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skymike 10-29-2009 09:27 AM

Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
We lost this thread, so I'm reviving it as best I can.

So, as you know, Houston, and SE TX has about a bajillion Saints fans. Even before the Storm, a lot of folks have divided time between La and Houston, many due to the oil biz.

My particular group, the Hou-Dats meets at Big Woodrows in Houston, Chimney Rock @ Richmond-- and they give us the entire upstairs. Opposing team fans usually walk in the door, take a peek at us, mutter, "Oh, its a Saints bar," and walk back out. not sure why.

But there are bars all over town with groups of WhoDats, usually the loudest corner of any sports watering hole. I've never been to a bar with Saints fans you couldnt just walk up to, and start talking, sometimes you even end up dancing. perfectly acceptable behavior in Saints Nation.

So I encourage you to get out, hang out together, & represent, wherever you are. Im at Woodrows for road games, but home games in our seats in the Dome. Dont be strangers, yall.

Roll Call/ represent--- Who's in the Houston / SE Tx area? How'd you get here? How long you been a fan?

--For those of you who make the drive down I-10 to New Orleans, heres the "Saints Fans Gameday Caravan Down I-10" thread:

(Saints Fans Gameday March down I-10)

foreverfan 10-29-2009 09:33 AM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! speak up!
Man are you kidding... It's hard for me to get off my sofa...
Yea... she's a dog... but she's mine.

primadox 10-29-2009 10:02 AM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
Hey Mike! I wondered what happened to the site; glad to see that this thread is coming back.

Are you and Casey going to the game on Monday night? I have a meeting Monday night (grumble grumble grumble...), but they promised me I would be out by 8-8:30, so I won't miss much (and the guy running the meeting is a NO native, so he'll make things move along, LOL). So, once again, we won't make Woodrow's. It's tough on a school night, anyway. And these late games have been killing way we can make it when the games are late; Drew has to be somewhere every Sunday at 4pm. We should be getting there for some of the next regular 12 noon Sunday games, however. Is Ed still going to Woodrows? I need to get in touch with him, just to see how things are going.

And aren't you loving this season, or what??? After 40 years, I don't know how to react...I'm still in disbelief...

gumbeau 10-29-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
Hey Skymike,

I've been a Saints fan since September 30, 1967. Actually I was probably a Saints fan 13 days before that but i can't be sure. I grew up in Marrero and Baton Rouge and have lived all over the country. We wandered into Houston a month after Katrina. We lived in Atlanta for five years prior to that and I hated it.

Houston has been great. Woodrow's has made it better. I was a Sunday Ticket subscriber for 14 years until this year. The wife and I decided to ditch DirecTV this summer. We have no satellite, no cable just an antennae like my grandma had when I was a kid.

We watched one game last year at Woodrow's so we decided this year Woodrow's would be the place to go. My wife has watched every game there. I travel for a living so I have missed a few but I always find a Saints bar.

I was in Anchorage for Detroit and watched at the Peanut Farm. I was in SF for Buffalo and watched at the Black Magic Voodoo Lounge.

Big Woodrow's has them all beat and this last Sunday was rocking. My parents, who are season ticket holders, were in town and came to Woodrow's with us, of course.

I'll be there every weekend I'm in town and my wife won't miss any games at all.

We show up early and I like to stay until most everyone has left.

CYA at 5:30 Monday upstairs, in the corner by the window.

RaginCajun83 10-29-2009 10:43 AM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
Mike .... WHO DAT

Humble/Kingwood area in da house, when I'm able to go to the games in New Orleans I'm in my seats on the 50 yd line in the Terrece that I"ve had for 4 years, god its been 4 years already. If its a road game then I'm working but if I'm lucky enough to be off during a game then I'm at Woodrow's or at my mom's place. If you travel 59 then you might of seen me, I have the gold Trailblazer with the giant Saints helmet on the back hatch door.

I moved to Houston in 2002 after living in Lafayette for a few years. Been a fan since birth since my dad was a fan since day one of the franchise, the Saints are about the only family tradition that I know of and can't wait to pass it on to my kids (when ever that happens)

Budsdrinker 10-29-2009 12:15 PM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
Who Dat Skymike,
Left La in 1991 for a new job. Moved around the Houston area for a few years from eastside to Texas City to Deer Park to now in The Woodlands. Been a fan as long as I can remember and a season ticket holder since 1997 traveling back forth to home games. Started splitting the home games with my sister and her husband back in 2004 when those trips back to Houston were long and disgusting. (kind of regret that now though) Have the Sunday ticket at the house so don't go to bars much to watch the games but will drop in on occasion during the week. Hey Cajun, looks like you got a new bar opening up at 59 and 1960 called Brick House. Stopped in there last night but it's not officially open yet. You may want to check it out. I'm in section 127 row 16 when at the dome and my next game to attend is New England. As I've posted in the past we usually tailgate outside of Allegros before and after the game closest to Rampart Street. Look us up we'll have a beer.

gumbeau 10-29-2009 12:25 PM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 173685)
Who Dat Skymike,
Left La in 1991 for a new job. Moved around the Houston area for a few years from eastside to Texas City to Deer Park to now in The Woodlands. Been a fan as long as I can remember and a season ticket holder since 1997 traveling back forth to home games. Started splitting the home games with my sister and her husband back in 2004 when those trips back to Houston were long and disgusting. (kind of regret that now though) Have the Sunday ticket at the house so don't go to bars much to watch the games but will drop in on occasion during the week. Hey Cajun, looks like you got a new bar opening up at 59 and 1960 called Brick House. Stopped in there last night but it's not officially open yet. You may want to check it out. I'm in section 127 row 16 when at the dome and my next game to attend is New England. As I've posted in the past we usually tailgate outside of Allegros before and after the game closest to Rampart Street. Look us up we'll have a beer.

Dump the Sunday ticket and head to Woodrow's. Lots more fun.

Rugby Saint II 10-29-2009 12:57 PM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
I was raised in San Angelo Texas (I still wear my boots)and will always be a die hard Saints fan. Ya'll have fun! Who Dat!!!

skymike 10-29-2009 05:01 PM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!

Originally Posted by primadox (Post 173646)
Are you and Casey going to the game on Monday night? I have a meeting Monday night ...these late games have been killing way we can make it when the games are late; ... Is Ed still going to Woodrows? I need to get in touch with him, just to see how things are going.
And aren't you loving this season, or what??? After 40 years, I don't know how to react...I'm still in disbelief...

Kellye, HI!!! I am so glad you popped in here. We miss you & Drew. And I understand about the late games--- Its this darn winning business. Everybody wants us on PRIMETIME. Back when we sucked, all the games were noon/sunday.

Casey and I are getting on I-10 Monday morning --- this is our 3rd anniversary, and as you remember, the honeymoon was in New Orleans, so we must continue the tradition. What a perfect anniversary game---Falcons! We'll be in our seats in the Terrace.

Pope Ed is still being Dr. Love over in S.A. I talked to him Saturday, and we'll get him back here soon. He sure did make a fan out of Edvina-- (Yats, she's from Russia, grew up watching soccer, and now is a converted, big time WhoDat!)

Kyle got a sack & scored a safety for the pee wee Oilers last week!

Originally Posted by primadox (Post 173646)
And aren't you loving this season, or what??? After 40 years, I don't know how to react.....

Winning is so weird.
Remember '88? Same thing back then, it was like, is this the end of the world, or something? just surreal.

PLEASE pop in here often, (I made a big deal out of you to Halo) You dont need an asbestos suit to chat here. Also, tell the Hou-Dats hello
from He Who Cannot Be Named! haha....

Dats, welcome Primadox, long time fan from Algiers, now in Cypress, Tx.

Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 173647)
I've been a Saints fan since September 30, 1967. ... We wandered into Houston a month after Katrina. ...Houston has been great. Woodrow's has made it better. ... We watched one game last year at Woodrow's so we decided this year Woodrow's would be the place to go. My wife has watched every game there. ...

I'll be there every weekend I'm in town and my wife won't miss any games at all.
CYA at 5:30 Monday upstairs, in the corner by the window.

Special props to Gumbeau, yall--- Tulane Stadium Original Fan right here!
So, I believe WifeUnit is your lady, and you have some good eats in your kitchen! Woodrows messes up the crawfish, but their gumbo and crab bisque's are world class. My wife & I will be in the Terrace Monday night, but we're gonna catch up to you soon.
Big Salute to Gumbeau, Yats-- '67 Fan/ Marerro/B.R. to Spring, Tx! --and be sure to say hi to him & the WifeUnit at Big Woodrows! There are no strangers in WhoDat Nation.


Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 173662)
...Humble/Kingwood area in da house, ...I'm in my seats on the 50 yd line in the Terrece that I"ve had for 4 years....If you travel 59 then you might of seen me, --gold Trailblazer with the giant Saints helmet on the back hatch door. --we're all nuts, arent we?

I moved to Houston in 2002 after living in Lafayette for a few years. Been a fan since birth since my dad was a fan since day one of the franchise, the Saints are about the only family tradition that I know of and can't wait to pass it on to my kids (when ever that happens)

First we gotta get you and Tiffany married, Brandon, then yall gotta get busy! Tell work to kiss off, and come to the Panthers game-- we'll show you the bad places!!!
Ragincajun83 (Brandon) everybody! Lafayette to H-town-- a real live "Acadian." Spends as much time on I-10
as me. Yall say hi to him and his lovely fiance.


Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 173685)
Who Dat Skymike,
Left La in 1991 for a new job. Moved around the Houston area for a few years from eastside to Texas City to Deer Park to now in The Woodlands.

aha. 2 things I know about you already. 1. You're in the petrochemical industry. 2. You've been promoted to the main office. ha! 3. You work for ???Shell?? let's see how I did.

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 173685)
... Been a fan as long as I can remember and a season ticket holder since 1997 traveling back forth to home games. Started splitting the home games with my sister and her husband back in 2004 when those trips back to Houston were long and disgusting. Hey Cajun, looks like you got a new bar opening up at 59 and 1960 called Brick House. Stopped in there last night but it's not officially open yet. You may want to check it out. I'm in section 127 row 16 when at the dome and my next game to attend is New England. As I've posted in the past we usually tailgate outside of Allegros before and after the game closest to Rampart Street. Look us up we'll have a beer.

will catch you at Allegros pregame, Buds. I know about depressing rides back to Houston. '05 was the worst, but I survived the Iron Era, and all the heartbreak of the 80's. Before I made the big leagues, I worked in NWLA, and that was just as long a drive. Plus I was the only Saints fan on the other side of Louisiana. sad, huh.
Budsdrinker, Yall! La to Woodlands, Tx, workin man/longtime fan! WhoDat! see you @ the Pats game.

I know we got more Saints Fans in H-town and SE TX.
Jump in & tell us about youself.

Budsdrinker 10-29-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Houston & SE TX Saints Fans Unite! Speak Up!
aha. 2 things I know about you already. 1. You're in the petrochemical industry. NOT DIRECTLY, EXPORT PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS AS WELL AS OTHER PRODUCTS 2. You've been promoted to the main office. ha! NOPE, THE OLD LADY'S JOB IS IN THE WOODLANDS, I DRIVE JUST SOUTH OF DOWNTOWN 3. You work for ???Shell?? NOPE, WORK FOR A MARINE TERMINAL AND LOGISTICS COMPANY let's see how I did.

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