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dynamite-joe 01-19-2010 04:01 AM

Noise levels this weekend
I am sure by now some of you have read about noise levels and what we can do to bring this up. There are numerous threads going around on other message boards as well as facebook etc etc. Some of you may think this is stupid, cheesy, etc.... I personally do not care about being called out here. I feel that it is my reponsibility to be the loudest fan I can be. Here are the ideas that are being passed around. Number 1 the thing I already do at every game is I buy a souvenir cup before the game, drink it and then use the cup as a megaphone. Just scream into the cup and you automatically become the loudest person in your section. Imagine if everyone did this....

Number 2. This was an idea from someone else. Buy a drink { beer, coke etc..} drink it then drop pennies into the bottle and shake it violently back and fourth as you scream your lungs out. I personally have not tried this method out but no doubt believe it will make lots of noise. My method of choice will be the megaphone cup idea. I'd encourage you to drop your fan morals as this is the last game we can help send our boys to the Super Bowl. This is it. This is why you have been a fan since you were born. This is why we go to bed at night and dream about this game. Forget about looking stupid, or feeling funny. You will look and feel worse if we lose. We ask our players to do whatever it takes to win. Now it's our turn. Let's make the loudest stadium in the world even louder { btw the big talk is that the dome in minnesota is louder than ours }

You can do whatever you feel. You can sit on your hands, or you can make noise.Just remember, this is it...

breesfan27 01-19-2010 04:05 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Great post Dynamite Joe! I won't be at the Dome this weekend, unfortunetly, but I will be cheering my ass off up here in S. Dakota, supporting my boys!


hagan714 01-19-2010 07:20 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
fans will be key. we will need to be louder than ever before.

savoyk 01-19-2010 07:27 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by dynamite-joe (Post 194147)
I am sure by now some of you have read about noise levels and what we can do to bring this up. There are numerous threads going around on other message boards as well as facebook etc etc. Some of you may think this is stupid, cheesy, etc.... I personally do not care about being called out here. I feel that it is my reponsibility to be the loudest fan I can be. Here are the ideas that are being passed around. Number 1 the thing I already do at every game is I buy a souvenir cup before the game, drink it and then use the cup as a megaphone. Just scream into the cup and you automatically become the loudest person in your section. Imagine if everyone did this....

Number 2. This was an idea from someone else. Buy a drink { beer, coke etc..} drink it then drop pennies into the bottle and shake it violently back and fourth as you scream your lungs out. I personally have not tried this method out but no doubt believe it will make lots of noise. My method of choice will be the megaphone cup idea. I'd encourage you to drop your fan morals as this is the last game we can help send our boys to the Super Bowl. This is it. This is why you have been a fan since you were born. This is why we go to bed at night and dream about this game. Forget about looking stupid, or feeling funny. You will look and feel worse if we lose. We ask our players to do whatever it takes to win. Now it's our turn. Let's make the loudest stadium in the world even louder { btw the big talk is that the dome in minnesota is louder than ours }

You can do whatever you feel. You can sit on your hands, or you can make noise.Just remember, this is it...


Budsdrinker 01-19-2010 08:55 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I'm chewing on the Halls cough drops as we speak trying to regain my voice. Even have a box of green tea at work I'm drinking although it works better at home with a shot of Crown in it.

foreverfan 01-19-2010 08:59 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
If the decimial level goes above 140 it will pop ear drums. 70,000 shaking pennies and screaming? WOW.

I'm glad I will be in front a TV.

MATHIUS 01-19-2010 09:08 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
i couldnt have said it better myself dynamite-joe. i never even thought of the cup/megaphone or pennies in a bottle idea. ill be shaking my first empty bottle of bud light around all game now. this IS it you guys. ALL OR NOTHING! THE TIME HAS COME!

MATHIUS 01-19-2010 09:11 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
man im so freakin pumped up right now!

saintsfan1976 01-19-2010 09:11 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
People next to us on Saturday were shaking COWBELLS!!??

fhotard 01-19-2010 09:12 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Good ideas!

After not making any games for a few years, I went to the Carolina at N.O. game this year... couldn't talk for 3 days afterward.

I imagine I may not be able to speak all week after this game!

Srgt. Hulka 01-19-2010 09:27 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I wish I was going to be there. My wife says we cant afford to buy tickets. ***** whooped, I know...

FireVenturi 01-19-2010 10:14 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Did anyone report on what the db level was this past week?

MorningWood 01-19-2010 10:31 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by FireVenturi (Post 194248)
Did anyone report on what the db level was this past week?

I heard 113db at one point.

FireVenturi 01-19-2010 10:35 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by MorningWood (Post 194266)
I heard 113db at one point.

Thats weak, you dont get ear tissue damage until over 140db I think. I guess we all gonna have to step our game up!

MATHIUS 01-19-2010 10:37 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
i wish they would show the db monitor on the big screen. give everyone more reason to see exactly how high we can get it.

UK_WhoDat 01-19-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

homerj07 01-19-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
SHAKE IT UP BABY now - twist & SHOUT!!!!!!

I live in FLorida. I want to hear you guys from there!!

Srgt. Hulka 01-19-2010 11:08 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I wasn't at the game, but watching it on television there were times when I could not even hear the the officials on the field make a penalty call. All I heard was the sceaming fans. I don't think I've ever heard it so loud that I couldn't hear the officials. Now this weekend I want to hear it so loud that we can't even hear Troy Aikman and Joe Buck's playcalling. That's my challenge to you guys (and gals) going to the game.

UK_WhoDat 01-19-2010 11:19 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by FireVenturi (Post 194269)
Thats weak, you dont get ear tissue damage until over 140db I think. I guess we all gonna have to step our game up!

Jet Engine 140
Thunderclap, Air Raid Siren 1 Meter 130
Jet takeoff (200 ft) 120
Rock Concert, Discotheque 110

BTW - Aim your noise at the game - not at each other! :rolleyes:

JoanieNTX 01-19-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
First, let me say this: Ugh, we get Joe Buck and Aikman again? Bummer!!!! Ok, second, I was at the game Saturday, and I am hoarse as can be even now! Got so warm in there from yelling and screaming, and then out in the cool again at the hotel trying to get checked in....I came home running 102*!!! But it was worth it! Wish I could be there this weekend! Someone please put some of those coins in a bottle and take up my slack, ok? We unfortunate folks that are having to watch from home are gonna be rooting for the crowd, too!

Srgt. Hulka 01-19-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Amen Jonie...rooting on the TWELFTH MAN!!!! WHO-DAT!!!!!!!!!!

MATHIUS 01-19-2010 02:59 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
on 870am a lil earlier, they were warning fans NOT to put coins inside bottles or use any other kinda of artificial noise in the super dome, so our saints dont get penalized or u may get it takin away. what a bummer. i was reallly gonna try the coin in bottle trick this week

Saintsfan4ever 01-19-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by MATHIUS (Post 194423)
on 870am a lil earlier, they were warning fans NOT to put coins inside bottles or use any other kinda of artificial noise in the super dome, so our saints dont get penalized or u may get it takin away. what a bummer. i was reallly gonna try the coin in bottle trick this week

This is correct. Apparently the NFL got word that Saints fans were being prompted to bring bottle caps and coins to make noise with drink bottles in the dome. They are now trying to get the word out to warn fans that we could get penalized on the field for creating artificial noise.

Here's a suggestion. Try passing the word for people to yell as loud as they can at the highest pitch they can. As a musician I can tell you that just by increasing the pitch of your voice when you scream you can double the effect. If you've ever played with an Equalizer then you know that the lower frequencies can really shape the tone, but its those mid-range and higher frequencies that can really agitate your hearing if pushed.
So, for you guys with really deep voices, try using a chip bag clip. That should help get you up there at least a half octave higher with minimal damage.

JoanieNTX 01-19-2010 03:39 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
They always find a way to spoil our fun, don't they. :( In that case, tune up those vocal chords, game goers! Someone has to take up my slack this time!

breesfan27 01-19-2010 04:53 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I wanna hear y'all screaming and making noise all the way up here in SoDak!

Make me proud, Who Dats!

MN_Pack_Fan 01-19-2010 04:55 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by MATHIUS (Post 194423)
on 870am a lil earlier, they were warning fans NOT to put coins inside bottles or use any other kinda of artificial noise in the super dome, so our saints dont get penalized or u may get it takin away. what a bummer. i was reallly gonna try the coin in bottle trick this week

Got to prevent any advantage the Saints may have so their super hero gets to his Super Bowl. What a load of garbage. The Vikings have been pumping in crowd noise for decades.

dynamite-joe 01-19-2010 08:40 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
good i see some of you have already corrected me on my penny trick. Well let me tell you that the souveneir cup trick does work. It cost 5$ for a cup, and hell surely you will be thirsty. Gulp it down, throw the ice away and scream into it. I usually try and put the cup under my chin and angle it towards the field. Sounds stupid but it works. I can automatically tell I am louder than anyone around me. It shouldn't be hard to get people pumped.. I mean this is why we are Saints fans. We live and die for this s#*t!!!!!!!! WHO DAT!!

SaintPauly 01-19-2010 09:45 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I also noticed that people were hitting the side of the dome again! God I love that. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! I could hear it through the television speakers at the bar, it was awesome. So someone needs to bring a gong hammer, and really go to town.

boonedocksaint 01-19-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 194197)
I'm chewing on the Halls cough drops as we speak trying to regain my voice. Even have a box of green tea at work I'm drinking although it works better at home with a shot of Crown in it.

i'm right there w/ you bud! i was at the game and lost my voice sometime later on that night. i was screaming, hootin', and hollering like crazy at the game and i never stopped until i got all the way down bourbon street to lafittes blacksmith bar (after like stopping for drinks 30 times). by the time i got to lafittes, my voice had had it! its now early wednesday morning and i STILL dont have my voice all the way back.

of course, i did have fever last night...:( friggin' crappy weather! but, you know its worth it!!!!!! now i just need a hottie-tottie!

for those of you who say it wasn't loud, which game were you watching!? it was deafening up 644!

SAINT_MICHAEL 01-20-2010 12:13 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
It sucks out here in Northern California. Since all the local teams suck they act like football is over and have moved onto baseball. Hardly much playoff talk at all. I have the NFL package so have watched all the games, but I sure wish I was back in Louisiana feeling the local excitement with other Saints fans! Go crazy down there my friends. Drink some hurricanes and yell your heads off for all us who wish we could be there.

SaintPauly 01-20-2010 12:18 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Where in NorCal are you Michael?

SAINT_MICHAEL 01-20-2010 12:30 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Richmond....da hood! LOL

SaintPauly 01-20-2010 12:37 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Oh yeah, that's just north of San Pablo right? I was going to buy a house there once upon a time. I live in Santa Rosa. I will tell you though, if you are looking for a great place to watch Saints games, and you can get there, I hear that the Voodoo Lounge, on Lombard, and Van Ness,in San Francisco, is supposed to be the spot.

SAINT_MICHAEL 01-20-2010 12:54 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Yep, that's Richmond. Thanks for the tip! I've been to the voodoo for drinks, but not for games. Hope you are doing well with all this rain.

SaintPauly 01-20-2010 01:02 AM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Building my ark as we speak.... :) The stream outside my apartment has turned into white water rafting.

SaintFanQ 01-20-2010 03:13 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
I used to go to support a local team from where I come from and one of the best, noises to make was an ear shattering whistle I had perfected. Its the one where you put two fingers from each hand into your mouth and roll your tongue slightly back and then blast the air out of your mouth. Other fans around me had to cover their ears because they said it made their ears hurt and I know its good for putting the opposing offence off. Try it and once you hit that right note, you will see what I mean!!!! I don't live in the USA so I can't be at the game, but all you guys that are going, enjoy it and lift the roof off of the Dome!!!!

GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dynamite-joe 01-22-2010 11:12 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
bump! don't forget about the cup idea!!!!!! it's not illegal so buy the cups and let's blast the queens back home.

QBREES9 01-22-2010 11:43 PM

Re: Noise levels this weekend
Turn it up to 11.

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