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Sir Psycho Sexy 10-19-2009 04:31 PM

LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Wayne dropped a new single called "Madden" - in the song he talks about the Saints and how great they are and makes the comment "It's our time."

I get a laugh out of this. HE has gone on record plenty of times as a Packers fan and how being from NO doesn't mean he has to like the Saints. Now they're the cream of the crop and he wants to drop lines like "It's our time."

I mean we all know rappers are fake, but damn, really??

Here is a link to his new song:

Here is a link to one of the many articles I read where he stated he is a Packers fan:
"As a Packer fan, it's been pretty good so far. Aaron Rodgers has been wonderful, man. He's handled everything, and way more than just the football part."
"Besides the Packers, my favorite teams are the Red Sox, the Lakers and the Boston Bruins."

At the end of the day, I admit this isn't a big deal but its another example of people jumping on the bandwagon during the good times. It's just a little worse when it's a NOLA native.

Donuts32 10-19-2009 04:46 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Lil Wayne is a jump on the who's hot bandwagon fan. As a sports fan Lil Wayne is fake. You see him at Hornets games when there winning but when there losing he's at Lakers games and making songs for Kobe. He is also a big Favre fan so he usually goes to the Vikings games from what I heard.

neugey 10-19-2009 04:59 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I'm old school - music and football don't mix, unless it's a marching band.

Sir Psycho Sexy 10-19-2009 05:17 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 171308)
I'm old school - music and football don't mix, unless it's a marching band.

well said, well said.

Rugby Saint II 10-20-2009 02:53 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
The only thing missing from the word rap is the letter C. Just give me music the cheerleaders can dance to.

Turbo Saint 10-20-2009 07:36 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
he's a complete waste of life IMO. nothing he does is worthwhile.

RaginCajun83 10-20-2009 09:14 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I'm giving him 2 years before he's broke again

Ashley 10-20-2009 09:20 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
and who really cares anyway. never heard of the guy until i moved here. I work with a couple of kids, that are always talking about him. Really don't care where he is from. He plain SUCKS.

WVSaint 10-20-2009 09:57 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 171308)
I'm old school - music and football don't mix, unless it's a marching band.

you mean to tell me the superbowl shuffle didnt change your life?

Frederick Smith 10-21-2009 09:14 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Excuse me I have to go puke now!

CantonLegend 10-21-2009 09:46 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
he has also made several songs talking about his fanhood of the saints

its kind of like me being a saints fan but liking the browns also

theres nothing wrong with having 2 teams or being a hometown fan

fwiw i like lil wayne

Sir Psycho Sexy 10-21-2009 11:22 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Just can't agree with being a fan of 2 teams. There are teams I respect and enjoy watching, like the Giants. But in no way am I a "fan".

jn671 10-21-2009 01:30 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I like lil Wayne but yeah he totaly fake in tge sports era. His music is not all that but I like it for some reason. I mean it sounds dumb but it's catchy. That's just me. Lol

jn671 10-21-2009 01:31 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I like lil Wayne but yeah he totaly fake in tge sports aspect. His music is not all that but I like it for some reason. I mean it sounds dumb but it's catchy. That's just me. Lol

jn671 10-21-2009 01:32 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I m a saints fan. But I like the 49ers solely because of Patrick Willis

WVSaint 10-21-2009 05:56 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
i got mad respect for patrick willis, so i can say im a fan of his. no way in hell will i ever come close to saying im a 49ers fan. i still have mad hate for them.

Sir Psycho Sexy 10-21-2009 10:58 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I'm with WV Saint, I respect Flacco, but F' the Ravens.

CantonLegend 10-22-2009 03:55 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
heres another lil wayne song where he talks about the saints a little can either listen to the song or skip to about 2:25....its only about a 5 second piece but still proof of his fanhood

MATHIUS 01-22-2010 08:14 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 171308)
I'm old school - music and football don't mix, unless it's a marching band.

but football and FANdom do mix. being born and raised in new orleans, you think hed stick with his roots. nope. the fame done got to his head or hes ashame of where hes from

xan 01-22-2010 08:30 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Can this be any less relevant? Who the hell cares what a 5th tier celebrity wannabe has to say?

CantonLegend 01-22-2010 08:40 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by xan (Post 196293)
Can this be any less relevant? Who the hell cares what a 5th tier celebrity wannabe has to say?

i know you old guys think this is irrelevant but most of the younger generations consider Lil Wayne to be one of the most influential people in the world

he is very much like frank sinatra was.....just so popular

lil wayne makes great music and he has an unrivaled ability to make other people's songs great as well just by adding a few lyrics

and lil wayne is a new orleans native

his team is the saints.....but his favorite player is brett favre

exile 01-22-2010 08:44 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 196300)
i know you old guys think this is irrelevant

Who you callin' old grampa? :-D Lil wayans just jumped off the bandwagon when the going was good. He just lost his NOLA card and proved he isn't very bright.

xan 01-22-2010 08:55 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
C-L, while all that may be true, it's sill like getting an endorsement from Brittany Spears. Not whodat, whodahellcares.

primadox 01-22-2010 09:22 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by exile (Post 196301)
Who you callin' old grampa? :-D Lil wayans just jumped off the bandwagon when the going was good. He just lost his NOLA card and proved he isn't very bright.

^This. He can pull for whoever he wants, but I don't want him jumping back on the bandwagon when it's "trendy" to do'll run him over. He can just shut up about being a Saints fan, because if you're not pulling for them in this, their biggest game of their existance, then you're not a true fan.

Euphoria 01-22-2010 09:39 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
ITs an old song! This came out early in the year I recall hearing it back before the season started. This isn't new. He did all this before the season so questioning if he is a fan or not is pointless. He is from New Orleans and did this song before the season which makes him a Saints fan by birth.

Sure he can root for other teams many people do but ya bleed black and gold.

Choupique 01-22-2010 09:44 AM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I would suggest a boycott of his music, but he doesn't produce that.

I don't purchase noise nor listen to knuckleheads so what this guy says has little impact on me, much less the (_!_)whupin the SAINTS will deliver this Sunday in the SUPER Dome.

It is our time. Lil Nobody's who dog on the SAINTS doesn't change that reality.

9thWardDesire 01-22-2010 12:44 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 171308)
I'm old school - music and football don't mix, unless it's a marching band.

breesfan27 01-22-2010 03:42 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I'm 25 (a youngin' to most people) and I think Lil' Wayne's music is garbage.

His fandom and his street cred are fake. F'n wannabe Hollywood douchebag.

saintfan 01-22-2010 04:20 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 196569)
I'm 25 (a youngin' to most people) and I think Lil' Wayne's music is garbage.

His fandom and his street cred are fake. F'n wannabe Hollywood douchebag.

There is hope

Turbo Saint 01-22-2010 06:32 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
little wayne shouldn't even be allowed to breathe the same air as any normal human. he's worthless.

D_it_up 01-22-2010 06:40 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 196569)
I'm 25 (a youngin' to most people) and I think Lil' Wayne's music is garbage.

His fandom and his street cred are fake. F'n wannabe Hollywood douchebag.

Agreed. Lil' Wayne is a flash in the pan. He can't even listen to the crap they call rap these days. It is nothing compared to the stuff I grew up with like Public Enemy, NWA, Dre, Snoop, Tupac, etc.

On another note. I could care less if he picks the Saints, the Vikings, or the Bad News Bears. How's your gold tooth collection coming along now, Waynie?

Joker 01-22-2010 07:41 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
This guy has about the same talent as LIL Wayne

breesfan27 01-22-2010 07:44 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
I didn't know Jared Allen had a rap career on the side!

D_it_up 01-22-2010 08:19 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 196698)
I didn't know Jared Allen had a rap career on the side!


homerj07 01-22-2010 09:41 PM

Re: LMAO @ LIL WAYNE (Saints Related)
Class 3 "L" Loser!!

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