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pakowitz 04-02-2008 06:46 PM

NFL rule changes
Among the proposals that were passed:

• A recommendation to eliminate force-out decisions on pass completions near the sidelines. Now, officials will have to decide only whether a receiver landed inbounds or not. The intended result is more consistency.

• The "Phil Dawson field goal rule." Now, certain field goals can be reviewed by instant replay, including kicks that bounce off the uprights. Under the previous system, no field goals could be reviewed.

• Deferring the opening coin toss. This is similar to the college rule. Previously, the winner of the coin toss could choose only to receive or to kick off.

• A direct snap from center that goes backward will now be treated as a fumble. Previously, it was ruled a false start.

• Eliminating the 5-yard face mask penalty. Now, only the serious face mask will be called (and will be assessed as a 15-yard penalty). The major foul will involve twisting or grabbing the face mask.

Euphoria 04-02-2008 06:53 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
Ok I like the face mask one... it really sucked when there was a hand on a mask and nothing happened except player realizing where it was and hurriedly removed it. Take on yards giving up a first down just didn't seem right.

QBREES9 04-02-2008 09:27 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
I to like the face mask one. The "Phil Dawson field goal rule." Now, certain field goals can be reviewed by instant replay, including kicks that bounce off the uprights. Under the previous system, no field goals could be reviewed.

MatthewT 04-02-2008 10:08 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
Sounds like very nice changes. There is one that I am not too sure how it works, if anyone can fully explain the "deferring the opening coin toss" I would love to understand what that really means.

I really like the new face mask rule, just touching the mask really should not be a penalty.

Kittykat 04-02-2008 10:08 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
I thought they were going to get rid of the "Ice The Kicker TO™" a la Shanahan? I guess not?

pakowitz 04-02-2008 10:39 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
works just like in college football... say the saints win the toss.. they can defer to the 2nd half.. their opponent would then choose to kick off or receive.. at the start of the 2nd half the saints would then choose to either kickoff or receive...

MatthewT 04-02-2008 10:50 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
pakowitz - Thank you for explaining that. As you can tell I do not watch much college ball. LOL.

beauchristopher 04-03-2008 08:07 AM

Re: NFL rule changes
what about that calling a timeout as a play is run.. like a fg that was made.. then get taken back for a bogus timeout..

B_Dub_Saint 04-03-2008 06:39 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
What about the long hair thing?? Have they decided on that yet? Mikes gonna be pissed if he has to cut off his hair. Palomauo or how ever you spell it from the steelers cant cut his hair. Its against his religion. Thats no joke. I think if they vote for players to cut their hair I will be very mad at that decision :moan:

saintsfan1976 04-03-2008 06:45 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
Me too son!!! I love to see idiots get yanked down by their wigs...

There should never be a game that ends without at least ONE dread lock on the field. :twisted:

MatthewT 04-03-2008 08:36 PM

Re: NFL rule changes
I hope the NFL leaves the hair thing alone. I personally do not agree with policies regarding hair length. I remember a time when a company I worked for had a policy that stated mens hair cannot go past the top of the collar. Mine was just hitting the bottom of it, nothing really that outrageous. The manager decided to address the issue with me. Of course me being young and stuff, I told the manager to blast off. I also told him is I am more than willing to cut my hair if you make my female co-worker do the same. Of course she was exceptionally beautiful with very long dark hair. He then kind of backed off when I said this was pure discrimination and to leave me alone! The funny thing is if he had not said anything to me there would have been no issue, I had a scheduled haircut for later that week. Of course I let that hair grow for another 2 months before getting it chopped... LMAO.

SaintFanInATLHELL 04-03-2008 09:28 PM

Re: NFL rule changes

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 160246)
Sounds like very nice changes. There is one that I am not too sure how it works, if anyone can fully explain the "deferring the opening coin toss" I would love to understand what that really means.

Should be the same as college. The winner of the coin toss can now choose to pick what they want to do at the beginning of the second half.

So a team with a great defense may defer and lt the opposing team have the ball first for example.


I really like the new face mask rule, just touching the mask really should not be a penalty.


B_Dub_Saint 04-03-2008 10:36 PM

Re: NFL rule changes

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 160335)
Me too son!!! I love to see idiots get yanked down by their wigs...

There should never be a game that ends without at least ONE dread lock on the field. :twisted:

Lets go play golf like next Wed or Thurs :cool:

B_Dub_Saint 04-03-2008 10:39 PM

Re: NFL rule changes

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 160366)
I hope the NFL leaves the hair thing alone. I personally do not agree with policies regarding hair length. I remember a time when a company I worked for had a policy that stated mens hair cannot go past the top of the collar. Mine was just hitting the bottom of it, nothing really that outrageous. The manager decided to address the issue with me. Of course me being young and stuff, I told the manager to blast off. I also told him is I am more than willing to cut my hair if you make my female co-worker do the same. Of course she was exceptionally beautiful with very long dark hair. He then kind of backed off when I said this was pure discrimination and to leave me alone! The funny thing is if he had not said anything to me there would have been no issue, I had a scheduled haircut for later that week. Of course I let that hair grow for another 2 months before getting it chopped... LMAO.

Thats an awesome story. The whole thing with women and their long hair. You handled it just like I would have. Very nice. :phat:

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