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foreverfan 11-09-2009 07:21 AM

The Saints are Killing Me....
Ok before you all start jumping on me wishing me the worse let me say....

I actually hate blow outs. I don't exactly know how to act with the Saints being 8-0 and the top rated team. I like being the underdog. Yesterday game was much more fun then a blowout would have been.

But damn... After getting behind for the past 3 weeks we come back to out score Miami 43-10 Atlanta 28-10 Carolina 27-3 and win the game. My heart can't take it.

Give me a couple of blowouts already. Usually by the third quarter, you can't find the cat anymore. She won't come near me for the week. I guess she thinks I might blow up at any time.

My wife thinks I'm nuts. After all, what could be more interesting than the Lifetime TV movie she was watching? She actually came downstairs crying in the 3th quarter to tell me she loved me. I looked at her like she was nuts.

During the game the phone doesn't stop ringing with a$$holes calling me screaming into and at the their phone. I knew better than to answer the damn thing. I not going to mention any names. Good lord, you guys are worse than me. Can you find your cat yet?

In any case, I not complaining. After 40 years of this BS, I think I'm battle tested. Winning means I haven't killed anyone or anything yet. That has not always been the case. (We used to feed my friends pet snake after a loss.)

After the game, I told my wife I love her to. Tried to get some and she looked at me like I was crazy. I tried to watch the Hornets game last night who were playing the Lakers in LA. Needless to say it was a blowout at 1/2 time.

After 4 hours, my serene existance had returned. The cat came out from under the sofa and got some water.

My wife loves the Hornets. Go figure.

SmashMouth 11-09-2009 07:25 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
My wife lost her voice with this game .... kinda weird and interesting in an awkward sense! "slap"

foreverfan 11-09-2009 07:27 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 175483)
My wife lost her voice with this game .... kinda weird and interesting in an awkward sense! "slap"

Good god... look who crawled out the wood work this morning.

Good, she needed to shut up.

saintsfan1976 11-09-2009 07:27 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
You're blowouts are coming in the next two weeks.

Saint_LB 11-09-2009 07:40 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175480)
Can you find your cat yet?

I know where Cali is. I just typed a big long story about her, but spared you.

Tobias-Reiper 11-09-2009 08:48 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175480)
My wife thinks I'm nuts.

..if it is any consolation, we think you are nuts too. :broccoli:

foreverfan 11-09-2009 08:50 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 175505)
..if it is any consolation, we think you are nuts too. :broccoli:

Some how I knew it wouldn't take long. LOL

QBREES9 11-09-2009 08:56 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
This is the greatest time in SAINTS Football History. I love this. The past two game I haven't worried one bit.

I love a good Blow out.

saintsfan1976 11-09-2009 08:57 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 175510)
This is the greatest time in SAINTS Football History. I love this. The past two game I haven't worried one bit.

I love a good Blow out.

...oh, nevermind. :cool:

B_Dub_Saint 11-09-2009 09:13 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
LMAO, I know how you feel buddy. I am giddy just thinking about all of our success.

foreverfan 11-09-2009 09:24 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 175510)
The past two game I haven't worried one bit.

I'm going to be the first to say this....

Liar. :D

FireVenturi 11-09-2009 10:02 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 175483)
My wife lost her voice with this game .... kinda weird and interesting in an awkward sense! "slap"

Dude , I've had season tix for about 6 years. My wife only started going to the games this year. We sit in section 149 and she goes to play on facebook, "spend time with me", and be eye candy. With that being said, she was into this game more than any game I've seen. She was screaming, jumping up and down, asking questions. OMG, when we got home she wanted to watch the Cowboys/Falcons game.
Yesterday's non-blow out may have been the game that turned her into a football fan!!!


FireVenturi 11-09-2009 10:06 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by FireVenturi (Post 175536)
Dude , I've had season tix for about 6 years. My wife only started going to the games this year. We sit in section 149 and she goes to play on facebook, "spend time with me", and be eye candy. With that being said, she was into this game more than any game I've seen. She was screaming, jumping up and down, asking questions. OMG, when we got home she wanted to watch the Cowboys/Falcons game.
Yesterday's non-blow out may have been the game that turned her into a football fan!!!


Sorry, meant Cowboys/Eagles...too much Captain Morgan yesterday.

darstep 11-09-2009 11:54 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
I just can't start turning flips yet...sorry...been here too long...seen too much...wounds too deep. 8-0 means almost nothing, especially after watching two different backs/teams Duece us for over 150 each - they were killing me. Terrible tackling; just down right pitiful, poor technique, bad decisions...leading tacklers were Vilma and 3db's. Only my Saints can win and still manage to suck life out of me...

SmashMouth 11-10-2009 05:23 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175485)
Good god... look who crawled out the wood work this morning.

Good, she needed to shut up.

Watch it .... She can hold her own ....

skymike 11-10-2009 06:23 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 175488)
I know where Cali is. I just typed a big long story about her, but spared you.

c'mon, give us a cat story, LB. I got one. My kitty is young, male, and scared of nothing. Fatboy was running around the house doing this new thing with paper he learned in school-- you fold it into something that looks like a failed paper airplane, then you pull it down fast, and it goes "pop!" He does it over the cat's head. Psycho-Rat just looks at him like the paper might be something fun to attack.

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 175483)
My wife lost her voice with this game .... kinda weird and interesting in an awkward sense! "slap"

wouldnt it be great if they ALL lost their voice--- slap. Long as their throats stay healthy---SLAAAAAP!


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 175505)
....if it is any consolation, we think you are nuts too. :broccoli:

I'll match your broccoli, :broccoli:and raise you
a banana:banana:

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 175510)
This is the greatest time in SAINTS Football History. I love this. The past two game I haven't worried one bit.

you know, I kept thinking, "well, I guess they might have us this time," but then I look at the score, and it looks doable, then sure enough Meachem picks one out of the sky & scores. I'll tell you, the whole Dome knew it Sunday. We knew it, the Saints knew it, and the Panthers knew it too--- the Saints were coming. It was a matter of time.

I have to say, come-back wins are my favorite too. Not that I want one this week. Anything less than a blowout vs. the Rams is gonna start some head scratching. I need a blowout too.

Frederick Smith 11-10-2009 11:19 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175480)
My wife thinks I'm nuts.

After the game, I told my wife I love her to. Tried to get some and she looked at me like I was crazy. I tried to watch the Hornets game last night who were playing the Lakers in LA. Needless to say it was a blowout at 1/2 time.

After 4 hours, my serene existance had returned. The cat came out from under the sofa and got some water.

My wife loves the Hornets. Go figure.

Very funny write up Foreverfan. My wife also will not watch games with me but at least she likes the Saints and not the Hornets. She just flashes back and forth on the TV in the back. Maybe if you try harder to act like you love the Hornets you will get lucky with your wife. Bribery works best for me and would be a lot easier than trying to pretend to be a Hornets fan..

B_Dub_Saint 11-10-2009 11:44 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by darstep (Post 175571)
I just can't start turning flips yet...sorry...been here too long...seen too much...wounds too deep. 8-0 means almost nothing, especially after watching two different backs/teams Duece us for over 150 each - they were killing me. Terrible tackling; just down right pitiful, poor technique, bad decisions...leading tacklers were Vilma and 3db's. Only my Saints can win and still manage to suck life out of me...

Come on buddy. You got to be a little excited. We are 8-0 for the first time in team history. That alone is something to be real excited about. Do we have problems that need to be addressed, yes, but so does every other team in the NFL. Our goal is to make less mistakes than the other team in each game which will ultimately result in a victory.

I can guarantee you this, we are going to the playoff's and have a real shot at home field advantage. If we can lock home field, I would say we are unbeatable in the dome this year.

emteejae 11-10-2009 11:48 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
I agree with you about being used to/liking our underdog status. I used to be the only Saint fan at the bar....I could go in there and run my mouth with a "us against the world" type mentality. Even certain away games yielded few N.O fans....Now I can't get into a sportsbar without being greeted by a dozen bandwagoners who suddenly jumped out of the woodwork. Oh well, guess it comes with the territory. I wonder what'll happen if we experience the ultimate success (ie win a SB)...

Ashley 11-10-2009 09:37 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
My wife thinks I'm nuts. .[/QUOTE]

dude, right there with ya. My wife thinks the same way, she just doesn't think the same way i do.
Every game i do the same thing. Scream at the tv, like they can hear me. lol plus a bunch of other things i'm not proud of.

Rugby Saint II 11-10-2009 11:17 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
When the Saints get behind I do what I always do...grab a beer and keep drinking.

Saint_LB 11-11-2009 06:41 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 175718)
c'mon, give us a cat story, LB.

Well...believe it or not, I saved it in notepad just in case somebody asked. It's a sad story...that's why I was hesitant. goes.

I lived in Gainesville before I moved to WV because of a job change. My oldest son was living at home at the time, and his cat had kittens, and Cali was one of them. She was the only cat that survived from that litter other than the two that were given away and I have no idea of their demise at this time. Her other brother and sister as well as my long time friend, Yeller, were destroyed by a pit-bull that would be released in the neighborhood every now and then...for that very purpose, I speculate.

Anyway, when I left Gainesville and moved to WV, my daughter stayed on in the house in Gainesville, and she kept Cali. Eventually, however, she moved out of the house and into a dorm in Jacksonville, so she left Cali behind and outdoors. The neighbors there fed her, but for about 3 months she was left outside.

We finally went back to Gainesville to prepare the house to be sold, and early one morning after we arrived, I went out into the back yard and tried to call her up. After a few seconds, I heard some rumbling in a wood pile and out she came. She came right to me. If I were a stranger, she would run for 30 minutes before looking back.

We brought Cali all the way to WV in a kennel with our almost grown Siberian Huskie sitting right next to her...for about 17 hours. It's funny, because when I finally got her here, I opened the top of the kennel and she just sat there for about a minute.

It was only a few weeks ago that she had finally gathered the nerve to venture out of her new home and go into the garage to investigate her new surroundings. She found a spot in the wheel well of my truck, and she started sleeping there. Sadly, after she fell asleep in there one day, my wife took off for the store and she was still up in there. We found her down the street.

I found it very ironic that she survived all that, and after all the trouble we went through to get her here...she might have been better off if we would have just left her in Florida.

Oh...btw, FF. She is buried on the side of the house under the Poplar tree.

foreverfan 11-11-2009 07:10 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 175851)
When the Saints get behind I do what I always do...grab a beer and keep drinking.

It's a New Orleans Tradition during a Saints Game....

Saint_LB 11-11-2009 07:19 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175885)
It's a New Orleans Tradition during a Saints Game....

Do you remember the old Jax beer commercials by any chance. My favorite was when the old lady comes in and in a scratchy, old-lady voice, says, "Bartender...bartender!! Get me a Jax beer!"

The bartender, in his old-man tiny voice, says, "Yes, ma'am."

About that time, a very young, sexy looking woman comes up to the bar and in her very sexy voice says, "Bartender...I'll have a Jax beer."

The bartender, in his equally sexy voice, says, "Yes ma'am." which the old lady shouts out, " were making fun of me!"

The bartender, again in his old man voice, says, "No, ma'am...I was making fun of her!"

foreverfan 11-11-2009 07:36 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 175879)
Well...believe it or not, I saved it in notepad just in case somebody asked. It's a sad story...that's why I was hesitant. goes.

I lived in Gainesville before I moved to WV because of a job change. My oldest son was living at home at the time, and his cat had kittens, and Cali was one of them. She was the only cat that survived from that litter other than the two that were given away and I have no idea of their demise at this time. Her other brother and sister as well as my long time friend, Yeller, were destroyed by a pit-bull that would be released in the neighborhood every now and then...for that very purpose, I speculate.

Anyway, when I left Gainesville and moved to WV, my daughter stayed on in the house in Gainesville, and she kept Cali. Eventually, however, she moved out of the house and into a dorm in Jacksonville, so she left Cali behind and outdoors. The neighbors there fed her, but for about 3 months she was left outside.

We finally went back to Gainesville to prepare the house to be sold, and early one morning after we arrived, I went out into the back yard and tried to call her up. After a few seconds, I heard some rumbling in a wood pile and out she came. She came right to me. If I were a stranger, she would run for 30 minutes before looking back.

We brought Cali all the way to WV in a kennel with our almost grown Siberian Huskie sitting right next to her...for about 17 hours. It's funny, because when I finally got her here, I opened the top of the kennel and she just sat there for about a minute.

It was only a few weeks ago that she had finally gathered the nerve to venture out of her new home and go into the garage to investigate her new surroundings. She found a spot in the wheel well of my truck, and she started sleeping there. Sadly, after she fell asleep in there one day, my wife took off for the store and she was still up in there. We found her down the street.

I found it very ironic that she survived all that, and after all the trouble we went through to get her here...she might have been better off if we would have just left her in Florida.

Oh...btw, FF. She is buried on the side of the house under the Poplar tree.

Yea... I had two that lived to 14 and died of old age.

Don't Miss This Great Story...
We had rabbit that died and all the 10 year old girls held a funeral equipped with a decorated wagon. This decorated wagon was a special item in it's self.

My neighbor (Bruce Katz the TV Weatherman) had just redid his whole garden and it looked great. It was professionally done and must have cost a couple of thousand dollars. It had just won garden of the month and had a brand new sign telling everybody so right in the front yard.

His new flower garden ended up decorating the bunny's funeral wagon. I give credit to the girls. It was a beautiful thing. As the procession took place, I realized what had just happened (I had to ask where the flowers came from). I kept snickering (because it was so funny). It was so cute to watch. The girls called me all kinds of names for laughing and because I was being insensitive. They never did get how cute they were and that this was a special memory that would live forever in my mind.

In any case, Bruce wondered what happened to his beautiful garden. Then he saw the cross sticking in my garden with a load of freshly cut flowers. My doorbell rang and their was a ticked off weatherman ready to rain on my parade.

When I told him what happened, he really didn't seem to mind since the flowers would have died in a day or two. I told him that they went down in a flame of glory assisting the girls with their loss. We still have a good laugh about it.

When the cat died, I made sure the funeral wasn't as elaborate. :D

foreverfan 11-11-2009 07:38 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Saint_LB 11-11-2009 11:20 AM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
Thanks for the memories...I wish you could've found that one I was talking about. Another great one was when the Queen told her butler to do all these things, and then at the end she told him to call her a taxi, so he said, "'re a taxi."

She says, "Thanks!" ...then (beep beep)...puts on her taxi hat and drives away on her throne.

btw...great story, FF.

skymike 11-11-2009 03:33 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....
"ok you're a taxi!" LOL. these are killing me.

good stories, yall.

You know I just thought of this: I wonder if cats are big Michael Vick fans.

foreverfan 11-11-2009 04:25 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 175971)
You know I just thought of this: I wonder if cats are big Michael Vick fans.

Cats don't care about Vick. You know how I can tell. No Pics. :confused:

Saint_LB 11-11-2009 05:52 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 175891)
My neighbor (Bruce Katz the TV Weatherman)

I can't pass this opportunity...shifting gears here. This reminds me of a story from way back. I had a friend,(believe it or not), let's call him Dwight. I ask him one day..."Hey, you know Hal Fiore?" He says, "No...but I know Ronnie Katz." I'm like...???

Saint_LB 11-11-2009 06:01 PM

Re: The Saints are Killing Me....

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 175511)
...oh, nevermind. :cool:


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