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buda 09-07-2003 07:14 PM

Biggest Problem....
It's not Brooks, or the defense, or the turnovers, penalties, etc. It's simply this: NO DESIRE TO WIN !!!!


1) End of first half, still very much in it at 14-3. We can't get any offense going and punt. Penalty gets them to about their own 40. They don't even try to go downfield, just keep running their O with about 1:15 left. Our defense doesn't even have the balls to make them settle for 3.

2) Middle second half, down 21-3: Offense goes 3 and out (yet again). Brooks runs off the field after failing to find open recivers on two straight plays. Haslett shakes his hand and they yuck it up laughing, etc.

3) Four plus minutes left, down 24-10 (just before the Brooks fumble): we have a chance to score twice if we hurry. Everyone on the offense (except Pathon) is walking to the line and back to the huddle - why are we huddling anyway??

We have no DESIRE !!! What ever happened to Haslett's fire? He lost it late last year and he's useless as a head coach now. All the talent, schemes, and great coaching can't win without pure GUTS. And man we ain't got NONE!!!

What d'ya think?


WhoDat 09-07-2003 07:18 PM

Biggest Problem....
MY biggest problem is that I actually took the time to blow up with infatable Saints chair for that crap... and I got the Archie Jersey out... I think I\'m gonna hurl.

FWtex 09-07-2003 07:22 PM

Biggest Problem....
Need new coaching and have been saying it since last november.

Haz get new contract and loses desire to win. Brooks gets new contract and laughs all the way to bank. Lewis calls off talks and plays not to get hurt this year. donte can\'t catch a pass anymore yet they go to him on every critical play. Hodge sucks ... period.

Where wree those other LB we brought in?

This game should not be blamed on the defense though ... offense has stunk it up and I am tired of seeing blame cast on the defense when the offense sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

roughneck 09-07-2003 07:27 PM

Biggest Problem....
Damn right it wasn\'t the D\'s fault. The Saints\' offense had the ball for 18 freaking minutes in the first half and put up 3 points!!!!

Turnovers KILLED the defense. No one expected them to be great because the offense was going to score so many points.Remember? Abysmal performance by McCarthy and Brooks.


subguy 09-07-2003 07:30 PM

Biggest Problem....
I hope this is not the new trend.............jumping on the Subguy, WhoDat we are just bad fans bandwagon.

saintz08 09-07-2003 08:37 PM

Biggest Problem....
Alright , the hand shake was mentioned .
Now my question is did anyone see Brooks kickng his leggs like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum after he fumbled ???

WhoDat 09-08-2003 06:52 AM

Biggest Problem....
Damn right subguy!!!!

Get off our bandwagon! We got KILLED this preseason when we voiced concerns and doubt... we were labeled \"pessimists\" and \"doubters\" and \"nay sayers\". I was actually toled that I didn\'t have one optimistic bone in my body by Saintfan.

Now look at everyone jumping on this train. If they had won and Subguy and I started talking about how good they looked we\'d get DESTROYED. I want to see some, \"I\'m sorry, I was wrong and overly optimistic\" threads. I have noticed that Saintfan, Billy, and Tweeky have been unusually quiet.

tweeky 09-08-2003 06:58 AM

Biggest Problem....
Dat, once again I have no ammo.
I thought the Defense played about as I expected.

I didn\'t see the Offense\'s struggles coming at all.

This team is lifeless and everyone is to blame, including the great untouchable McCallister.
He was just as lifeless and unispired as anyone, and he\'s starting to piss me off too.

Dammit Deuce, pump your fists, get in somebody\'s face!!!

Can it get any worse? yes, Houston\'s next.

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