the field if you are suspended, or in jail, or end up with a bullet hole in your head... I don't think Pacman in New Orleans is a good idea, and I'm not talking football-wise. If I were Loomis, about the only way I would bring in Pacman would be with absolutely no guaranteed money: you play on Sunday, you get paid. You don't play on Sunday, you don't get paid.

avlsaint55 03-09-2008 09:14 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
I'd say pass on Pac-Man. With the numerous strip clubs in the metro area I don't think he will have the will power to stay out of them.

hagan714 03-10-2008 05:03 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Pac-Man signs I am opening a strip club and bringing in some of the best from all over the world. cha-ching

MatthewT 03-10-2008 07:46 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Just remember Dale Carter. He was suppose to be the savior for the Saints defense. Well, Dale did not have nearly the character issues that Pac-Man has and we all know what happened. As talented as Pac-Man is, my answer would be no.

1westcoastsaint 03-20-2008 01:42 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
trick daddy loves the kids,and pacman jones loves the strip clubs!!! i can already see T.O in the prees conference for Dallas:"Don't talk about my corner back Pacman,it's not fair"!!!!!!

LordOfEntropy 03-20-2008 02:00 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Jesus. If Pacman were here, I'd be afraid of getting shot by him in the French Quarter some night. I'd be afraid to go out at all. No thanks.

Let someone else get the cap hit for signing him, then watching him sit out the season on suspension in jail.

QBREES9 03-20-2008 09:32 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Thug Life will end your Life, Adam Jones. No Thanks

LordOfEntropy 03-20-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 158791)
Guess this would go against Payton's "team chemistry" theory. You bring in PacMan, you might as well make a deal with the devil. Hell, if we're going to do this, we might as well make a deal with Ocho Cinco. At least he has some charisma and doesn't get into legal trouble. I personally like Johnson. He has a good sense of humor. Couse, I'm sure I'm the minority on this one too.

Missile having a different opinion from the norm?.... that's never happened. ;)

gandhi1007 03-20-2008 11:28 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 158791)
Guess this would go against Payton's "team chemistry" theory. You bring in PacMan, you might as well make a deal with the devil. Hell, if we're going to do this, we might as well make a deal with Ocho Cinco. At least he has some charisma and doesn't get into legal trouble. I personally like Johnson. He has a good sense of humor. Couse, I'm sure I'm the minority on this one too.

I like Chad Johnson as well. He has a great sense of humor & beyond the flare...he's really a class act. In the dome two years ago (when he torched Fred Thomas), there was a kid in a wheelchair watching the game. He was a Saints fan. Before the game, Chad chatted with the guy. After his 1st TD, Johnson walked up to the kid, gave him the game ball & signed it for him. At the end of the game, I watch "Ocho Cinqo" come back to the kid & talk to him for a good 5-10 minutes while taking a knee. Now...this to me says the guy may be flamboyant, but he's also a great person. As for Pac-Man....HELL NO!!!!!! Putting Pac-Man working in New Orleans is like putting a drug addict working in a pharmacy. Something bad is gonna' happen.

RockyMountainSaint 03-20-2008 11:38 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by gandhi1007 (Post 158849)
I like Chad Johnson as well. He has a great sense of humor & beyond the flare...he's really a class act. In the dome two years ago (when he torched Fred Thomas), there was a kid in a wheelchair watching the game. He was a Saints fan. Before the game, Chad chatted with the guy. After his 1st TD, Johnson walked up to the kid, gave him the game ball & signed it for him. At the end of the game, I watch "Ocho Cinqo" come back to the kid & talk to him for a good 5-10 minutes while taking a knee. Now...this to me says the guy may be flamboyant, but he's also a great person. As for Pac-Man....HELL NO!!!!!! Putting Pac-Man working in New Orleans is like putting a drug addict working in a pharmacy. Something bad is gonna' happen.

I like Johnson for his love of the game. Misunderstood at times.
Love the story from above.
Especially because it comes from gandhi instead of a media outlet.
Especially given that it was a road game for Johnson!

I doubt you will ever hear of Adam Jones going out of his way to do something like this in his home town.

A'La Christopher Walken: "Pac Man. He's a bad guy."

maximkat 03-21-2008 01:36 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
I've always liked Johnson ever since I saw a story about him on ESPN 5 years or so ago. They were talking about how he ended up falling asleep in the video room on a sofa cause he studies up so much. He is a hard worker and has passion, which is more than I've seen from a lot of current players on this team. From mostly everything I've seen or heard out of him its usually a humorous approach as opposed to a violent one like Mrs. Jones. I hope Jones goes to Dallas, with Tank there I'm sure he won't have trouble finding another gun.

foreverfan 03-21-2008 06:10 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Football is designed for Thugs... Do doubt he can play.

TheDeuce 03-21-2008 06:13 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
Pac Man is a punk, and I want no part of him. Chad Johnson is in no way like Pac Man. He might get a bad rap for showboating, but he plays hard and he doesn't get in trouble off the field. I'd love to see Ocho Cinco here, but no way I'd support getting Pac Man.

RockyMountainSaint 03-22-2008 03:07 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
I don't think we would be better with Johnson here.

Let me qualify this statement.

We have leadership among our WR corps. Patten
We have emerging leaders. Colston.
We have other veteran, talented guys who need to be pushed. Devery.
We have a hungry kid looking for guidance. Meachum

As much as I like CJ for many reasons. I don't think that he fits here, right now.

HUSKER 03-22-2008 03:26 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
No Johnson and no Pac-Man, we don't need cancer in the locker room. We have a good team with good players and if they play as a team again and start blocking better, running the ball more and playing better defense with more blitzing we'll be alright.

RockyMountainSaint 03-22-2008 03:29 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by HUSKER (Post 158960)
No Johnson and no Pac-Man, we don't need cancer in the locker room. We have a good team with good players and if they play as a team again and start blocking better, running the ball more and playing better defense with more blitzing we'll be alright.

This sounds like Nirvana!!!!!

HUSKER 03-22-2008 03:32 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
No, this sounds like Teen Spirit or Heart-shaped box......Lets keep up you're falling behind.

RockyMountainSaint 03-22-2008 04:12 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 158962)
This sounds like Nirvana!!!!!

Nirvana= ultimate enlightenment= New Orleans Saints= Super Bowl Win.

Not a Haiku.

Happiness for Robert=RockyMountainSaint=Super Bowl Winning Saints=Nirvana=Happy Saints Fans Everywhere= Happy RMS= WHO DAT? WHO DAT? WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS?
Who can argue with Dat?

Dispute this logic.

If you can.......
You are more a maniac than I.


p.s. hide da beer!

leilung 03-22-2008 07:57 AM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 157365)
Pacman has talent, but kind of hard to utilize that talent on the field if you are suspended, or in jail, or end up with a bullet hole in your head... I don't think Pacman in New Orleans is a good idea, and I'm not talking football-wise. If I were Loomis, about the only way I would bring in Pacman would be with absolutely no guaranteed money: you play on Sunday, you get paid. You don't play on Sunday, you don't get paid.

I see alot of us chiming in on the guy's character issues, how he's a 'thug' and all, but no one addressing what he might bring to the table for a team that is struggling with its secondary.

I believe that most of you said the same garbage about possibly bringing TO to NOLA and there's no doubt that aside from being a headcase, he makes that team better, if not, dangerous with him in the line up.

But perhaps that's one of the reasons the Saints haven't been overly successful as a franchise. Talent vs. Character carries far too much weight. I'll take a flat-out-player over the really-nice-average-player in the trenches any day of the week.

That being said, Tobias-Reaper you're dead on. Put a "no clubbing' clause in the contract and make it loaded with performance based incentives so that if he don't put out, he don't get out, and he (or any other bad-boy) can play for me in NOLA.

If it get us a Ring, and the other players don't mind it, who really cares about 'character'?

My 2 cents...

9thWardDesire 03-22-2008 03:09 PM

Re: Anyone for Pacman?
ewwewwwwewwweww Wonk-Wonk!!!

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