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xan 01-08-2010 03:28 PM

Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

What the hell are you doing focusing on this? Isn't there a little more time, say, in late February, when you could spare a few brainwaves for this issue?

The NFL wants a subtle clarification of the property rights laws. This is not something one would see in a defensive secondary or a playbook.

Furthermore, unless you can state what it is exactly that will make the league more or less competitive by NFL challenge, then STAY OUT OF THE DISCUSSION. You failed to do this on both ends.

Jeez. Win baby, just freakin win.

Srgt. Hulka 01-08-2010 04:47 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
This is the kind of crap I've been talking about for the last few weeks. These guys are being way too distracted making commercials, going on Leno and all that other crap. Now this! This kind of junk can't wait three or four more weeks? Can't sombody petition the Supreme Court to delay this court date for a few weeks? Holy cow Drew, this is what you've worked your whole life for.

AsylumGuido 01-08-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
I'm sorry, but I see no problem with this at all. Drew Brees is an intelligent, articulate individual who is quite capable of sitting down and writing a short letter without it affecting his whole mindset. Relax. Many other players would be more distracted trying to order breakfast at McDonald's.

exile 01-08-2010 04:57 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 190355)
I'm sorry, but I see no problem with this at all. Drew Brees is an intelligent, articulate individual who is quite capable of sitting down and writing a short letter without it affecting his whole mindset. Relax. Many other players would be more distracted trying to order breakfast at McDonald's.

:notworthy: Exactly.

saintfan 01-08-2010 05:26 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 190355)
I'm sorry, but I see no problem with this at all. Drew Brees is an intelligent, articulate individual who is quite capable of sitting down and writing a short letter without it affecting his whole mindset. Relax. Many other players would be more distracted trying to order breakfast at McDonald's.

Agreed. What, Drew has ADD and can't focus?

MATHIUS 01-08-2010 05:44 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
sounds like u guys are just getting your excuses in line and ready to unload if incase we fail in the playoffs. settle down. the game is over a week away and we dont even kno who out opponent is yet. geez

saintfan 01-08-2010 05:46 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by MATHIUS (Post 190362)
sounds like u guys are just getting your excuses reading and in line to unload if incase we fail in the playoffs. settle down. the game is over a week away and we dont even kno who out opponent is yet. geez

I blame your avatar for my lack of focus...just so you know. LOL

skymike 01-08-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
Im starting to focus on Zoey now. You know she's really pre.... SLAAAAAAP! nono Baby, I ...well, if you compare her wholesomeness to the girl on Mathius av. with those nice big boo---SLAAAAAAP! nono, I just mean, you know, theyre all hanging ou----POW! I wasnt looking at them, I just saw. . . accidently... (stare) nevermind.

ok, we can go home now.

Count me in the This Is No Problem camp. I think we're under a misconception that players do crunches for 5 hours, then spend another 6 on film study, and then sit in a dark room another 2 "focusing" on the next game. Its not like he's out clubbing, shooting himself in the leg***, & being dubiously close to mysterious stabbings, etc. I mean these guys have a life, and they can multi-task. I think we would be surprised how much time they spend playing Madden, and watching movies. Hebert and Gajan used to fish. Bum rode cutting horses.

I dont even know if I agree with his stance, but he's a good writer. good communicator.

*** I think Plaxico's sentence was complete bull****.

Saintsfan4ever 01-08-2010 08:03 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil* is that good men** do nothing." quote from Edmund Burke.

*Evil > tyranny > aka Supreme Court.
** Good men > Leader > aka Drew Brees.

I'm OK with Brees exercising his God given ability as a leader on this matter. If this is how he chooses to spend his down-time then he has my blessing. Now if the Supreme Court summons him to come give a deposition on the matter during the playoffs... then I take issue. But basically all Drew did here was submit an op-ed piece to the Washington Post, and it probably took him less time to write it than it did for me to write this post.

But I'm OK too with Xan bringing this up for discussion because he's a concerned Whodat!

SAINT_MICHAEL 01-08-2010 08:58 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
My thought on this is....Mathius should bring back his previous Avatar. Otherwise, this article should have no affect on the game at all. If anything it was something that was probably on Drew's mind, so getting it off his chest helped. It directly impacts his "workplace", so he has the right.

xan 01-08-2010 10:51 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
How many chances does either Drew Brees or the Saints for a Super Bowl appearance over their lifetimes? Two years in the wilderness doesn't seem like enough time to ponder the difference between the total commitment of a winner and someone who's along for the ride.

If it doesn't have to do with running, throwing catching, blocking or tackling, it shouldn't be on their plate until February 10. The "court of public opinion" rarely has sway over our appellate judicial system, so either Mr. Brees is selectively stupid or he's purposely being misled to care about something over which he has no power. Either way, if we lose, I'm blaming him. (unless our defense decides to imitate a pasta sieve)

WVSaint 01-08-2010 10:56 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
I think drew is the last one we need to worry about when it comes to concentrating and putting in extra work.

as far as the interviews and commercials go, this team is small market and anything to bring attention to us or help the franchises appeal isnt a bad thing.

strato 01-08-2010 11:00 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by WVSaint (Post 190402)
I think drew is the last one we need to worry about when it comes to concentrating and putting in extra work.

as far as the interviews and commercials go, this team is small market and anything to bring attention to us or help the franchises appeal isnt a bad thing.

I agree

AsylumGuido 01-09-2010 07:38 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 190401)
How many chances does either Drew Brees or the Saints for a Super Bowl appearance over their lifetimes? Two years in the wilderness doesn't seem like enough time to ponder the difference between the total commitment of a winner and someone who's along for the ride.

If it doesn't have to do with running, throwing catching, blocking or tackling, it shouldn't be on their plate until February 10. The "court of public opinion" rarely has sway over our appellate judicial system, so either Mr. Brees is selectively stupid or he's purposely being misled to care about something over which he has no power. Either way, if we lose, I'm blaming him. (unless our defense decides to imitate a pasta sieve)

Personally, if we lose I am going to blame you, because you have every bit as much of a material affect on the outcome of a game as does the penning of a short letter. It will be entirely upon your shoulders if our beloved Saints fail to advance. You will have single-handedly sabotaged the season and sent millions of Saints fans into deep state of depression. Yes, you, Xan, will be the one to blame.

(unless our defense decides to imitate a pasta sieve)

UK_WhoDat 01-09-2010 02:11 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 190355)
I'm sorry, but I see no problem with this at all. Drew Brees is an intelligent, articulate individual who is quite capable of sitting down and writing a short letter without it affecting his whole mindset. Relax. .....

:itsgood: Besides, he is not a robot. If that is what is on his mind, then clear it out. And he has done that in a very reasonable letter IMO. Now he can concentrate more on the matter at hand.

BTW, did you notice the 80 yard TD pass in the letter. Premonition or what?

MorningWood 01-09-2010 04:05 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
I do have to admit I have had similar thoughts as it seems like every time you turn around you hear of players out doing autograph signings, radio/TV interviews, speaking to "at risk" students, helping the poor, etc.

However, I don't see a problem with this. In fact, it would not surprise me in the least to learn that the letter was actually ghost written by someone else. It's not that I don't think that Drew is capable, but it would make sense for him work with someone on this -- perhaps someone who works on his agent's staff.

Ghostwriting happens all the time. In fact, I have someone else draft most of my posts on here.

SAINT_MICHAEL 01-09-2010 04:30 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
There have been plenty of cases where teams have won championships and not been focusing or obsessing about their game 24/7 beforehand. I seriously doubt Roethlisberger spent every single moment before the superbowl last year or before the first one he won. Drew doing thi is no different than a player taking time to play xbox, walk the dog, play with the kids, or take a crap. The idea that this takes away from his focus on the Saint's first playoff game is laughable.

DrewDat 01-09-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
I think he can do whatever he wants given the time until our next game

SaintPauly 01-09-2010 07:23 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
Its like studying for a test to me. You spend a couple of hours a day, reading the material, and
go over it again the day before. With basically three weeks to rest, that's a lot of study time.
You don't want to lose sleep cramming urself until the game. Then all u will do is second guess
yourself the entire game, and make mistakes.

As long as these guys don't get arrested, I don't really care what they do between now and the game.
Be ready to knock some heads next sunday though. Drew is a warrior/poet. He'll be fine.

Also, we don't even know who we are playing yet. Kind of hard to prepare for that right?

Rugby Saint II 01-09-2010 09:23 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
The coach gave him time off to get himself ready. Purge the bad keep the good.

QBREES9 01-10-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 190355)
I'm sorry, but I see no problem with this at all. Drew Brees is an intelligent, articulate individual who is quite capable of sitting down and writing a short letter without it affecting his whole mindset. Relax. Many other players would be more distracted trying to order breakfast at McDonald's.

I No problem with this. The minute it was over Drew was think about football.

Tobias-Reiper 01-10-2010 12:40 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 190351)

What the hell are you doing focusing on this? Isn't there a little more time, say, in late February, when you could spare a few brainwaves for this issue?

The NFL wants a subtle clarification of the property rights laws. This is not something one would see in a defensive secondary or a playbook.

Furthermore, unless you can state what it is exactly that will make the league more or less competitive by NFL challenge, then STAY OUT OF THE DISCUSSION. You failed to do this on both ends.

Jeez. Win baby, just freakin win.

You obviously don't know that Drew Brees is part of the NFLPA Executive Committee, nor understand the ramifications of the single-entity ruling the NFL is seeking, or the impact it will have not only on the players' pockets, but the pockets of fans as well.

skymike 01-11-2010 05:40 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
This is Skymike's Ghost Writer. (Im invisible. wooo eeee oooo.... Look, this pencil just lifted itself... wooo eeee oooo. )

Skymike says to tell you he'd rather Drew Brees write Amicus briefs than play in the damn Pro Bowl.

bobad 01-11-2010 08:24 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 190354)
This is the kind of crap I've been talking about for the last few weeks. These guys are being way too distracted making commercials, going on Leno and all that other crap. Now this! This kind of junk can't wait three or four more weeks? Can't sombody petition the Supreme Court to delay this court date for a few weeks? Holy cow Drew, this is what you've worked your whole life for.

All Drew did was sign an editorial written by lawyers. It's not like it took
hours away from his practice time. But you're right, I don't like distractions,
even small ones.

MATHIUS 01-11-2010 08:35 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
[QUOTE=SAINT_MICHAEL;190386]My thought on this is....Mathius should bring back his previous Avatar. QUOTE]

its done! for u SAINT_MICHAEL

xan 01-11-2010 08:51 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
Yes, I did know, and, no, I don't care. That litigation has been out of the hands of the NFLPA for some time now. Amicus briefs are not his responsibility nor is it his skill set. Shut up and win. Then and only then will he be given a pass on crap like this. You never saw Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, or any successful QB in football go off the reservation when it's the back nine of the Masters, the last quarter of the Finals or at any time during the playoffs. Take care of business.

AsylumGuido 01-11-2010 09:03 AM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 190883)
Yes, I did know, and, no, I don't care. That litigation has been out of the hands of the NFLPA for some time now. Amicus briefs are not his responsibility nor is it his skill set. Shut up and win. Then and only then will he be given a pass on crap like this. You never saw Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, or any successful QB in football go off the reservation when it's the back nine of the Masters, the last quarter of the Finals or at any time during the playoffs. Take care of business.

In 1993 Michael Jordan spends the night before the May 26 playoff game gambling in Atlantic City casino.

And I wouldn't even venture to guess how many times Tiger enjoyed one of his many trysts on the Saturday night prior to a final round.

You are way off base here.

Tobias-Reiper 01-11-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 190883)
Yes, I did know, and, no, I don't care. That litigation has been out of the hands of the NFLPA for some time now. Amicus briefs are not his responsibility nor is it his skill set. Shut up and win. Then and only then will he be given a pass on crap like this. You never saw Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, or any successful QB in football go off the reservation when it's the back nine of the Masters, the last quarter of the Finals or at any time during the playoffs. Take care of business.

.. obviously you never heard of Joe Namath, or Ken Stabler, or Terry Bradshaw, or Jim McMahon, or MJ going to Atlantic City to gamble during playoffs, etc etc etc.

The litigation is not out of the hands of anyone until the ruling is made (and even after that, the decision can be appealed). Drew Brees has a responsibility as a member of the NFLPA Executive Committee to lobby for the players' and the players union cause.

As important as the Saints winning a championship is to you, I am sure that the future of his family and his career is of more importance to Brees. This decision will directly affect his paycheck, benefits, etc.

Who are you to give or not give a pass to anyone, much less Drew Brees?

If there's someone who should shut up, it's you.

xan 01-11-2010 12:31 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?
If Brees had a ring, you'd have a point. He doesn't, you don't.

Clearly, 43 years of watching Saints players eyeing something other than the prize hasn't affected you.

Take a page from Ray Lewis yesterday. All he did was study film and prepare. He didn't commit manslaughter, or go to a casino, he didn't slut around, and he didn't try to use big words in a pointless PR campaign. He won. And he's won before. Brees hasn't. Jordan already had 2 rings prior to going to a casino. Woods had already won 10 majors before his father/babysitter died. And how bout that Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? always doing stupid stuff instead of preparing.

How many times has the Saints been in this situation? NONE.

Lombardi didn't say "Go off on tangents, let's meet up somewhere down the line." He said,"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

Shut up and win.

Safe at home.

Tobias-Reiper 01-11-2010 02:27 PM

Re: Where is your mind, Drew Brees?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 190976)
If Brees had a ring, you'd have a point. He doesn't, you don't.

Clearly, 43 years of watching Saints players eyeing something other than the prize hasn't affected you.

Take a page from Ray Lewis yesterday. All he did was study film and prepare. He didn't commit manslaughter, or go to a casino, he didn't slut around, and he didn't try to use big words in a pointless PR campaign. He won. And he's won before. Brees hasn't. . Woods had already won 10 majors before his father/babysitter died. And how bout that Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? always doing stupid stuff instead of preparing.

How many times has the Saints been in this situation? NONE.

Lombardi didn't say "Go off on tangents, let's meet up somewhere down the line." He said,"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

Shut up and win.

Safe at home.

Now THAT is just nonsense.

You have absolutely NO IDEA what Ray Lewis did this week. NONE. ZERO.

You have NO IDEA what MJ did or didn't do prior to winning a ring. "Jordan already had 2 rings prior to going to a casino".. please, child...

You have NO IDEA what all of the people you mentioned did or didn't at any time before winning anything OTHER THAN WHAT IS/WAS REPORTED.

.. not only that, you are talking about a letter that probably took a person of Brees' education 30 minutes, if not less, to write.

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