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I\'ll tell you what - I have been worried about the possibility of the offense not being what it was last year and it looks like that may come true. Being good on either side of the ball requires more than playmakers, it requires good play calling. I like McCarthy a lot, but what the F?
That was predictable, fairly conservative, and if he keeps calling those routes with a QB that can\'t unload the ball quickly then we\'ll have exactly ZERO receivers in the Pro Bowl b/c none of them will survive the season. Did it looks like Brooks has a hard time going through the progressions to you? Plays that were called for Horn or Stallworth were obvious - Brooks stared at them from the snap. The D allowed 150 yards rushing... weren\'t the coaches talking about us being good against the run? Our corners are flat bad and Bellamy needs a tackling 101 class... AGAIN. Finally, our special teams look really bad. What with Michael Lewis calling for a fair catch on Seattle\'s 40 with 10 yards of green but fielding kicks inside the 10? Isn\'t that a major no-no. O, and one other thing - that man should not be on the field on offense. He fumbled on the end around and although the pass was poor he should have caught that one down around the ten. Man he looked spastic on that. Two pieces of good news - Deuce certainly didn\'t let down. He is the best player on this team BY FAR. Secondly, we FINALLY have a good TE. Conwell is legit. Other than that, it looks bleak. With Houston beating Miami in Miami, that\'s not such a gimme game now either. I know it\'s still early, but it looks to me that Haslett is in trouble. |
[Edited on 8/9/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
I have to agree with almost every point made so far on this thread. I do, however, think that Horn had an OK showing only because he was\'nt given the chance to do more. Duece ran well and held up the team much of the way, despite being given next to no blocking support. Brooks looked miserable, scrambling (if you can call it that) for losses, taking dives and running away from the play whenever possible. And where the f@(k was the offensive line throught the whole game? As bad as Brooks gets the jitters, the total lack of blocking out the pass rush just dooed him to a piis poor day from the start.
Something has got to give. I can\'t wait to see what excuses Haz comes up wit this week to explain why things did\'nt go the SAINTS way. That should be good for a few laughs. If he says its nopt the players\' fault, then it damn sure is the coaches. Somebody needs to stand up and take the rap for stinking up the whole city of Seattle. Hell, it was so bad we could even smell it in Houston. David in Houston |
Tru dat!
Our recievers looked like ****, overall. Brooks would have had a decent day, had they caught the ball when it hit them in the freakin numbers. I stopped counting in the 2nd quarter how many easy catches were dropped.
EDIT: Trufant looked good <cough cough>. Sullivan was...there... [Edited on 8/9/2003 by BlackandBlue] |
Again, Tru Dat. Still, I don\'t like seeing our receivers going across the middle 5 yards down the field. Pathon, Stallworth, Horn... they don\'t need to be getting hit like they were. Yes, they dropped passes, but you would too after you got popped like they did. It was open season. I don\'t know if the play calls were bad or if Brooks was laying them up into coverage or both, but they\'ll get destroyed if things stay the same.
If ANYONE thinks Brooks was hitting the recievers in the numbers they weren\'t watching the same game that I was. He threw behind on almost every play! When the announcers were kissing Trufant\'s a## on the play with Donte\' what I saw was Donte\' breaking up a sure interception thrown BEHIND him again. Brooks takes too long to make reads and then throws 1000 mph (on every pass. no touch on the ball) to the receiver with the most DBs around him (inaccurately). Did you happen to see the sideline shot of Haz \"counseling\" a despondent Joe Horn? I don\'t blame Joe. He HAD to be open alot today because as Brooks locked in on Donte\' ALL DAY LONG the \'Hawks read that and were all over him. He takes too long to get rid of the ball with that big windup of his (remember Randall Cunningham?) and the reciever gets creamed because they are too far into the route and can\'t react, much less make any yards after the catch. VERY poor performance by Brooks, the O-line and especially McCarthy.
I have liked Brooks in the past and have given him the benefit of the doubt but for an opening day performance like this, I just don\'t believe he is the answer. Bottom line is that he is the most important player on the offense and he looked lost today. DAMN IT!!!!!!!! |
My dad always said \"son make a decision and stick with it.\"I believe AB has a serious problem deciding what he wants to do with the football half the time.First he wants to throw, then he decides to run,then in the middle of the run he decides to pass again.Befor he can get the ball out of his hand he decides to pull it down again,thus fumbling the ball.AB and Fontenot have a break down in communication,and the ball gets launched to Brooks\'s knees.He also forced many balls into two and three DB coverage too.The truth is he is no good under pressure.
AMEN Big Bully Boy.
As for the Brooks Fontenot play, I have to give Jerry the benefit of the doubt on that one. He has performed at too high a level (at a VERY difficult job) for too long. Oh, I forgot, DAMN IT!!!!!!!! [Edited on 8/9/2003 by roughneck] |
The only way you were watching a different game than I, was if you were there. What I saw was everytime the ball was snapped, we have the cameraman hovering around the ball (ie, he was centered on the QB and did not have the secondary also in the shot). In other words, from the snap of the ball, till the time he throws it, I have no idea what the coverage looks like. But everytime they followed the ball on the pass, it sure as hell looked to me like our recievers were shut down. I didn\'t say he had a great day, he made his fair share of mistakes, but he didn\'t sink this ship like some of you are making this out to be.
I blame coaching (and this is the first time I have pointed the blame at any of the coaches outside of Venturi). |
B&B is absolutely right. This board has gotten down right rediculos and pathetic.
Why is the board pathetic, now? We don\'t have the right, as fans, to be upset with today\'s performance? What would upset you, then? I don\'t understand why being critical of a bad performance makes us bad fans. That\'s unfair. |
In case you haven\'t been reading everything on here. There is much more being said than just criticizing todays game.
Gator -- You can say whatever you want to say. That\'s what this board is for. You\'re not going to hurt my feelings, no matter what you say about the Saints. I\'ve heard it my whole life.
I\'ll just disagree when I disagree and agree when I agree... |
So, Billy. What is it exactly that makes the board pathetic? The board doesn\'t post. It doesn\'t have feelings or opinions. Are you saying the people here are pathetic? If so, say who they are so at least they can answer your attack. No one is happy with the loss today. And yes the team did stink up the place. But all is not lost, there are 15 more weeks to go. They might be good or they might be bad. But they will be.
As I have said many times, Opinions are like ass holes, everybody\'s got one and they all generally stink! However we are all entitled to our opinion. Right or wrong. P.S. B&B, sorry about the edit job on you AH and then useing it myself but my quote just wouldn\'t have the same meaning if I didn\'t use it. |
Joe, I\'ll tell you exactly what is pathetic. Members on here saying that the season is over because the Saints lost one game. If they have the right to say that, then I have the right to say it sounds pathetic. Do I not?
Sure you do but don\'t you think you should at least give the ones you\'re not talking about the benifit of the doubt and call a spade a spade by saying who you are talking about? This blanket bashing of the board pisses me off. The board did nothing to you.
[Edited on 8/9/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Joe -- I think everyone on here knows exactly what I\'m talking about. I\'m really not talking about any one single person. I\'m talking about the overwhelming sentiment on THIS BOARD that is suggesting that the season is over. I think you know that.
[Edited on 8/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Had to wait until now to post.....head is still reeling....stomach is till weak.
Embarassing. That is the only word to describe it. But we have hope. We can\'t play worse. I could sit here and nit-pick the plays, the players, the coaches, the decision.....but why. We all know what happened, we all know what we said before the regular season started, and we all know where we stand right now. Let\'s forget this fast and think about Houston. We can be more effective defensively against them I believe, but we really need to get creative and sharpen up on offense, because Capers fields a strong defense. It will be a slow battle IMO and will come down to a field position game. No butter on the ball this week please. Now I\'m going throw up one more time and pass out. I even did the whole voodoo this week. Neighbor came by to console me after. Scared his kids I think. |
This team is lifeless. [Edited on 8/9/2003 by tweeky] |
I\'m going to start by giving props to Gator. Not b/c he apologized to me, but b/c he was big enough to come out and say he was wrong. No one else on this board has done that yet. Besides, Gator was quiet towards the end of the offseason anyway. I\'ve known Gator through this board for a while. Him being quiet means he\'s thinking, or hasn\'t made up his mind. I\'m glad to see that he was big enough to say that he had been mistaken in the past and now has made his own decisions based on what he SAW and not what the COACHING STAFF PROMISED.
Next - TO BILLY - let me say this - if you didn\'t think there was going to be a flood of doomsday talk after that performance... well, welcome to BnG.net during the regular season. I stand by my old predictions. All is not lost, we\'ll be 8-8 or 7-9. This team will win some games. They remain incredibly talented on offense. But like I said, the defense didn\'t get any better this off season. They\'re bad and will stay that way. The offense will pick it up over this week\'s performance, but I don\'t expect last year\'s type of numbers again. Hey man, there are some positives. You\'ve just got to know that there\'s going to be negative talk like that after a game like that. Also, you\'re problem is first you credited the Saints for all the moves in the offseason, when a lot of us questioned. Then you acted like we were insane for questioning. Then you said preseason didn\'t count when they stunk it up, and again attacked us for questioning. Now you\'re going with the \"It\'s just one game\" tagline? OK. Let\'s see how far that gets you. |
WhoDat -- Is this what you\'re looking for? I was so terribly wrong. I have now given up on the Saints. There is no reason to think the offense will outscore anyone. Michael Lewis is a one year wonder. The defense played it\'s best game of the year and it will only get worst from here.
I now bow down to everyone who told me from the begining that the Saints sucked!! I have now jumped off the bandwagon with you guys. If they start winning I will be a MAN and not jump back on the bandwagon if they start winning, as I\'m sure you will do the same. |
I have not read where anyone has said the season is over. I have read alot of people calling the play of the saints they way they saw it. PATHETIC! Billy, I don\'t know what team you have been following in years past but whoever it was their fans obviously had no passion.
No Billy, I\'m not suggesting that you say that... go ahead and continue to be optimistic. Tell us all why the Saints are going to win next week, and continue to do that all the way into the playoffs.
If you read any post I\'ve written I continue to say, don\'t panick, it\'s only one game. However, a lot of my fears and doubts materialized ON THE FIELD WHEN IT COUNTED yesterday. So far, I don\'t think any of your predictions have materialized, have they? But hey, you are right, it\'s only one game. |
The thing is it\'s not just one game. Its several games to end the season last year, it\'s the whole off season, its the whole pre season and finaly the first game of the season. If every thing had been great all along and this first game stood out as something different I would accept the it\'s just one game excuse. This is a mountain of failures that is beginning to pile up higher and higher with every opportunity. I am in no way saying all is doom and the team is without positives, but the problems are too many, and some just keep hainging around and happening over and over.
This team makes way to many mistakes and finds all sorts of ways to lose games. Eveyone in here knows that good teams are the one that don\'t beat themselves. Yet this team last year was one of the most penilized teams in the league, this was apperent in this preseason and was a problem again on Sunday. Key drives and opportunities squandered by mental breakdown and miscommunications, some so bad they resulted in turnovers.Tackling is another huge problem for this team. Again this is not a new issue it has dogged this team through out the span I\'m discussing. Tackling is as fundamental a component of this sport as there is. When a team has consistant trouble with it over several groups of players this says something. This off season was another filled with roster moves and changes, I questioned many of those moves along with many here as well. Many of those moves have shown no real reason to believe they were good moves or will work out. Good productive players are let go and salary cap does not explain all of there dismissals or lack of effort to sign other seemingly more obvious better suited choices. I am speaking in general terms here and not specific players because we have disscussed this so many times it seem s needless to do so. I\'ll be happy to elaborate if necessary. The real point I\'m trying to make is there have been good things done in New Orleans but there is an unavoidable host of problems all indicating there is plenty wrong as well. Patterns tell stories and the tale these patterns are telling is one of a coach and a management who just do\'nt seem to know how to put it all together. One that has skills and understading ,but not enough. The standard is high and unfair often but in this intensly competive environment only success counts. This team still has chances but they have yet to show the are able or should be expected to make the most of those chances. |
I agree with most of that post... let me say this...
I don\'t believe that expecting a team that had the highest scoring offense in the NFC, the leading rusher in the NFC, three very good receiverd, and supposed star in the making at QB, one of the best special teams units (including two pro bowlers), a coach entering his 4th season, and the fifth most money available under the cap to make the playoffs is expecting too much. I stand by my previous comments. This is HASLETT\'S team. He\'s had his chances. It\'s his fourth season - no more excuses. Put up, or it\'s time to look elsewhere. The reality of the situation is that I don\'t think that will happen unless the Saints really implode to the tume of 5-11 or so... which I don\'t think will happen. SO expect to see more of this for years to come. 8-8 or 9-7 and a game or two away... |
[Edited on 9/8/2003 by saint5221] |
Oh, and we beat ourselves, yes, the Seahawks did what they had to do to win the game, and their defense, though didn\'t stop the rush or the pass, was hitting our recievers HARD. Brooks wasn\'t bad, except for the fumbles, his completion percentage was 61% and the interception wasn\'t his fault. And Grant had a motor that wouldn\'t quit, he was in the backfield most of the game. Take away the turnovers and the Saints win this game. And if I never see Horn or Stallworth run another crossing pattern ever again, I\'ll be a happy man. |
I think there\'s a lot of truth in what Gator just said. It all starts with the offensive and defensive lines. Is there any other team out there that has had as much player turnover as the Saints year in and year out?
It\'s kind of hard to build that chemistry when you start over from scratch every year. They let some good players walk for whatever reason and they are going to have to find a way to get these guys on the same page. |
Just a question but, who\'s idea was it to change from a smaller faster defensive line to the heavy lunch bunch to clog up the middle, then decide to change back to a smaller faster defensive line that can close on a play anywhere on the field? Same I guess would work for the offensive line, though I will admit there were problems there that needed to be taken care of.
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