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mjf150 12-21-2009 08:29 AM

Here's A Thought
I'm sure I'll get lambasted for this, but how about we lay off of the "Breesus" thing and the walking on water pictures and just enjoy what God has blessed us with, and that is a really great football team. I think it's a little insulting to God, and He might find it offensive (Remember that 1st Commandment? It's pretty important.) I know that it is all done in "jest", but so our alot of other things that God doesn't like. One thing I've learned in my life is when you do things that fly in the face of God, He has a way of bringing you back down to earth. So, whether you call it "bad karma" or "bad ju-ju", either way lets drop it.

saintsfan1976 12-21-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Here's A Thought
But you're NOT calling it bad karma or ju ju, you're saying that God is paying the Saints back (with a loss to Dallas) because some people here say "Breesus" or that they post pictures of Brees in a robe or talk about the God-like plays he makes...

Now I wont lambaste anyone for their beliefs, or opinions, but don't you think that what you're suggesting a little over the top???

This is not a religious forum. Don't tell people what to post. If you don't like it, then challenge it with insight and intelligence, not fire and brimstone.

I am a religious enough to know to respect other people and not use the "fear of God" to get them to do something.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings mjf150, but people have a right to post within the guidelines of this forum.

CantonLegend 12-21-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Here's A Thought
its a joke......and i know that god has a sense of humor

god is ok with us calling brees that......he represents the rejuvination of an entire franchise, team, and city

its not about the name...its about the thought......brees helped bring a city back to relevance after one of the biggest disasters in history

not to mention his accomplishments on the is the same as saying that players are battling and they are soldiers and their is a war going on

its not meant to insult anyone.....but when you think of something to compare it to....the mindset is still there.....the emotion is still there and breesus stands for more than just a player....also the person and the leader......

also its a joke

foreverfan 12-21-2009 08:51 AM

Re: Here's A Thought
Rosie kind of looks hot in that pic. Did you have to crop out the bottom of the pic for a reason?
Better keep SkyMike away from her. He's got a rep you know.

God has nothing to do with football. If prayers worked for football, we'd have 32 teams win the Superbowl every year.
God has a sense of humor, and if he's easily offended, we're all going down.
Only Canton will be waiting for us there already. 8:)

In any case, Canton is right. I don't think it is offensive, but I can see how other do... and you know what... I don't care.
If Canton wants to go straight to hell, that's his problem. LOL

Srgt. Hulka 12-21-2009 09:02 AM

Re: Here's A Thought
I really don't think God gets involved in football, that whole self determination thing. I don't think God lets one team win over another. What I do think is that I've seen way too many commercials and talk show interviews with too many Saints players the last few weeks. Thats where the largest breakdown is. These guys are too concerned about looking good on Leno, and making cell phone commercials. The players are way too distracted from the game. I think God is sitting back and letting them shoot themselves in the foot.

saintsfan1976 12-21-2009 09:03 AM

Re: Here's A Thought
And FF is just working on "shotgun" for the ride down.

foreverfan 12-21-2009 09:11 AM

Re: Here's A Thought

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 186142)
And FF is just working on "shotgun" for the ride down.

What makes you think I would get in any car with Canton? LOL.

Look football is controlled by the devil. That's why the whole Bresus thing is working.

mjf150 12-27-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Here's A Thought

But keep it up, if you don't believe me.

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