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WhoDat 08-30-2003 08:16 AM

Last night - 11-11, 123 yards, 2 TDs. Yeah, he's not good. Yeah, I know its preseason... blah blah blah.

BillyCarpenter1 08-30-2003 08:20 AM

Look out Hall of Fame. Delhomme is on his way. Do they have a Hall of Fame for guys who do well against 3rd and 4th string players who will not be in the NFL in a few days?

nocloning 08-30-2003 08:58 AM

It\'s preseason... blah blah blah.

WhoDat 08-30-2003 10:03 AM

\"who will not be in the NFL in a few days?\"

REALLY? Billy, you\'re a Delhomme Basher. Why do you hate him? He has so much POTENTIAL - HA HA HA!!! It counts when Brooks throws for a 70% completion percentage in preseason, but not when Delhomme throws for 100%??? Huh?

BillyCarpenter1 08-30-2003 10:07 AM

I don\'t hate Delhomme. He could be the next Kurt Warner but I don\'t know why anyone would think so, since he\'s never played a game in the NFL. I just find it interesting why you\'re so high on the guy, when you\'ve never seen him play?

WhoDat 08-30-2003 10:20 AM

You big on Sullivan? Were you big on Donte last year? Mitchell this year? McAllister last year? Want more?

And you do hate Delhomme. It\'s obvious. Look at your disdain for the guy. Your beloved Haslett said he can and will start in the NFL - do you think Haz is wrong? HATER!

BillyCarpenter1 08-30-2003 10:58 AM

WhoDat- Really, I don\'t hate Jake. From the limited time Jake has played he\'s looked OK. However, the NFL is loaded with POTENTIAL great QB\'s. I think there are at least 20 back-up QB\'s with as much or more potential than Jake.

I only talked negetive about Jake to show you how anyone can give reasons why a QB is no good. The reasons I have given as to why Delhomme is going to be no good is totally rediculous. The guy COULD be great, but neither of us have any solid reasons to think he will or that he will not.

There are only two reasons as to why you or anyone else would think Jake is going to be great. One reason would be because of the VERY LIMITED time you have seen Jake play. The other thiing you\'re basing that on is A GUT FEELING.

Bottom Line is- Jake has done the most with the opportunities that he has been given. It would be a reach for anyone, at this point, to draw any conclusions about Jake\'s future play in the NFL. Now, you can guess, but that\'s all it is.

Same thing with Aaron. He\'s done a fine job since becoming a starter. He\'s had more success than faliure. Aaron has done no worse in his 1st three years as a starter than some of the great QB\'s of all time. While you don\'t like Aaron for some reason- It\'s unfair to say he doesn\'t have what it takes based off of his very young carreer so far.

nocloning 08-30-2003 02:40 PM

WhoDat ... you do realize that the \"who will not be in the NFL in a few days\"-comment wasn\'t aimed at Jake but at the 3rd and 4th stringers, don\'t you?

Saintuary 08-30-2003 03:35 PM

The King of Clipboard has a good game, we are in serious do do now.

subguy 08-30-2003 05:04 PM

I swear, I know we will rue the day we let Jake go to someone in our divsion. The guy has talent.

WhoDat 09-01-2003 09:34 PM

Billy - you\'re a hater. Jake has done nothing but be a quality player in New Orleans. He\'s done everything that was asked of him time and again. The Saints wanted to resign him, but understood that he wanted to pursue a starting job. Now you\'re talkin\' about how bad he is. Were you one of the gys who thought La\'Roi was one of the best DTs in the league until he left... now all of a sudden he was \"too small\". Yeah, he was playing in the Pro Bowl while our DTs were watching it from the Wing shop... It\'s ok man - just admit you hate Delhomme.

WhoDat 09-01-2003 09:35 PM

PS billy, that last post was just to make a point. It sucks when someone claims to know what you think huh? Just because I criticze Brooks doesn\'t mean I hate him. The same is true, I assume, of you and Delhomme. Get it now? I don\'t hate Aaron Brooks. Can we agree on that now?

rusta 09-01-2003 09:37 PM

\'Jake has done nothing but be a quality player in New Orleans. He\'s done everything that was asked of him time and again.\'

hey check this out if you put in \'AB\' for the word \'jake\' in the above comment it is still a true statement

it takes a hater to know a hater dat, you calling out billy is like the pot talking to the kettle

WhoDat 09-01-2003 09:59 PM

Did you read my second post before you spewed that crap out Rusta?

rusta 09-01-2003 10:08 PM

actually dat we must have posted at the same time because your second post was not there when i replied

however, i won\'t fake an apology for my \'crap\' like you faked an attempt to billy to cover up your erred thinking on delhomme

and you do hate AB as i recall you saying things like \'AB wouldn\'t be a starter on most teams\' and other such crap

i always had respect for you dat even if i disagreed with you but this whole delhomme thing brings your integrity into question

BillyCarpenter1 09-01-2003 10:13 PM

WhoDat -- I understand what you\'re saying. I don\'t agree with all the things you said about Brooks, but I understand. It goes along with being a QB.

I\'ll also say that I have an easier time following your logic (although I disagee with a lot of it) than I do with some other memebers on here -- that I have a very hard time following their train of thought. I also know you hope you\'re wrong about the way this season is going to go, but I seriously think some people hope that the Saints will have a bad year just so they can say I told ya so.

PS-- Change that damn sig. -- I was mistaken when I said I might be wrong.

WhoDat 09-01-2003 10:35 PM

I\'m glad I come across as moderately intelligent.

Side note - how about this Tulane game huh?

Anyway - I hope Brooks turns out to be a great one man. I really do. We\'ll see. There are some questions - let\'s hope he goes out and proves he really is special. It just drives me crazy when, if you question or criticize a player, people on this board make it personal. It\'s not. Yes, I like Delhomme - but that does not, by default, mean I hate Brooks. I have questions about Delhomme too, I just haven\'t voiced them. Point is, I hope a lot of people on this board remember this thread. Look at how easy it is to make a claim about a person. Does Billy hate Delhomme? No. But I could continually repost quotes of his and make it out like he does and people would start to believe it.

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