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B_Dub_Saint 12-18-2009 03:55 PM

New members!
Wow, this place has grown alot since last year. I am noticing more new members on here than ever before. Glad to see so much participation! WHO DAT!

Srgt. Hulka 12-18-2009 04:02 PM

Re: New members!
I've been a member for ten days now. Found it on Hung around a few days, then decided to join. I have enjoyed it, but it sure is easy to get pulled away from thing I should be now. D'oh, gotta go! :doh:

CantonLegend 12-18-2009 04:10 PM

Re: New members!
yep.....winning games tends to do that.....go ask the patriots fans when they started rooting for the pats

if they say before 2000 then they are true pats fans......if not, they are front runners

the difference is that im willing to welcome all new saints fans as long as they are committed......if they are just coming for this season and running off to a new team next season then i say forget you bandwagon fan

Srgt. Hulka 12-18-2009 04:24 PM

Re: New members!
Legend, I'm 48 years old. Been watching the Saints since the mid 70's. I was feeling the pain of the "Aints" with the paper bags on their heads. I've watched the Saints die in agony for many many years now and I (we) finally have a season that we can truly feel the pride of being the best in the NFL. Someone said in another thread that they were getting tired of all the Saints coverage (Saints overload I think he called it). Not me. I am looking for any tidbit of information I can find on the Saints this year. That is why I came here. It looked like a good place to get that information, cheer for my team and talk a little smach if I have to. So don't think that just because I am new to this forum, that I just jumped on the wagon. I have been looking forward to this season for over 30 years. I knew one day it would come.

skymike 12-18-2009 05:26 PM

Re: New members!
I figure Hulka is typical. There are a lot of guys who've been around, rooting for the team for years, but just have too much of a life to spend time online. (or dont have the luxury to do it while working, like some of us) And now they finally cant help but jump in on the forum.

I pretty much figured already, that just because you're new here, doesnt mean your new to the team. I think its great, and I think its great yall picked this site.

I think people who dont spend all day on the net actually fit in here well. If someone calls you a "noob," dont sweat it. "Noob" in my book means someone who has actual physical contact with women.


cajunvoodoo 12-18-2009 06:07 PM

Re: New members!

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 185136)
"Noob" in my book means someone who has actual physical contact with women.


Greatness. lmao

CantonLegend 12-18-2009 06:29 PM

Re: New members!

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 185116)
Legend, I'm 48 years old. Been watching the Saints since the mid 70's. I was feeling the pain of the "Aints" with the paper bags on their heads. I've watched the Saints die in agony for many many years now and I (we) finally have a season that we can truly feel the pride of being the best in the NFL. Someone said in another thread that they were getting tired of all the Saints coverage (Saints overload I think he called it). Not me. I am looking for any tidbit of information I can find on the Saints this year. That is why I came here. It looked like a good place to get that information, cheer for my team and talk a little smach if I have to. So don't think that just because I am new to this forum, that I just jumped on the wagon. I have been looking forward to this season for over 30 years. I knew one day it would come.

lol you're welcome to the site as much as any of glad to see all of these new faces here

i wasnt necessarily pointing you out just mentioning the bandwagon has grown since the last time i checked.......for every couple bandwagon fans there are good guys like you that have supported the team for years and are just now starting to enjoy life on the forums

its been a wild ride eh? the saints have had so many ups and downs that im surprised i havent thrown up just enjoying the climb right now.....but until we get that first ring we are still losers in everybody else's eyes

BOLTS4LIFE 12-18-2009 07:42 PM

Re: New members!
Though the Saints are not my team, I like to talk football and it's fun to hear from fans of other teams. This is a very cool forum.

As long as your not fans of the Retards, Donkos, Ponies, Patsies, or Gnats. :mrgreen:

For that matter, I'm not too fond of the Falcons or 49ers either!

Boutte 12-18-2009 07:53 PM

Re: New members!

Originally Posted by BOLTS4LIFE (Post 185169)
Though the Saints are not my team, I like to talk football and it's fun to hear from fans of other teams. This is a very cool forum.

As long as your not fans of the Retards, Donkos, Ponies, Patsies, or Gnats. :mrgreen:

For that matter, I'm not too fond of the Falcons or 49ers either!

I've hated the Cowboys even longer than I've loved the Saints.

cajunvoodoo 12-18-2009 07:58 PM

Re: New members!

Originally Posted by Boutte (Post 185170)
I've hated the Cowboys even longer than I've loved the Saints.

Wow. Well put! Kudos. That may be signature worthy.

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