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saintsfan1976 04-29-2008 06:49 PM

Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The Most?
For me, it's the Monday night game in New Orleans against the Vikings. They were the team who always seemed to kick our butts out of the playoff picture and now they've got a great RB and a sick defense. I'll be there for sure!!!

jeanpierre 04-29-2008 07:00 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
After "Other Kid" posted that 'I feel for Atlanta thread', it would be that twice in the fall get together we've got schedule at our house and theirs...

lsutigerfan 04-29-2008 07:01 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
For me its the Bears my cousin is a Bears fan and he just cant stop talking smack about beating us the last two years.

nola_swammi 04-29-2008 08:20 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
tampa!!!!!!!!!! revenge is so sweet baby!!!!!

QBREES9 04-29-2008 09:17 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
Chargers, hate that its in London, England, I just want Drew to KICK there A _ _.

Budsdrinker 04-29-2008 10:03 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M

Originally Posted by lsutigerfan (Post 164838)
For me its the Bears my cousin is a Bears fan and he just cant stop talking smack about beating us the last two years.

I agree, the Bears game. I want to beat them by 30 points. And by the way it's the last 3 years. After Katrina in Tiger stadium they beat us also.

LordOfEntropy 04-29-2008 10:15 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
Bears. We're stuck playing them (in their stadium) for the third time in a row. Since I think that's a travesty, I'm looking forward to some payback this time. Especially since the officiating in the first one seemed so one-sided. Would be believe I actually had some Bears fans approach me in the bar, and APOLOGIZE to me for what they called slanted officiating? That speaks volumes.

The Bears walked into that game the third most penalized team in the league. But they only had one penalty in that game, for 5 yards, if memory serves me correctly.

frankeefrank 04-29-2008 11:18 PM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
The one that clinches a play off berth

hagan714 04-30-2008 04:34 AM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
Monday night with the vikings. for the tset of a life time for the OL.
chargers in London for the defensive test.
bears = Revenge!

poydras 04-30-2008 08:02 AM

Re: Which Reg. Season Game R U Looking Forward To The M
Definitely Tampa Bay. That's when we'll see what we have this year. Besides, the Tigers are playing Troy that weekend and I can skip that and make the Saints game! The two Monday night games will be fun too.

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